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Shoot your friend with a ninja

Zowwie! Powie! Hija!

posted at 2:31 pm
on Nov. 30, 2005


The Zamboni Hot Tub

Maybe this is how the NHL will entice folks back to the games.

posted at 11:19 pm
on Nov. 29, 2005


People with DVRs watch more television

They're also taller, thinner, richer and slightly more annoying than people whose VCRs still blink 12, 12, 12.

posted at 1:07 am
on Nov. 28, 2005


Firefox’s most annoying bug

Its "find" doesn't work in form fields, which is a real drawback for, say, bloggers, people who use wikis, people who edit content online, etc. etc. The bug's been around since before version 1.0 in mid-2004, but no developer wants to work on it because the feedback form users is so active and hostile (people are really frustrated). So there's no one assigned to the bug, and it's not scheduled to be fixed until at least version 2.0 in another 6 months. This is one of the ugly secrets of the open-source world -- bugs get fixed, but only if it's something a particular person decides to fix, there's no way to get people assigned to fix the boring or ugly bugs, so they endure and endure.

posted at 1:53 pm
on Nov. 25, 2005


Tomorrow is Buy Nothing Day

In a painful juxtaposition, it also happens to be the busiest shopping day of the year in the United States, so you might say it hasn't become that effective yet.

posted at 1:12 am
on Nov. 24, 2005


Candy Blog is worried that sugar levels in the U.S. have fallen to a 70-year low

Could this whole war thing just be a national low-blood-sugar slump?

posted at 6:01 pm
on Nov. 23, 2005


Matt Cutts, Google’s Celebrity Engineer

A great article about a different kind of celebrity. Money quote: "There's probably no man alive who knows more about the Google algorithm than Matt Cutts. This is the most valuable corporate secret in existence today."

posted at 2:19 pm
on Nov. 23, 2005


Obsolete Steveston rail line photographed with obsolete film

Good article, interesting photographs

posted at 1:15 am
on Nov. 23, 2005


Subservient Donald

It's a parody of Subservient Chicken featuring a Donald Trump look-alike, built as (stick with me here) an ironic comment on product placement in reality TV shows, created by the writers of (yes, really, the writers of) reality tv programming who feel product placement is getting in the way of the plots of reality TV shows. Uh, yeah. Anyway, it's funny.

posted at 11:08 pm
on Nov. 21, 2005


Bush’s aides eat at Outback Steakhouse while in Asia.

"As he barnstormed through Japan, South Korea and China, with a final stop in Mongolia still to come, Bush visited no museums, tried no restaurants, bought no souvenirs and made no effort to meet ordinary local people." What a loser.

posted at 12:10 am
on Nov. 21, 2005


MetaFilter debates the Vancouver election

Everything is in MetaFilter. Ev-e-ry-thing.

posted at 3:42 am
on Nov. 19, 2005


Harry Potter movie will open on 9,750+ screens worldwide

It will likely bring in enough money in its opening weekend to buy about 91 million bean burritos at Taco Bell -- and that's just domestic bean burritos, because I don't know how much a bean burrito costs in, say France.

posted at 6:03 pm
on Nov. 18, 2005


Killer bus eludes police dragnet

Bus kills cyclist; no one knows who did it.

posted at 12:41 pm
on Nov. 18, 2005


Get a free PDF of ‘God’s Debris’ by Scott Adams.  No catch.

Except that it's not full of his comics, instead it's a philosophical exploration. But still quite good.

posted at 3:19 am
on Nov. 18, 2005


Top Ten Movie Robots of All Time

What about Christopher Walken? Dissed, as usual.

posted at 6:46 pm
on Nov. 17, 2005


Variety offers a podcast of their great Screening Series

It's a series of 30 minute interviews with directors, actors, etc. being interviewed by good Variety reporters -- this isn't talk show style. They're talking in front of an audience who has just seen their film, so it's pretty insightful. Good stuff, especially if you like finding out about the process of filmmaking.

posted at 5:52 pm
on Nov. 17, 2005


Why didn’t anti-virus software detect Sony’s rootkit? cough*collusion*cough

From this great opinion piece: "What do you think of your antivirus company, the one that didn't notice Sony's rootkit as it infected half a million computers? ... This is exactly the kind of thing we're paying those companies to detect -- especially because the rootkit was phoning home."

posted at 5:22 pm
on Nov. 17, 2005


Daily Trojan quotes me about ‘90s history

They left out the part where I said "it was an innocent time, a simpler time" and "those were the golden years" and "well, back when I was a wee lad."

posted at 4:54 pm
on Nov. 17, 2005


Make a welcome mat out of cool rocks

This is a great idea, especially if you like heavy objects, which we seem to.

posted at 11:02 am
on Nov. 17, 2005


Blue Ball Machine

I stared at this page for about 15 minutes, then billed a client. Dear clients; I kid, really. Actually, I stared for about 20 minutes. Note, this site has catchy sound.

posted at 10:53 am
on Nov. 17, 2005


Effectiveness of tinfoil hats: a study

Turns out the actually magnify radiation at certain government-run frequencies. YES IT'S TRUE!!!! THEY ARE COMING TO GET ME!!!!

posted at 10:50 am
on Nov. 17, 2005


Ceteris Paribus

I learned a new Latin phrase today.

posted at 5:40 pm
on Nov. 15, 2005


Widest margin of victory in an international soccer game: 31-0

It happened in 2001, so don't get too excited.

posted at 5:34 pm
on Nov. 15, 2005


U.S. Military Rules Man ‘Not a Terrorist’; Imprisons Him Anyway

Stunning. The U.S. is a menace to liberty.

posted at 2:23 am
on Nov. 15, 2005


Blogs n Dogs Contest Winner : Congrats, Monique

I hope your dogs aren't also Misguided.

posted at 12:25 am
on Nov. 15, 2005


9 Tips in Life that Lead to Happiness

If I'm happy and I know it, I clap my hands.

posted at 10:16 pm
on Nov. 14, 2005


Remember, the Vancouver Weblogger Meetup is Thursday the 17th

posted at 4:01 pm
on Nov. 14, 2005


WWI Ship Camouflage: Razzle Dazzle


posted at 1:50 pm
on Nov. 11, 2005


‘Arrested Development’ waiting for judgement

Show order cut back to 13 -- may be cancelled.

posted at 12:10 pm
on Nov. 10, 2005


The 30th anniversary of the sinking of the S. S. Edmund Fitzgerald

Sunk to its watery resting place, with only a song, no movie, to commemorate it.

posted at 11:45 am
on Nov. 10, 2005


Hollywood institution Army Archerd ‘resumes’ blogging

I've always considered the three-dot style newspaper columns to be early blogs, and Army was one of the last columnists in that style. Congrats to Alex Romanelli of the editor of the Variety Web site, for hooking Army on this new format, it's a quite a coup.

posted at 12:00 pm
on Nov. 9, 2005


Even Scott Adams can blunder from time to time

His new blog shows his thoughts at their least cogent. 😊

posted at 1:08 am
on Nov. 9, 2005


Tony Pierce Came to Vancouver and I missed it!


posted at 2:24 am
on Nov. 5, 2005


Caption: No Comment

posted at 12:47 pm
on Nov. 4, 2005


Mommy Needs Coffee

A great mommy blog, with some surprising entries.

posted at 12:12 pm
on Nov. 4, 2005


Nice interface for watching music videos

Apple charges $2 for a similar video download.

posted at 10:50 pm
on Nov. 3, 2005


CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons

Dear world: I'm really sorry that America is run by people who trample the freedom they're protecting.

posted at 6:56 pm
on Nov. 3, 2005


Hundreds of Hummers Sit Unloved in Sunny SoCal

Amazing photos of the inventory problems of just one dealer.

posted at 3:41 pm
on Nov. 3, 2005


How do you ask your boss for a raise? Advice needed today!

My friend's nervous about asking for a raise -- can you give her some advice? Thanks!

posted at 12:42 pm
on Nov. 3, 2005


A great way of thinking about the Social Networking Landscape

from How to Save the World

posted at 4:54 pm
on Nov. 2, 2005


Rosa Parks breaks more barriers

She's the first woman, first non-gov't official, and second African American to lay in honor (aka laying in state) in the U.S. Capitol building. Here's the full list.

posted at 10:13 am
on Nov. 2, 2005


My friend’s story about being born with six toes

Well, friend of a friend, really.

posted at 11:50 pm
on Nov. 1, 2005


Vancouver alternative newsweekly Terminal City is suspending publication

'Effective immediately' sez publisher. That brings the total number of daily and weekly newspapers down to 8, by my count, not including regional dailies. Was it a victim of Dose/24/Metro?

posted at 3:08 am
on Nov. 1, 2005



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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