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Today there was a significant Google map update for Canada

Biggest different I can see: Building outlines everywhere! It'll take a bit of getting used to the new look.

posted at 8:28 pm
on Apr. 28, 2010


Hewlett-Packard to Buy Palm for $1.2 Billion (they bought 3Com this month, too)

Question: What's worth more: the Pre, the Palm brand, or the patents?

posted at 3:28 pm
on Apr. 28, 2010


Modern psychology’s focus on meds over therapy (because they work, but…) (A great NYTimes article)

The teachable assembly line ascends again.

posted at 10:56 pm
on Apr. 25, 2010


wild.flower in Oklahoma City is Gowalla’s 1,000,000th spot

It's a florist: inspires. romances. beautifies. your life and home.

posted at 7:02 pm
on Apr. 25, 2010


Men Who Go Without Sleep, and the Insomniacs Who Hate Them

A nice little essay in the New York Times...

posted at 3:48 am
on Apr. 23, 2010


Earth Day 2010: Too Big to Fail (from @Truthdig)

Editorial cartoons are sometimes so insightful.

posted at 1:40 pm
on Apr. 22, 2010


McAfee’s latest enterprise update causing dead (rebooting) XP machines worldwide

How odd that a crappy anti-virus product would have a conflict with a 9-year-old operating system.

posted at 3:23 pm
on Apr. 21, 2010


NYTimes article and cool interactive calculator: Is buying better than renting these days?

Remember, if a headline asks a question, the answer is always "Yes" so don't bother reading the article.

posted at 10:20 am
on Apr. 21, 2010


5 tips for preparing perfect pasta: use fresh, use salt, no overcook, no rinse, use saucepan

See there, I summarized the whole article for you in 140 characters. Don't even bother reading it.

posted at 10:15 am
on Apr. 21, 2010


Here’s some smoothilicious image transition effects code written in jQuery; slices, folds and fades

This would be great if you were directing an action movie from 1964. 😊

posted at 4:17 pm
on Apr. 20, 2010


REAL photos and description of Apple’s Next iPhone

Front-facing video camera, flash (bright light not Adobe software), extra mic, micro-sim, flatter, and it's full of ponies.

posted at 11:25 am
on Apr. 19, 2010


This music video of Grizzly Bear’s “Two Weeks” was made by a fan. A FAN. It’s amazing.

Hat tip to Scarlet Division, and to Gabe Askew who actually made it.

posted at 1:18 pm
on Apr. 18, 2010


A good marriage is good for your health; a bad marriage, not so much


posted at 1:00 pm
on Apr. 18, 2010


Paris has entered a new generation of casual fine dining (NYTimes)

Wish I was there to see if this reporter got it right 😊

posted at 12:45 pm
on Apr. 18, 2010


Retro Friday: The sound of a 14.4 modem connecting.

Or maybe it's 28.8. But those had more of a "zweep" at the end.

posted at 2:57 pm
on Apr. 16, 2010


Art piece “A Tool to Deceive and Slaughter” is now auctioning itself for $6,858

Interesting concept: a piece of art that sells itself on eBay every week.

posted at 3:14 pm
on Apr. 15, 2010


Just updated Hop Inject, the dynamic content insertion tool for ExpressionEngine

It's most useful for putting photos, pull quotes or ads into the body of a story.

posted at 9:12 pm
on Apr. 14, 2010


Twitter donates the entire archive of (our) public tweets to Library of Congress

Why not to the Internet Archive, I wonder?

posted at 3:05 pm
on Apr. 14, 2010


U.S. Congress may have inadvertently excluded itself from any health coverage in new healthcare bill

If they didn't know what they were doing to themselves, how do they know what they were doing to everyone else?

posted at 11:06 am
on Apr. 14, 2010


If you watch only one “New York is destroyed by old school video game characters” video today…

... make it this one. SUPERB. Watch for logos on billboards, too.

posted at 8:36 pm
on Apr. 12, 2010


General Electric and ExxonMobile paid no U.S. taxes in 2009

Yep. (Corrected).

posted at 12:07 am
on Apr. 12, 2010


I created a new custom trip: Chinatown Exploration (Vancouver) on @Gowalla

It's a fun little walk. Give it a try!

posted at 12:05 am
on Apr. 11, 2010


Candy Blog Turns 5 Years Old

Sweet Jeezus.

posted at 11:56 am
on Apr. 9, 2010


I like people writing about language, and about Microsoft sucking. This column has both.

It helps that I agree with it, too.

posted at 11:37 am
on Apr. 9, 2010


New iPhone Developer Agreement Bans the Use of, among others, Adobe’s Flash-to-iPhone Compiler

I don't think this is anti-competitive. I think this is a strategic decision to ensure that developers are required to learn and use Apple core technologies, in hopes that they will leverage that knowledge into further iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Mac apps. It's restrictive, so misguided and will likely ultimately backfire, but it's not an unjustified business decision.

posted at 10:56 pm
on Apr. 8, 2010


The @georgiastraight was ranked for integrity as top newspaper in the world (With a score of 71.7%)

If the highest integrity of any newspaper in the world is 72%, that leaves a lot of room for improvement, to say the least.

posted at 3:37 pm
on Apr. 8, 2010


If you have a project that’s going awry, don’t be sad. Think of Burke and Wills. It could be worse.

They were two Australian explorers who died crossing the interior of Oz.

posted at 1:47 pm
on Apr. 8, 2010


Spirit Airlines announces plan to charge $30-$45 for carry-on bags

By the way, I'm charging you $0.80 for reading this.

posted at 10:43 am
on Apr. 7, 2010


People review site Unvarnished gets another controversial review

Just cataloguing the articles about the mixup of domain names.

posted at 2:06 am
on Apr. 7, 2010


Unvarnished, The Media Obssessed Social Media Site? Not

Just cataloguing the articles about the mixup of domain names.

posted at 2:05 am
on Apr. 7, 2010


Simon Hogsberg and his 100-meter wide picture of strangers on a bridge

Nice interface, too. I like the woman with the bedazzled skull pushing the baby carriage.

posted at 9:39 am
on Apr. 6, 2010


Someone just launched a Web service called “”. I’m, um, flattered?

I'm confused because, like, I still own and use "" and have no plans to sell it. So maybe just maybe they ought to have picked a different name... But good luck with your new company, sir!

posted at 1:28 pm
on Apr. 5, 2010


Happiness Button

I'll press yours if you press mine.

posted at 10:36 am
on Apr. 5, 2010


BC’s lower tax rate doesn’t make up for having the nation’s crappiest minimum wage

It's not like BC is the nation's cheapest place to live, either. Time to raise that minimum wage, pols!

posted at 10:05 am
on Apr. 5, 2010


Third earthquake hits: Haiti, Chile, now Mexicali has a 6.9.

I hope lots of people are OK.

posted at 4:23 pm
on Apr. 4, 2010


Video: If Boys Were Girls. (I hope not just boys laugh at this…)

I think I've found a new sketch group to love.

posted at 1:59 pm
on Apr. 2, 2010


Like Taking Pointless Surveys? XKCD’s color survey is the most pointless I’ve found

But it's easy and fun. 😊

posted at 1:47 pm
on Apr. 1, 2010



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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