Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

This lady cares for 500-700 cats at her catery

They all live on her property, without cages, and she will let you adopt one.

posted at 8:17 am
on Aug. 30, 2008


Identify Your Frozen Treats and Ice Cream: A Quiz

So yum, but I only got 10 out of 20 right.

posted at 10:43 pm
on Aug. 29, 2008


Flow Chart: Things To Yell Out During Sex

"We're going to hell for this"

posted at 10:27 pm
on Aug. 29, 2008


The Five Projections of Love: touch, time, words, actions and presents

I can't help but think he's overlooked something. But I don't know what.

posted at 11:50 pm
on Aug. 28, 2008


An 18-wheeler caught on train tracks

They estimate he had to hit the hill at 50 MPH to get stuck like he did.

posted at 11:47 pm
on Aug. 26, 2008


Small Talk with a Web Designer: Funny graphic

No, no I can’t fix that.

posted at 11:32 pm
on Aug. 26, 2008


Obit: Dave Freeman, 47; wrote ‘100 Things to Do Before You Die’

He fell and hit his head and died. I guess that was thing number 101.

posted at 9:54 pm
on Aug. 26, 2008


25 Painless Ways to Free Up an Hour a Day for Your Goals | Zen Habits

The third of three Zen Habit articles I read recently and liked.

posted at 12:51 am
on Aug. 26, 2008


A fun shape memory game

I got 15 right. I doubt you can beat that.

posted at 10:42 pm
on Aug. 25, 2008


50 Amazing and Essential Novels to Enrich Your Library | Zen Habits

Two of three Zen Habit articles I read recently and liked.

posted at 12:50 am
on Aug. 25, 2008


12 New Rules of Working You Should Embrace Today

One of three Zen Habit articles I read recently and liked.

posted at 12:50 am
on Aug. 24, 2008


Red-Light Cameras Just Don’t Work

Neither does the check engine light on my car.

posted at 2:55 pm
on Aug. 23, 2008


DFL: The blog of last-place Olympic finishers

Further evidence that there's a blog for everything.

posted at 10:23 pm
on Aug. 22, 2008


iPhone GUI PSD file

Handy pieces of images for when you're designing an iPhone app.

posted at 7:46 pm
on Aug. 22, 2008


hand farts: guy plays star wars cantina band on his hands!

The perfect end to the week. Thanks(?) Stevenf.

posted at 7:19 pm
on Aug. 22, 2008


Silver, Bronze & Regret for Olympic Athletes

Interesting perspective from an economist.

posted at 5:19 pm
on Aug. 22, 2008


Article: The huge amount of sex going on at the Olympic Village

18 more months, and it arrives in Vancouver.

posted at 2:50 pm
on Aug. 22, 2008


Fourth publisher the charm for LAT?

With all due respect: No. Bringing in someone from outside the newspaper business is a bad idea. Bringing in someone forward thinking from within the industry is a much better idea. If only there was such a person.

posted at 1:08 pm
on Aug. 20, 2008


The Three Kinds of Sex

I barely understand one kind.

posted at 10:59 am
on Aug. 20, 2008


Wine Spectator gives an Award of Excellence to a fake restaurant with a lame wine list

Good thing I found out, I'll cancel my reservation immediately!

posted at 10:12 am
on Aug. 20, 2008


Bumbling TSA Inspector Grounds Nine Jets By Trying to Climb on Them

Nine American Eagle regional jets were grounded at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport on Tuesday, because mechanics found damage caused by a TSA inspector that might have caused flight problems.

posted at 1:16 am
on Aug. 20, 2008


Timelapse movies of Vancouver

Neat, for a moment.

posted at 11:27 pm
on Aug. 19, 2008


10 People with Unbelievable Medical Conditions

From the tic tac eater to the non-stop orgasmer. Yes, I created a new word today.

posted at 10:42 pm
on Aug. 19, 2008


How to win a fight against twenty children

Don't look at me like that, it might come in handy!

posted at 10:24 pm
on Aug. 19, 2008


Listening Game: Where’s the Accent From?

I got 15 points out of 48, and no bonus points. Suck!

posted at 10:00 pm
on Aug. 19, 2008


Empire: Features

I got 12 without clicking on any image, and there were about 6 more I SHOULD have gotten. (Simpsons! Terminator!)

posted at 6:06 pm
on Aug. 19, 2008


What Makes for a Good Blog?

A good overview of best of the medium.

posted at 6:03 pm
on Aug. 19, 2008


French Orangina Ad—Very Sexy Dancing Bears and Zebras

Thanks, Darren! Truly the best ad I've seen in a while.

posted at 11:22 am
on Aug. 19, 2008


Graph of sympathy vs whining

Indexed is such a spot-on site.

posted at 10:48 am
on Aug. 19, 2008


Five rejected names for Austin BBQ restaurants


posted at 10:44 am
on Aug. 19, 2008


Wonderfully written article about man and daughter re-uniting after 41 years

It'll uplift your day.

posted at 3:33 pm
on Aug. 18, 2008


Wine in a Box Protects the Environment and Saves You Money

And it's harder to spill!

posted at 12:44 pm
on Aug. 18, 2008


A nice hike with a great view of Swan Lake and Swan Valley

Wish I was there this summer.

posted at 11:12 am
on Aug. 16, 2008


Definition: social notworking

When you surf Flickr and Facebook instead of working.

posted at 6:52 pm
on Aug. 15, 2008


Reporter attempts to eat the same amount of food in a day as Michael Phelps

12,000 calories. Amazing.

posted at 6:51 pm
on Aug. 15, 2008


Chart Explainer: This is what Web 2.0 means

"things you can do" increases with "people you know"

posted at 9:44 am
on Aug. 14, 2008


Air Travelers Who Forgot ID Were Placed on Gov’t Watch List

Because terrorists are very forgetful. Or forgetful people are terrorists, I forget which.

posted at 10:48 am
on Aug. 13, 2008


Photos of Really Really Really Badly Decorated Cakes

But I'd eat most of 'em anyway.

posted at 2:20 am
on Aug. 13, 2008


Canadian Cheese Rolling Festival, Whistler, BC, Aug. 16, 2008

I plan to miss it. But you can go and tell me all about it.

posted at 10:58 pm
on Aug. 12, 2008


One Day WIne Camp in Vancouver, Aug. 16. Register now!

Don't miss out!

posted at 9:30 am
on Aug. 12, 2008


Music Video with censor bar art

posted at 12:05 am
on Aug. 12, 2008


Parody of ‘The Office’ Set in Japan (SNL)

Truly funny video.

posted at 1:23 pm
on Aug. 11, 2008


The Power (and Peril) of Praising Your Kids—New York Magazine

Tell kids they "work hard" not that they're "smart" and they'll do better later.

posted at 11:24 pm
on Aug. 7, 2008


The Pursuit Of Luck: 50 Ways to Create It for Your Business

It's a good list, despite being very business-centric.

posted at 8:21 pm
on Aug. 7, 2008


Google Maps now has Walking Directions: But they’re not very good

Google's transit directions are amazing. Google's walking directions are pretty bad, and well below what I expect from Google.

posted at 6:14 pm
on Aug. 7, 2008


Toilet repair - a knol

This will come in handy, man.

posted at 2:41 pm
on Aug. 7, 2008



Is the capital city of Madagascar.

posted at 11:08 am
on Aug. 7, 2008


Chart of the value of the U.S. dollar since 2001

What's most interesting about this chart is the accompanying story, which talks about a U.S. government policy started in 2005 where the government was no longer going to report how much money they were printing (M3 measurements). Which means we can't see what the government is doing as far as money creation goes. And the value of the U.S. dollar is almost half what it was in 2000.

posted at 11:05 am
on Aug. 7, 2008


Hobbit-style housing development in Bend goes on the auction block

Sauron's bankers are everywhere.

posted at 7:54 pm
on Aug. 6, 2008


DailyCandy sells for $125 million

Not bad for not much.

posted at 10:25 am
on Aug. 6, 2008


About the Chinese finger trap: Thanks, Wikipedia!

I link to this mainly because of the best "See also" section ever: * Joy Buzzer * Whoopee cushion * Snake Nut Can * Chewing Gum Bug * Fake vomit

posted at 9:24 am
on Aug. 6, 2008


Image: robot showing off his new iphone


posted at 2:17 pm
on Aug. 5, 2008


U.S. athletes wear air filter masks upon arrival in Beijing

And this is when air quality is at its *best*

posted at 1:16 pm
on Aug. 5, 2008


A gateway to hell in Ventura County?

Shouldn't it be in Hollywood?

posted at 11:57 am
on Aug. 5, 2008


How to Accomplish Your Big Goals, Written in Annoying Street Rap Slang

Interesting concept for a site. Irritating, too.

posted at 8:55 am
on Aug. 5, 2008


Apple Pulls Another Random App, Box Office, from App Store

Why, Apple, why?

posted at 12:09 am
on Aug. 3, 2008


Funny red animated comic strip series about the Iraq war

"Get Your War On" looks like it's made of MS Office clip art. But the dialog is awesome.

posted at 12:44 pm
on Aug. 2, 2008


The most rat infested house in Los Angeles

The links goes to a story, the story has a video link.

posted at 1:50 am
on Aug. 2, 2008


Vote for the best “I lost ALL my data” face from this PutPlace contest finalist list

Hint: It's Rachael's. She could win, like, hundreds of dollars.

posted at 2:21 pm
on Aug. 1, 2008


ExpressionEngine Roadshow - Training and Developing EE Solutions

Sept 26 is the first one. Be there or be square.

posted at 11:09 am
on Aug. 1, 2008



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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