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IE6 and IE7 Running on a Single Machine

What an annoying way to have to test...

posted at 9:52 am
on Apr. 30, 2007


A long, good story: Attacked by a grizzly in Glacier National Park

LA Times writer captures the essence of a very unfortunatel incident.

posted at 3:08 am
on Apr. 29, 2007


Resources for seeing how your site looks in another browser

How handy! I used it today, for free.

posted at 5:05 pm
on Apr. 26, 2007


How-To Make an Xbox 360 into a laptop

This does look like a lot of fun.

posted at 2:19 pm
on Apr. 25, 2007


A showroom of nice looking simple downloadable DHTML and AJAX scripts

I can think of several uses for the star rating system

posted at 2:31 pm
on Apr. 18, 2007


Today, bombings in Baghdad killed 540% more people than the Virginia gunman

178 people died in 4 incidents. Of course, that's just one spring day in April.

posted at 11:09 am
on Apr. 18, 2007


All Your DoubleClick Now Belong to Google

$3.1 billion is small change for this deal. Seriously. The amount of data Doubleclick has about websurfers, and the foothold Doubleclick has in the online newsletter biz -- it's an amazing purchase.

posted at 4:43 pm
on Apr. 13, 2007


Boomshine: 20 minutes of easy Flash fun on a Friday afternoon

Bouncing balls, explosions, pretty colors: what's not to like?

posted at 2:07 pm
on Apr. 13, 2007


Song / Job Titles You Could Put in the “Occupation” Field of Your Tax Return

Job Titles You Could Put in the "Occupation" Field of Your Tax Return to Exact Some Small Measure of Revenge on a Random IRS Employee by Getting an Irritating Song Stuck in His or Her Head

posted at 1:09 pm
on Apr. 13, 2007


Is It Better to Buy or Rent? Best online calculator I’ve seen in ages

Of course, the RESULTS might not be the best thing I've seen in ages...

posted at 1:57 am
on Apr. 13, 2007


You will absolutely not believe this bowling shot.


posted at 11:06 pm
on Apr. 12, 2007


Happy Feet 300 video

Tonight, we dine on Herrings in Hell!

posted at 6:59 pm
on Apr. 10, 2007


Truthdig - Cartoons - The Real Cause of Global Warming

A warm hug from God - classic.

posted at 3:06 pm
on Apr. 10, 2007


Rogers wireless data plans in Canada are 1800% higher than in Rwanda

and 2900% higher than in the U.S. I'm shocked!

posted at 12:31 pm
on Apr. 9, 2007


Reasons we all fall into the trap of being overly busy

An insightful New York Times article about why people are 'too busy' these days.

posted at 10:19 am
on Apr. 9, 2007


Citizen Journalism: Cadbury Eggs…smaller?

B.J. Novak on Conan: the sham shame behind the smaller eggs.

posted at 9:52 pm
on Apr. 8, 2007


Easter Peeps: The Diorama contest

I love the Peeping Peeps.

posted at 11:03 am
on Apr. 8, 2007


Rachael Ashe is selling her photography and art prints online now

Her stuff is gorgeous.

posted at 2:11 pm
on Apr. 6, 2007


Why are geeks often atheist(s)?

And more importantly, does being an atheist help you meet hot chicks?

posted at 5:36 am
on Apr. 6, 2007


Graphic: A History of U.S. Home Values


posted at 12:15 am
on Apr. 5, 2007


This L-Curve video of U.S. Income distribution is breath taking

It really boggles the mind to see the relative scale of money earned in the U.S. annually.

posted at 12:13 am
on Apr. 5, 2007


Google Desktop is now available for Mac

If you have a Mac, you gotta gotta get this right away.

posted at 11:59 am
on Apr. 4, 2007


Flickring the News

A fun little experiment in applying social media design to traditional news sites.

posted at 2:14 am
on Apr. 4, 2007


Comet Hale-Bopp passed by 10 years ago—still no space ship

It'll be back in 4300 AD

posted at 10:55 pm
on Apr. 3, 2007


Security By Sexiness - Hot Captcha tells humans from robots

That is, unless it's a SEXY robot -- hey, it's only a matter of time.

posted at 3:21 pm
on Apr. 3, 2007


My new favorite Wikipedia page: Space pirate (disambiguation)

Because it's SO HARD telling space pirates apart these days

posted at 11:22 am
on Apr. 3, 2007


Marda Loop Kumon, Calgary, Alberta, Math and Reading Education

The other of my Mom's Kumon learning centers.

posted at 2:40 am
on Apr. 3, 2007


Mid Sun Kumon, Calgary, Alberta, Math and Reading Education

One of my Mom's Kumon centers.

posted at 2:40 am
on Apr. 3, 2007


Star Wars: Episode 4.5 - There’s nothing worse than old Jedi farts

Dan Povenmire did this. Pure comedy genius.

posted at 2:30 am
on Apr. 3, 2007


Google Joke Take II: Gmail Paper

Get your email printed out, for free. I find the 'make your boss pay' way works, too.

posted at 6:37 am
on Apr. 1, 2007



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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