Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

VirtualBox is an open souce alternative to Parallels and other virtualization software

I learned about it at #eeci2010 today.

posted at 2:33 pm
on May. 31, 2010


A very talented girl in the backseat of a car, doing the human beat box rhythm thing

I swore once I'd never link to human beat box videos again, but I also knew I was weak...

posted at 10:21 am
on May. 31, 2010


Noticed Web sites that add attribution to anything you cut/paste? Thank Tynt, the Copy/Paste Jerks

I've noticed this a few times. The number of times I've found this useful: zero.

posted at 10:52 am
on May. 28, 2010


I re-watch Apple’s original “Here’s to the Crazy Ones” ad once every few years

It reminds me of important things. Think Different, indeed.

posted at 4:48 pm
on May. 26, 2010


Hey Guys, Angel here… (comic)

Funny and true.

posted at 11:11 am
on May. 25, 2010


Video: Little girl Jessica’s “Daily Affirmation” in front of the bathroom mirror

"I'm great, my house is great, I can do anything." Makes me sit up straight!

posted at 12:36 am
on May. 25, 2010


Martin Gardner, 95, mathematician, logician, and no relation to me, died today

His logic and puzzle books were old and long-time favorites of mine when I was young; I only just now twigged to the fact that his last name is shared with Susie. Interesting...

posted at 1:38 am
on May. 23, 2010


Disgruntled means utterly gruntled; but gruntle has two opposite meanings now

Because English is just like that sometimes.

posted at 2:35 pm
on May. 22, 2010


From The 20 Most Unhealthy Drinks in America: #16 - The Worst Soda

This bottle of Sunkist (20 fl oz) has 320 calories in 84 g of sugars: the equivalent of 6 Breyers Oreo Ice Cream Sandwiches.

posted at 3:11 am
on May. 21, 2010


London 2012 Olympic mascots Wenlock & Mandeville: George Orwell meets Teletubbies!

I hate to be one of those people, but our mascots were WAY better than these mascots. Hey, remember the time we won that gold medal? Yeah, that was awesome.

posted at 3:37 pm
on May. 19, 2010


Video: Let’s Get Out Of Here—Hollywood’s most uttered line

There are a LOT of movies clipped here.

posted at 12:13 pm
on May. 19, 2010


Google Wave is now open to anyone without needing an invite

I guess they decided they could handle the crushing load of people clamouring to use it daily.

posted at 11:57 am
on May. 19, 2010


The Washington Post now has a Gowalla account

In case you want them to know exactly where you are at all times

posted at 10:48 am
on May. 13, 2010


Google’s annual revenue is larger than the entire global record industry’s

And yet how many rock n' roll hits have they created? None, not a one. Punters.

posted at 4:03 pm
on May. 12, 2010


Gowalla’s new Web site has got it really wrong, removing several key features like items

1) When you look at a spot now on the Web site, there's no mention of who created the site, who founded it, and the timeline has nothing about the items dropped or picked up at the site. Founders and items are, in a nutshell, the key differentiator of Gowalla. But now it's like they're trying to completely minimize the role of virtual objects; there's no mention of them anywhere except at the bottom right of your own profile. 2) The home page tells me nothing about where I've been, just where my friends have been. This also is a big problem -- I use Gowalla to track both, and so do most people I know. 3) Search is broken -- returning no results. It's a new launch, but come on. These failures in QA, given that this service has so much privacy at stake, is awful. 4) The Feedback tab is removed -- it was a great little feature.

posted at 2:34 pm
on May. 12, 2010


Why Gowalla Tools has gone on indefinite hiatus

Because Gowalla's API is spotty, shifty and underdeveloped.

posted at 2:02 pm
on May. 12, 2010


If you want to understand Twitter, here’s a porn star tweeting about her grandfather’s death/funeral

It's NSFW, and yet, also pretty universal. Twitter shows this human side of all of us... like blogging but with less work.

posted at 1:03 am
on May. 12, 2010


Folks in sad mood like familiar patterns more than new; happy mood, familiarity loses appeal

Applied to romantic relationships, the results seem to support a German saying: "happy people are unfaithful, unhappy stay true."

posted at 4:03 pm
on May. 11, 2010


iPad in Canada: Rogers plans are $15/250MB/month or $35/5GB/month, no contract

That's like offering a 10oz coffee for a $1.50, or 86oz of coffee for $3.50.

posted at 4:42 pm
on May. 10, 2010


If you comment or “like” something on Facebook, your current IP is shared with other “like”-ers

So basically, your current IP address becomes something other Facebook visitors can find out. That's not good.

posted at 12:42 pm
on May. 9, 2010


So, You Want to Accept Online Payments (a Store or Subscriptions) on Your Web Site..

Here's an overview of the current options, in the U.S., and how it all works.

posted at 11:43 am
on May. 6, 2010


Does Sleeping Well Make Us More Socially Adept? (Yes)

For someone with the nickname "nep" -- this explains a lot.

posted at 12:36 am
on May. 5, 2010


Time lapse: BC Place Deflating on Flickr: it’s a controlled deflation this time

What a scrumptious video clip! /via @missczar

posted at 3:26 pm
on May. 4, 2010


CBC: For 2 working parents w 2 kids, minimum living wage in Vancouver is $18.17 each

And that does not include any trips to the night market, let me tell you.

posted at 12:00 pm
on May. 4, 2010


Boris Mann’s leaving Bootup, to do speaking, training, technical architecture & web strategy work

Whatever he leaves behind, is diminished, but what ever he goes on to do, will benefit from his energy and smarts. Congrats, Boris.

posted at 4:21 pm
on May. 3, 2010


Video: Acoustic cover by Lissie, of Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance

I'm a sucker for a good acoustic cover of a rock tune.

posted at 2:58 pm
on May. 1, 2010


This ad for double-wide trailers kicks the ass of any beer or car commercial I’ve seen

I don't know about honest, but gritty, yes indeed.

posted at 2:24 pm
on May. 1, 2010



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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