Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

Debbie @ Hermit Deb


posted at 9:30 pm
on May. 31, 2004


eWEEK’s Scot Petersen writes about blogs and shows why editors are still important

Actually, I didn't read all the way to the end -- I chose to poke my own eyes out first

posted at 8:43 pm
on May. 31, 2004



It's me.

posted at 6:26 pm
on May. 31, 2004


A perfectly aligned Manhattan sunset

I missed May 28, but maybe I'll see July 12

posted at 6:30 pm
on May. 30, 2004


The Friendster Experiment :: AO

$1200 from 1.4 millions friends -- not that great.

posted at 5:45 pm
on May. 30, 2004


The Aesthetic covers Los Angeles’ South Bay

Like a reporter, not like a blanket

posted at 3:49 pm
on May. 30, 2004


Periodic Table of Perl 6 Operators

A useful geek joke

posted at 12:33 pm
on May. 30, 2004


Watching this NY City bike drag race made my teeth hurt

Direct link to a video

posted at 12:26 pm
on May. 30, 2004


Should I add Purple to this site?

Let me know

posted at 3:29 am
on May. 30, 2004


Circadian Shift has a fun little game—flip Xs in as few clicks as possible

It took me me just one click -- I clicked View-Source and hacked the source. 😊

posted at 3:21 am
on May. 30, 2004


photojunkie takes good photos of sparking fireworks

I look forward to seeing his/her work on Canada Day (July 1)

posted at 3:01 am
on May. 30, 2004


An oh-so-useful Blog Software Breakdown

Or you could pay $15,000 for Accenture to provide you the same information in a nice three-ring binder.

posted at 1:10 am
on May. 30, 2004



Who, What, When and Where

posted at 2:22 pm
on May. 29, 2004


Intelliseek’s BlogPulse: Who and What bloggers are talking about

It seems about split between Iraq and Jessica Simpson

posted at 2:19 pm
on May. 28, 2004


Obsessive-Compulsive Map of The Simpson’s Springfield

Thank god for college students, eh?

posted at 2:14 pm
on May. 28, 2004


ACM Queue tells us how to build a search engine from scratch

And doesn't even ask for a piece of the IPO!

posted at 1:49 pm
on May. 28, 2004


A LEGO robot that can solve the Rubik’s Cube

I hate it when my own toys are smarter than me.

posted at 12:46 pm
on May. 28, 2004


Crash Testing: MINI Cooper (good) vs Ford F150 (well, look at the photo)

Come on, traditional media, if you want to know why people are frustrated with you -- how hard is it to run these two photos? Compare some of the typical (and now hard to find) coverage this report received from media outlets.

posted at 12:40 pm
on May. 28, 2004


Email vs. RSS: The Chart

By someone who likes RSS, but is realistic about both media

posted at 12:32 pm
on May. 28, 2004


Dispatch: Here and There by Benedicte Kurzen - The Digital Journalist

In Iraq without assignment, doing photography.

posted at 7:51 pm
on May. 27, 2004


The 1991 Gulf War - Conflict and War - CBC Archives

It's so interesting to compare Iraq War I and Iraq War II

posted at 6:37 pm
on May. 27, 2004


When Jesus meets PowerPoint: BeamIt2

"The software for utilizing your computer projector for praise and worship" instead of for Godless blogging, I suppose

posted at 5:57 pm
on May. 27, 2004


David @ Mammoth Undertaking


posted at 3:50 pm
on May. 27, 2004


What Badgers Eat

An old spinoff Web site from The Simpsons

posted at 1:25 pm
on May. 27, 2004


Dan Heller’s Tutorial Series: Extended Exposure Photography

Makes me want to stop surfing and start snapping

posted at 12:30 pm
on May. 27, 2004


Metric Prefixes - from yotta to yocto

Because I was wondering what to invest in after nanotechnology flames out. Answer: picotechnology.

posted at 6:26 pm
on May. 26, 2004


Joshua Fouts @ USC


posted at 4:14 pm
on May. 26, 2004


Franklin Avenue discusses Magnolia’s fine, fine, super-fine cupcakes

They're an obsession around this house.

posted at 2:24 am
on May. 25, 2004


Encyclopedia of Sex :: It’s an honors project for an English major

Mom, please don't click on this link.

posted at 4:43 pm
on May. 21, 2004


Bad Neighbour

Thank you Dave Barry's Blog for pointing this out.

posted at 5:11 pm
on May. 20, 2004


Jon Stewart’s commencement address to William and Mary

Very funny speech.

posted at 1:11 pm
on May. 20, 2004


On Lisa Rein’s Radar sez: “Great Video Tutorials On Video/Animation/Graphics Software

Just passing on the recommendation.

posted at 2:12 am
on May. 20, 2004


The Door in the Wall by H.G. Wells

Short story, well worth a read.

posted at 1:54 am
on May. 20, 2004


The hands of a 102-year-old woman

It's quite the picture, taken by an undertaker.

posted at 1:13 am
on May. 20, 2004


NSFW: John Kerry’s daughter, Alexandra, on the red carpet at Cannes


posted at 1:12 am
on May. 20, 2004


Handy list of bad words to block from online forums

This link rated NC-17

posted at 3:51 pm
on May. 19, 2004


Bulk Rename Utility

For Windows, unfortunately, because it really works well

posted at 3:48 pm
on May. 19, 2004


Interesting , Funny Headlines from John Bremner

My favorite: "President Eats Turkey, Lays a Cornerstone"

posted at 2:28 pm
on May. 19, 2004


The John Bremner copy editing test

How well can you do on it?

posted at 2:25 pm
on May. 19, 2004


Wi-Fi debuts on transatlantic flight

Of course, they weren't allowed to turn their laptops on "because they can interfere with the operation of the aircraft" -- but the wi-fi network was there, uh-huh.

posted at 2:21 pm
on May. 19, 2004


Boing Boing: SMSes recovered from SIM in murder trial

Mine is full of messages that say "Just call me!"

posted at 2:11 pm
on May. 19, 2004


Networking Without the Wine and Cheese (

A great article about LinkedIn.

posted at 2:10 pm
on May. 19, 2004


Why People Basically Flipped Out About the MT 3.0 Pricing Scheme

Clay Shirky writes about rationality and envy

posted at 11:44 pm
on May. 18, 2004


One Block Radius: A Documentation in Flash

As fascinating a look at a place that's not your own block as you can possibly get

posted at 11:40 pm
on May. 18, 2004


A French blogger arrested by the local police because of his blogging

You can't blog City Hall criticism, I guess

posted at 10:36 am
on May. 16, 2004


I Don’t Normally link to Cheesecake pictures, but….

...Reed & Company model Web site has a very nice user interface (I only surf it for the UI, really!)

posted at 5:51 pm
on May. 14, 2004


Finding the Speed of Light with Marshmellows

I tried it and it didn't work. But it was tasty.

posted at 4:17 pm
on May. 14, 2004


MSNBC’s Interview with Madeleine L’Engle

She wrote "A Wrinkle in Time," which my Grade 4 class read out loud over several weeks.

posted at 9:28 pm
on May. 13, 2004


Trav’s favorite food: smoked meats

Some of you share my preoccupation, I know.

posted at 9:11 pm
on May. 13, 2004


Canadian Authorities put TNT into Man’s Luggage

What are the odds of there being TWO bombs on a plane? they argue. (good, funny discussion on Dave Barry's Blog)

posted at 9:04 pm
on May. 13, 2004


Corpse Cupboard: The Last Seat to Fill on a SouthWest Flight

Nice that they plan ahead, though.

posted at 8:58 pm
on May. 13, 2004


The Shining in 30 seconds with bunnies.

It's, um, well, it's, "The Shining" in 30 seconds with bunnies. Like I said.

posted at 3:00 am
on May. 13, 2004


Famous Fonts—Free fonts from ads, movies, tv shows and more

Fight "Friends" withdrawl by redoing your resume with *that* font

posted at 1:10 am
on May. 13, 2004


It’s Lending Tree, but for Designers: They compete for your business

Don't confuse them with that company that launched girbils from a cannon.

posted at 4:30 pm
on May. 12, 2004


Beetlebrow Pollserver:: Polls with no programming

Handy? Yes. Free? Kinda.

posted at 12:30 pm
on May. 12, 2004


A British reporter is detained, deported from LAX

I am so embarrassed by this country. It's appalling.

posted at 1:11 am
on May. 12, 2004


mezzoblue ?  A Roadmap to Standards

Includes a reference to Vogon poetry: sweet!

posted at 12:51 am
on May. 12, 2004


How an Officer Went Undercover in Kalispel High School

An interesting followup article on an 11-student drug bust

posted at 11:55 pm
on May. 11, 2004


Andy Kaufman—Dead or Alive?


posted at 3:05 am
on May. 10, 2004


The 1990s: The Age of Kozmo

Ghost Sites ruminates on Kosmo's enduring popularity

posted at 7:21 pm
on May. 9, 2004


Burningbird tells us about Making the Move from Movable Type to Wordpress

But warns that it's still a "hands under the hood" new produt

posted at 6:56 pm
on May. 9, 2004


The Secret Urban Potomac Gorge

This interesting article could win an award for worst headline ever

posted at 5:22 pm
on May. 9, 2004


HTML Editor extensions for MovableType

Like sugar for geek ants

posted at 11:02 pm
on May. 1, 2004

Permalink wants you to vote Bush out because he cleaned his glasses on a TV producer’s shirt

By tomorrow, I'm sure it will become a call for impeachment

posted at 10:44 pm
on May. 1, 2004

Permalink takes a detour—shuts down for a month

Too bad, because I stumbled upon it the day after it stopped.

posted at 10:26 pm
on May. 1, 2004


You really only get across one point per business meeting

ps The solution is not more meetings

posted at 10:17 pm
on May. 1, 2004


To counteract water evaporation in reservoirs, one idea is to basically seran-wrap the lake

From The New York Times: Drought Settles In, Lake Shrinks and West's Worries Grow

posted at 7:08 pm
on May. 1, 2004

Permalink - ‘Donnie Darko’ to be re-released - Apr 21, 2004

My sister's going to be thrilled

posted at 2:09 pm
on May. 1, 2004


Clive Barker’s bloody book signing (from Blue’s News)

On the other hand, journalists are sometimes asked to sign things in their own blood by unhappy sources

posted at 1:59 pm
on May. 1, 2004


CNEWS - Canada: Ottawa pot not worth smoking, say users

Also, government donuts and pizza are not nearly fatty enough, they say

posted at 1:44 pm
on May. 1, 2004


DEA Agent Shoots Self During Gun Safety Class

Lesson learned

posted at 1:37 pm
on May. 1, 2004


How college editorial board differ from professional editorial boards

Namely, they admit to sitting around and drinking all day long.

posted at 1:30 pm
on May. 1, 2004


Man Torches Own Home in Divorce Case

Possible, and I'm only speculating here, alcohol was involved

posted at 1:28 pm
on May. 1, 2004


The Japan Hierarchy: A flow chart of coolness

The rest of the blog is cool, too.

posted at 1:18 pm
on May. 1, 2004


Can Corporations and Blogging Co-exist? An analysis of’s blog

Or will blogs rise up and destroy all other forms of communication, commerce and government?

posted at 12:25 pm
on May. 1, 2004


Can Predixis MusicMagic Mixer make the perfect driving mix automatically?

Possibly, if I had a Windows computer.

posted at 3:05 am
on May. 1, 2004


NSN: The Naked Shopping

That's one way to get both men and women interested

posted at 2:24 am
on May. 1, 2004



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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