Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

Will They Wed?

Funny picture.

posted at 10:33 am
on Jun. 30, 2005


Spain Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage (New York Times)

Copy cats. (In a good way.)

posted at 10:27 am
on Jun. 30, 2005


In the past six months, 40 young people have attempted suicide in the village of Ahousaht (pop. 1600

That's double the number in 2004. Which is still 20 people out of 1600.

posted at 10:24 am
on Jun. 30, 2005


Time Decides Everything I Learned in Journalism School was Optional—Will Hand Over A Confidential

I have to tell you, that while this situation stinks all around, I'm deeply, deeply disappointed in Time magazine. They hide behind "the Rule of Law," but in fact, the Rule of Law requires that laws be just. Read this quote from the UNESCO site: "UNESCO committed itself to promoting freedom of expression, the cornerstone of human rights, as well as its corollary, freedom of the press, the essential component of any democratic society. Freedom of expression is a sine qua non condition for all citizens to participate in the democratic life and development of a society and the building of peace. Free exercise of this right is in fact a condition for the realization of all other rights. It is essential to the equitable practice of justice because the principle of the rule of law is insufficient. Laws must be just and not the product of an authoritarian power beyond the control of its citizens who are reduced to silence and submissiveness."

posted at 9:44 am
on Jun. 30, 2005


Hon’s House of Noodles (Wun-Tun House) on Robson

I order takeout from here, but dang it's hard to find their Web site.

posted at 7:01 pm
on Jun. 27, 2005


Paul Winchell, Voice of Tigger, Dies

TTFN, Paul.

posted at 11:01 am
on Jun. 27, 2005


Iraq War Fatalities - an audio / visual graphic

"Graphic" in many ways. From MetaFilter

posted at 8:17 pm
on Jun. 26, 2005


Pitch Camp - Urban camping in Times Square - a photoset on Flickr

These guys look like they had a lot of fun. From FlickrBlog.

posted at 5:56 pm
on Jun. 26, 2005


JSCalc: A JavaScript Calculator

*I* think it's cool, but you may not think I'm cool for thinking it. From The Man in Blue via Stopdesign

posted at 3:49 am
on Jun. 26, 2005


And this, children, is how we got Tom Leykis

A tall, tall tale.

posted at 11:16 am
on Jun. 25, 2005


Douglas Adams—Visionary

Good essay about Adams' view of interactivity.

posted at 3:42 pm
on Jun. 23, 2005


ilya haykinson talks about what went awry with the L.A. Times wikitorial

One thing people always seem to get wrong: Anonymity does not equal untrustworthy. In fact, some people who are given anonymity online will act in a more straightforward and consistent manner because they're not under multiple competing pressures from offline sources -- expressing their true beliefs, helping others without fear of reprisal or blowback.

posted at 10:33 pm
on Jun. 22, 2005


dancing in an elevator

Gotta try this in my building.

posted at 3:49 pm
on Jun. 22, 2005


Why are there no Dick Francis books made into movies?

The guy must be against it. Tick tock.

posted at 12:42 am
on Jun. 22, 2005


7 Things You Can’t Say in Canada

Thanks, larry borsato

posted at 9:46 pm
on Jun. 21, 2005


An absolutely fascinating demonstration of the falliblity of your eyesight

What color was the getaway car? Well, officer, it started off purple, then turned green...

posted at 7:34 pm
on Jun. 21, 2005


Hello, LA and NY Times? Can you run your photos as big as the Bigfork Eagle, please?

I mean, it doesn't take more ink to do so...

posted at 7:29 pm
on Jun. 21, 2005


Transparent rounded/custom corners and borders—requires javascript

Handy, if a little obtruse.

posted at 7:10 pm
on Jun. 21, 2005


A site that looks exactly like OS X

Fly a Kite is some software thingy, the Web site is the coolest bit.

posted at 6:21 pm
on Jun. 21, 2005


Wizard needs food, badly… my favorite EVER arcade game

I'm so not going to be available for a week.

posted at 3:33 pm
on Jun. 21, 2005


Even fish come with an End User Licence Agreement these days

Yes, it's real; I saw it first on The Gripe Line Weblog by Ed Foster

posted at 11:32 am
on Jun. 21, 2005


Blogthings - A Quick and Dirty IQ Test

My results:

Your IQ Is 130
Your Logical Intelligence is Genius Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius Your General Knowledge is Above Average

posted at 7:59 pm
on Jun. 20, 2005


intertidal arts project: an adventure in environmental community art

It's in Spanish Banks this Thursday -- are you going?

posted at 12:16 am
on Jun. 20, 2005


Safari users will see a very cool search box in use on this site

It's not valid XHTML, but it degrades so darn gracefully....

posted at 1:25 am
on Jun. 19, 2005


Joho visits Linnaeus’ paper archives

Nicely written post about the father of the most used modern scientific classification system

posted at 1:21 am
on Jun. 19, 2005


Hackers Tap 40 Million Credit Cards

Is your number one of them? "They" won't say. They won't replace your card, either, most likely. Who eats the fraudulent charges? Merchants, and thus, the consumer.

posted at 3:03 pm
on Jun. 18, 2005


College Dorm Room Alarm Clock Photo

I used to be this hard to wake up

posted at 1:18 pm
on Jun. 18, 2005


Reason: Who Gets to Play Journalist? An academic question becomes a pressing legal issue.

A nice article on an interesting subject

posted at 11:10 pm
on Jun. 15, 2005


Grocery Store Wars | Join the Organic Rebellion

Production values quite good for a re-enactment of Star Wars with vegetables as actors.

posted at 4:51 pm
on Jun. 15, 2005


Tsunami warning along the Pacific coast up to Vancouver

I'm staying up here (26th floor) until it's passed.

posted at 8:58 pm
on Jun. 14, 2005


™ is easy, here’s how to do a service mark: ℠

Thank you lawyers, thank you so much for making my life this hard.

posted at 7:40 pm
on Jun. 14, 2005


Four Ideas for Getting Great, Little-Known Blogs Discovered

Untested but interesting, new ideas.

posted at 6:09 pm
on Jun. 14, 2005


Browser News: Statistics - find the browser stats you want to know

I used this recently to tell a client that IE 5.1 for Mac was less than 1% of the Internet audience these days -- and even less of those views are in OS 9 instead of OS 10.

posted at 6:07 pm
on Jun. 14, 2005


Screen Grab Confab ~ designers showing what they’re working on

Very interesting stuff.

posted at 12:17 pm
on Jun. 14, 2005


Take My Privacy, Please!

Ted Koppel gives a litany of reasons why privacy regulation is overdue in America.

posted at 11:47 am
on Jun. 14, 2005


Vancouver Weblogger Meetup This Thursday

It's at Steamworks. I'll be there!

posted at 5:57 pm
on Jun. 13, 2005


The Sneeze decides to try making prison wine. I laughed so hard I cried.

Regarding Red Prison Wine: Taster 1: "I would drink this in prison." Taster 2: "I would drink this in high school!"

posted at 10:10 am
on Jun. 13, 2005


Scott McCloud Can’t Stop Thinking About Micropayments

Good idea + good presentation = convincing argument

posted at 6:21 pm
on Jun. 12, 2005


Jigsaw Puzzles in Paris: The perfect combination

From the NYT.

posted at 1:26 am
on Jun. 12, 2005


The Unofficial Apple Weblog finds some iPod porn

Porn is in the eye of the beholder, no?

posted at 9:31 am
on Jun. 10, 2005


After a Shower of Anthrax, an Illness and a Mystery

Oh yeah, does anyone remember THIS terrorist attack?

posted at 6:57 pm
on Jun. 8, 2005


Digital photos can look great, but Wal-Mart won’t print pictures that appear ‘professional’

If you suck, you can get all the blurry double prints you want.

posted at 12:42 pm
on Jun. 8, 2005

Permalink Stop! Are those live fish under your skirt?

Anything I added at this point would be superfluous.

posted at 10:58 am
on Jun. 8, 2005


get your flickr schwag today—just send an envelope!

Good stuff, for free. Thank you, Lord Internet, for this bounty we are about to receive.

posted at 2:47 pm
on Jun. 7, 2005


Are new double core chips “all that”? PriceSCAN Blog uses current chip price fluctuation as an analy

Disclosure: PriceSCAN is a client of ours.

posted at 2:40 pm
on Jun. 7, 2005


“Crying while eating” proves there’s always room for one more bizarre thing on the Internet

Just when I thought it was full, too...

posted at 1:20 pm
on Jun. 7, 2005


Buy a Gnomad, send it around the world

Commerce meets prank.

posted at 12:24 am
on Jun. 7, 2005


Sure, you *play* Windows’s FreeCell, but do you play it like these folks do?

The definitive FAQ -- I learned that there's only ONE unsolvable puzzle in the 32,000 that shipped with Windows 95/98.

posted at 4:26 pm
on Jun. 6, 2005


Satellite pictures reveal how quickly and radically we are changing the planet (BBC)

It's as terrifying as anything I've seen online recently.

posted at 3:58 pm
on Jun. 5, 2005


The Guinness Lifestyle Diet—7 days, no food. Weight loss pretty much assured

Keeping your job driving buses.... not so assured. 😊

posted at 3:48 pm
on Jun. 5, 2005


Today, I made my 200th LinkedIn connection

I've actually found the system quite useful, and recommend it highly.

posted at 3:26 am
on Jun. 5, 2005


Characteristics of a Book Slut

Don't worry, it's just a funny comic. Geez. (Uh, yes, I did watch Napolean Dynamite last night. Gawd.)

posted at 8:25 pm
on Jun. 2, 2005


Airbags associated with increased probability of death

Fascinating if true.

posted at 11:46 pm
on Jun. 1, 2005


Porn-friendly ‘.xxx’ domains approved (from CNET

I suppose that mildly arousing sites will be .xx, and sites that just have large-bosomed women in regular clothing will be .x

posted at 11:35 pm
on Jun. 1, 2005


Article about cloning your cat—now only $32,000

That's 40,500 bean burritos.

posted at 11:33 pm
on Jun. 1, 2005



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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