Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

Why lose weight? Live unhealthy and use just HP digital cameras with slimming technology

This is just all kinds of wrong. Why don't they go all the way and include a "white-ify" tool?

posted at 1:32 pm
on Aug. 31, 2006


Trailer Park Boys, The Movie, The Trailer

You try searching for the trailer for a movie with the name "trailer" -- it's not easy!

posted at 11:11 am
on Aug. 31, 2006


‘Until Monday’ publishes hyperlocal content with Movable Type

The interesting thing is, the amount of custom program they talk about doing. We use Expression Engine, and don't have to resort to nearly much custom programming.

posted at 10:27 am
on Aug. 31, 2006


Can you figure out the secret behind Petals Around the Rose?

It took me about 15 minutes.

posted at 1:38 am
on Aug. 31, 2006


Ten Things You Really Need to Learn

Among them: How to tell the truth from fiction, how to stay healthy, how to empathise. Good stuff.

posted at 12:56 am
on Aug. 31, 2006


I like the design of Michael Godwin’s blog, ‘Godwin’s Law’

I wonder if Apple likes it .. after all, it's a riff on the early Macintosh OS.

posted at 2:05 am
on Aug. 30, 2006


Water crisis forces Tofino, B.C. to turn off commercial taps

Next step -- issue everyone rebreathers to capture their water vapors...

posted at 6:22 pm
on Aug. 29, 2006


Dashes vs. Underscores - The best word separator in URL naming

The best thing to use in URLs are underscores, not dashes or hyphens, according to this guy.

posted at 4:28 pm
on Aug. 29, 2006


Jiffy Lube Scam Revealed (Again) - Consumerist

The scope of the fraud is pretty amazing.

posted at 11:05 am
on Aug. 29, 2006


World Strip Poker Championship winner named

Uh, yeah.

posted at 1:35 am
on Aug. 29, 2006


Flickr now lets you geotag photos (i.e. put them on a map)

Here's my neighbourhood in Vancouver. But it's too bad it doesn't use Google Maps -- that's better.

posted at 12:12 am
on Aug. 29, 2006


On vandigicam: ‘Should I move to Vancouver’?

The answers are illuminating.

posted at 12:02 am
on Aug. 29, 2006


Drunken Pirate Runs for office in Iowa

His blog is a good read. I'd consider voting for him if a) he had more of his positions on his site, and b) I lived in Iowa.

posted at 4:49 pm
on Aug. 28, 2006


Theo Jansen’s living sculptures, featured in a BMW commercial

They're holy.

posted at 9:34 am
on Aug. 28, 2006


Flickr is such a friendly place (sarcasm)

This is an odd person. Click on the global tag, too.

posted at 5:26 pm
on Aug. 25, 2006


Is lonelygirl15 a real girl’s vlog?

NYTimes blogger says yes, but I say no.

posted at 9:37 pm
on Aug. 24, 2006


Led Zepplin Viking kittens

I always never wondered what the lyrics to "Immigrant Song" were and now I know.

posted at 9:22 pm
on Aug. 24, 2006


Did You Or Didn’t You?

I didn't, but I wanted to.

posted at 5:43 pm
on Aug. 24, 2006


Sarah, a 29-year-old virgin, is blogging to find someone to sleep with her before her 30th

It's a Jane blog. I could be mistaken, but I think if she were to go out to a bar, say, tonight, she might possibly find someone who'd help her out.

posted at 8:53 pm
on Aug. 23, 2006


The Official Record Store Cats by hnldesign

Too funny! Heavy metal cats RULE! (Thanks, Gillian!)

posted at 12:58 pm
on Aug. 23, 2006


How to throw a large room party at a science fiction convention

Step one: Find a large room...

posted at 11:08 am
on Aug. 21, 2006


The One Where I’m Mentioned on Boing Boing re BBQ Meat Eating

Joey Chestnut's going to be a star.

posted at 11:05 am
on Aug. 21, 2006


‘Warning’ Letter to a Prospective Boyfriend

Really touching letter.

posted at 12:47 am
on Aug. 19, 2006


Showtime’s Web site is blocked for non-U.S. Web surfers

They should be banned from using "www" in their URL. I mean, what the hell?

posted at 12:17 am
on Aug. 17, 2006


Will Pate vs. Matt Mullenweg - Will Needs Your Vote!

It's like high school, but digitized.

posted at 11:53 am
on Aug. 16, 2006


85 Years Old, this Dodger baseball scout never uses a radar gun or a computer

A compelling tale.

posted at 12:56 am
on Aug. 16, 2006


Cookie crook: A great personal Web page idea

Simple and effective.

posted at 12:35 am
on Aug. 16, 2006


Blinksale is Down—that’s um bad

We use Blinksale for all our invoicing. When they're down, we don't get paid. They've been down for an hour. That's super bad.

posted at 3:25 pm
on Aug. 14, 2006


Apple no longer sells a machine capable of running pre-2001 Mac software

That's right -- any software written more than 5 years ago requires Classic, and Classic won't run on an Intel Mac.

posted at 12:24 pm
on Aug. 12, 2006


The Greatest Fictional Angeleno: Kesuke Miyagi?!

Sorry guys, there are some great fictional folks from Los Angeles, but he ain't the #1.

posted at 8:18 pm
on Aug. 11, 2006


Why I want to buy a Czech iPod

Because they have a great UI. Why, what did you think I meant?

posted at 10:11 pm
on Aug. 10, 2006


The Turtle Whisperer

Vaguely interesting, if you like watching a girl kiss a turtle.

posted at 3:35 pm
on Aug. 10, 2006


Matt Gardner’s blog has launched: PbAu

It's an art blog. Please come by and make a comment today!

posted at 5:54 pm
on Aug. 8, 2006


A Little Girl Puppet—20 feet tall

A You Tube video, about 5 min. long. Haunting and sweet.

posted at 5:53 pm
on Aug. 8, 2006


CandyBlog Rates Bonkers as Its First Inedible Candy

Strawberry: slightly floral and slightly putrid tasting. A little tangy but with sort of moldy/mossy note. Lemon: tastes like a moist and ripe citrus burp. Orange: tangy but with a rather uneven flavor that alternates between bile and tang.

posted at 11:17 am
on Aug. 7, 2006


Map of Vancouver, Anotated by You

It's pretty amazing, and I can't believe how little press it's received considering how superb (and detailed) it already is.

posted at 7:04 am
on Aug. 7, 2006


The mystery of Plain Layne, a (fictional?) internet character

Fascinating look at another mysterious Internet creation.

posted at 4:19 pm
on Aug. 4, 2006


My Two Year Flickr-versary, and 100,000 Views

Actually, my Flickr-versary is August 19th, but today I got my 100,000th image view, so I wanted to celebrate that as well. I have one picture from earlier than Aug. 19, but that was just me staking a claim on the name "nep." My first real photo post was of my good friend, Mike.

posted at 1:37 pm
on Aug. 4, 2006


Dancing on treadmills; a music video

It's pretty good. Thanks, Gillian!

posted at 11:28 pm
on Aug. 2, 2006


An animation made from clipart

What interests me is how many of my links these days are to video clips. Quite a change from a year ago.

posted at 12:56 pm
on Aug. 2, 2006


A 60-year-old blogs about divesting herself of everything that doesn’t fit in a 25’ trailer

"Simple Not Easy: Two in love can live on the edge of a sword"

posted at 1:03 am
on Aug. 2, 2006


YouTube video: Appalachian State University is HOT HOT HOT

But the theme song is not, not ... not.

posted at 10:53 pm
on Aug. 1, 2006



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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