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T-Shirt Circumcision - the Ed Hardy way (video)

Little nip, little tuck.

posted at 5:36 pm
on Dec. 30, 2008


Holiday car: Christmas lights galore


posted at 3:42 pm
on Dec. 30, 2008


The Man Who Said No to Wal-Mart

The Snapper lawnmower story.

posted at 9:34 am
on Dec. 30, 2008


Spirituality Spot Found in Brain - Yahoo! News

See earlier posting re: Sex chip in brain.

posted at 5:28 pm
on Dec. 29, 2008


‘Sex chip’ being developed by scientists - Telegraph

Has *anyone* read The Terminal Man? Anyone? Really, people.

posted at 5:24 pm
on Dec. 29, 2008


Decide where to eat in Gastown for lunch easily!

Yum! (Single serving page)

posted at 11:52 am
on Dec. 29, 2008


Should I use tables for Web page layout?

No. (But I do sometimes.)

posted at 9:15 pm
on Dec. 28, 2008


Sean Orr protects homeless man from beating, receives same

Merry Christmas, Sean.

posted at 2:46 pm
on Dec. 28, 2008


Vancouver Transit: TransLink API

If you know JSON, you're in heaven.

posted at 12:47 am
on Dec. 28, 2008


The Lament of the Hardcore Wii owner, on

I feel this way, too. Where are the latest good Wii games?

posted at 12:26 am
on Dec. 28, 2008


How to Cook Bacon “the right way”

Yeah, it's pretentious. sigh.

posted at 7:02 pm
on Dec. 26, 2008


Winter wonderland Performed by 21 different famous singers

Frank Sinatra Elvis Presley William Hung The Partridge Family Willie Nelson Macy Gray The Andrews Sisters Stryper Dean Martin Manhattan Transfer Barney Neil Diamond Barry Manilow James Taylor Clay Aiken Jewel Johnny Mathis Brian Setzer Eurythmics Tony Bennett and last but not least... Mr. Ringo Starr

posted at 2:16 pm
on Dec. 24, 2008


is there anything 13-year-old asian girls can’t do awesomely? (Like drum?)

Yeah, she does it old school, and she's probably not even in a new school yet.

posted at 1:07 pm
on Dec. 24, 2008


Snow-mageddon follow-up: 117,000 mentions now

The word, like the snow itself, just keeps on growing!

posted at 12:45 pm
on Dec. 24, 2008


Snow buries parts of Northwestern Montana: 18-24 inches in some places

It's a winter monsoon.

posted at 11:37 am
on Dec. 24, 2008


Rubber duckies used to track glacier melting

Rubber duckie, you're the one--If only we could find you in the Arctic ice, says NASA

posted at 4:21 pm
on Dec. 23, 2008


Photos: What Does 200 Calories Look Like?

Looks like someone stole half that Snickers bar.

posted at 10:35 pm
on Dec. 22, 2008


Web 2.0 Is Made of Humans: An Essay on Authenticity in Web Sites

The note about the Flickr logo (Flickr Loves You) is particularly true.

posted at 12:46 pm
on Dec. 22, 2008


A client can have their project _____: ? A graph I like.

Graphjam is awesome.

posted at 9:56 am
on Dec. 22, 2008


Apple’s iPhone App Store Rejects a Book for Having the ‘F’ Word in It

Funkin' ridiculous.

posted at 9:48 am
on Dec. 22, 2008


To what extent is Bush responsible for the housing meltdown and credit collapse?

Answer: Fully, sez the NYT's interview subjects.

posted at 9:31 am
on Dec. 22, 2008


Guy twitters being in a plane crash


posted at 1:01 pm
on Dec. 21, 2008


Christmas classic video: Alec Baldwin’s SNL Schweatty Balls skit

Truly hilarious.

posted at 12:43 pm
on Dec. 21, 2008


Olympics might not help the local economy (comparison to 2002 Utah Olympics)

All those surprised by this, raise your mittens.

posted at 4:12 pm
on Dec. 19, 2008


Word of the day: snow-mageddon (currently, 7,720 Google hits for it, but just you wait)

Meaning: people worried about snow blocking their holiday trips.

posted at 3:56 pm
on Dec. 19, 2008


Erotic Offer Preceded Shooting

Talk about a murder-mystery novel story in the making.

posted at 1:06 pm
on Dec. 19, 2008


2009 Northern Voice Speaker Submission extended to Monday

Be like Nike: Just Do It.

posted at 10:54 am
on Dec. 19, 2008


‘Deep Throat’ Mark Felt Dies at 95

According to anonymous sources.

posted at 10:37 am
on Dec. 19, 2008


Cell Phone Video Wins Award, Proves Mankind Is No Island

It's sweet.

posted at 8:14 pm
on Dec. 18, 2008


Smileys of Breasts

I wasn't looking for these, really. No, really.

posted at 12:42 pm
on Dec. 18, 2008


For winter: fleece lined crocs

This is what people will wear in Hell when it freezes over.

posted at 11:55 am
on Dec. 18, 2008


Heston Blumenthal’s spicy chilli con carne recipe

I don't think I can get those chilis. So I'll stick with my own recipe for now.

posted at 3:42 pm
on Dec. 17, 2008


Parkopedia - A database of parking spaces and their rates

Handy when you need to park!

posted at 3:19 pm
on Dec. 17, 2008


Canadian Colonoscopies Miss Many More Cancers Than Originally Thought: Why?

Maybe because the test is less effective, or perhaps our doctors are less trained, actually.

posted at 2:49 pm
on Dec. 17, 2008


Proper Temperature Butter Holds the Secret to Great Cookies

I had no idea.

posted at 2:43 pm
on Dec. 17, 2008


Boy named ‘Adolf Hitler’ can’t get name on birthday cake

Which is odd because, oh wait, it's not odd at all.

posted at 12:08 pm
on Dec. 17, 2008


YouTube Music Video: Young Girl Talking About Herself

Catchy dance tune.

posted at 11:30 am
on Dec. 16, 2008


Car theft capital of Canada: Winnepeg

I guess that's because everyone's so nice they never lock their car doors.

posted at 9:28 am
on Dec. 16, 2008


Did Osama bin Laden ever visit the U.S.?

Maybe Chicago, as a 19-year-old or so.

posted at 6:51 pm
on Dec. 15, 2008


New BBC compilation highlights voices of dead British writers

The article teases with James Joyce, but I don't think he's included.

posted at 6:44 pm
on Dec. 15, 2008


How a $100 donation led to a restaurant’s boycott

And what implications this had for a lot of employees.

posted at 3:32 pm
on Dec. 15, 2008


Giga Pudding: The best 2 minute video I’ve ever seen, from Japan

SO awesome.

posted at 1:44 pm
on Dec. 15, 2008


Comic: It doesn’t take much to drive someone crazy this holiday season

I never noticed those two songs were the same, either.

posted at 12:54 pm
on Dec. 15, 2008


Japan Uses Train-Goers’ Footsteps to Create Energy

No wonder I felt so tired -- Japanese energy vampires!

posted at 10:23 am
on Dec. 15, 2008


Magpie lets you make money from Twittering

Then again, if you want to make money from your friends, just ask them for cash every time you see them.

posted at 8:27 am
on Dec. 15, 2008


Pretty free iphone wallpapers

I like "promise less or do more"

posted at 5:33 pm
on Dec. 6, 2008


Real Advice Hurts: Go Out and DO It

Nice advice. I ought to follow it.

posted at 5:22 pm
on Dec. 6, 2008


Happiness is contagious: Happy people have had happy friends, neighbours

I can vouch for this in my life; I think I've gotten happier and happier people in my life as time has passed.

posted at 12:46 am
on Dec. 5, 2008


Opinion piece: Same-sex marriage is too limiting

Poorly expressed, but interesting in the world view it highlights.

posted at 3:27 pm
on Dec. 4, 2008


Bacon recipes galore!

What a Christmas gift -- 6 pounds of bacon!

posted at 3:24 pm
on Dec. 4, 2008


Video: Squirrels dancing to Michael Jackson

It is what it says it is, that's for sure.

posted at 2:39 am
on Dec. 3, 2008



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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