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Enter to Win an Artistic Wii

It's crafty and geeky all in one breath.

posted at 2:18 pm
on Mar. 30, 2007


Vancouver Aquarium Cuteness - Otters holding hands

The crowd noises are also WAY cute.

posted at 12:05 am
on Mar. 30, 2007


Yahoo! Mail removes ANY storage limit

Google better follow suit soon: Susie's at 98% and I'm at 92% full... Yes, that means I have received (way more than) 2591 MB of email since 7/4/2004.

posted at 11:59 pm
on Mar. 29, 2007


Jib Jab skewers the news business in this video clip

It's to the tune of "Battle Hymn of the Republic" (with the lines "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord ... His truth is marching on." -- appropriate in this context!)

posted at 11:53 pm
on Mar. 29, 2007


when public servants have a sense of humor

She's probably fired by now, but hey, awesome letters!

posted at 11:41 pm
on Mar. 29, 2007


The Doc Searls Weblog: How to Save Newspapers

I think a lot about how to save newspapers, and though everything Doc says has been said before, I bet in a lot of cases it was him saying it the first time, too. It's good advice, and it pains me that newspapers just won't do things differently.

posted at 8:45 pm
on Mar. 28, 2007


Horrible, horrible baby names

Totally amusing, due to the snarkiness of the comments.

posted at 5:05 pm
on Mar. 28, 2007


B.C. strippers fundraising turned down by Breast Cancer Society of Canada

Hey, Breast Cancer folks -- it's not illegal!

posted at 10:18 am
on Mar. 28, 2007


Barbie Stereotypes of Vancouver’s Lower Mainland

Tee hee!

posted at 12:21 am
on Mar. 28, 2007


I support Net Neutrality in Canada

If you don't want your ISP restricting what information you can access and download, come sign the petition (scroll WAY down!)

posted at 10:10 am
on Mar. 26, 2007


Desktop Tower Defense is a fun game

Thanks, Darren, for the lost productivity!

posted at 10:53 pm
on Mar. 23, 2007


Take your picture, then draw yourself: the eye:hand project

Cool Portraits. But why is there an odd number of photos posted?

posted at 9:27 pm
on Mar. 23, 2007


A chart of CSS font sizes in percent and pixels

Super handy! (And flawed but that's not the table's fault)

posted at 5:04 pm
on Mar. 23, 2007


Dave Foley’s got an Internet-based chat show

He's everywhere these days, and I can say, Hooray!

posted at 11:56 am
on Mar. 22, 2007


Want to watch a Hollywood movie, right now, for free?

I think this site will huge, soon, and then be gone.

posted at 1:23 pm
on Mar. 21, 2007


Redesigning the ExpressionEngine Site

Great article, full of rich detail and screen shots of the process.

posted at 4:00 pm
on Mar. 20, 2007


Latin American parasite slowly spreading into the U.S. blood supply

In 2006, 1/3,800 of donors had it. HIV, by comparison, shows up in 1/30,000 donors.

posted at 8:22 pm
on Mar. 15, 2007


How Green is your Baby Nursery?

How to ensure your baby will grow up to eat lots of eggplant and tofu.

posted at 8:09 pm
on Mar. 15, 2007


Cingular, Qwest blocking some calls

It sounds a little scummy at first, but the article leaves me wondering who's in the right here.

posted at 7:40 pm
on Mar. 15, 2007


Can you go without computers for a day?

I think I'm going to try -- though I have to figure out what "computers" means -- microwave ovens? traffic lights? corded telephones?

posted at 6:39 pm
on Mar. 15, 2007


PMachine changed its name today to EllisLab

I'm disappointed in the change -- EllisLab sounds a lot less corporate than pMachine and I fear it'll be a harder sell to my clients. What do you think?

posted at 8:53 pm
on Mar. 8, 2007


Goran the Cat Plays Fetch

This prodigy belongs to my brother-in-law.

posted at 10:04 am
on Mar. 8, 2007


How to Center an Absolutely Positioned DIV

Seems there's a drawback to do with clickability of items below this div, but I hope it can be solved.

posted at 2:57 pm
on Mar. 7, 2007


Taxi Vignettes

The blog of a female taxi driver in San Jose.

posted at 1:00 pm
on Mar. 7, 2007


David Byrne talking about the relationship between music and the medium it’s stored on

I personally wish MP3s were higher fidelity. But I think I'm mostly alone in that.

posted at 11:40 am
on Mar. 7, 2007


Worldmapper: Map of the world by GDP instead of land mass

They also have maps of the world by landmine deaths. It's kinda the opposite.

posted at 12:59 am
on Mar. 7, 2007


How to deal with someone stealing your photo from Flickr


posted at 5:32 pm
on Mar. 6, 2007


Louvre museum to build branch in UAE

The franchising of museums -- amazing idea.

posted at 4:32 pm
on Mar. 6, 2007


Can the U.S. Congress End the War?

An analysis of whether Bush can actually be reigned in by Congress, or whether his presidency will have to end first.

posted at 3:55 pm
on Mar. 5, 2007


34 Reasons Why Readers Unsubscribe from Your Blog

Reason #35: You used to be *cool*, man. What happened?

posted at 9:49 am
on Mar. 5, 2007


An Honest Note From Boss To Employees

Good reading, good thinking.

posted at 9:38 am
on Mar. 1, 2007



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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