Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

Scott Heiferman’s Notes: 50 Reasons Why People Aren’t Using Your Website

But why aren't they using MY Website?

posted at 4:43 pm
on Mar. 31, 2006


Darren got suckered by the iZilla

It's a shame it's not real, because I TOTALLY wanted one!

posted at 2:56 pm
on Mar. 31, 2006


That’s hawesome!

Makes noise. But it's better than awesome.

posted at 2:53 am
on Mar. 31, 2006


See all your Flickr buddies on one page

What order is it in? Date the account was started?

posted at 1:44 am
on Mar. 31, 2006


look: tagging spam on Flickr

I was looking for "elephant dance" not "crotchless panties" I swear.

posted at 11:22 pm
on Mar. 30, 2006


Everything Ze Frank does is funny—like this movie clip

It's a quick download. I'm adding him to my vodcast list.

posted at 11:03 pm
on Mar. 30, 2006


How to pour Ketchup properly

I use an extended hand instead of a fist, but I can vouch this works.

posted at 9:47 pm
on Mar. 29, 2006


Intention Economy Hell: Renting a Car - a photoset on Flickr

By Doc Searles.

posted at 8:08 pm
on Mar. 29, 2006


Google’s own blog was hacked

For a brief moment.

posted at 1:54 am
on Mar. 28, 2006

Permalink is putting Wikipedia on the map

It's a neat project.

posted at 12:16 am
on Mar. 28, 2006


Boris thinks voicemail is coming to Google Talk, Gmail

Boris is never wrong.

posted at 12:08 am
on Mar. 28, 2006


Great use of blogging: a CEO apologizes

I never thought Plaxo was that evil. I mean, compared to the really bad spam I got, an email from an aquaintence about my contact info was positively benign.

posted at 12:08 am
on Mar. 28, 2006


Matthew Good’s blog is back

With a new design and no commenting. Jenny Good still MIA.

posted at 4:12 am
on Mar. 27, 2006


Fancy Pants Adventure Game - run, jump, score

The best part of a game isn't its plot, it's the feeling of the character. This game wins.

posted at 7:36 pm
on Mar. 26, 2006


I don’t see an Apple Store Vancouver on this list…

But I'd really like to see it.

posted at 12:11 am
on Mar. 26, 2006


Get XP Updates No Matter What, or Change your Product Key

Both of these might be very handy.

posted at 12:11 am
on Mar. 26, 2006


Spiffy Corners - Making anti-aliased rounded corners with CSS

Cool technique.

posted at 12:09 am
on Mar. 26, 2006


Did you know the 2006 Information Architecture Summit was happening right now in Vancouver?

It is. Good IA, bad marketing. 😊

posted at 5:44 pm
on Mar. 25, 2006


See hardcore pornography crossed with a clothing catalog

No, it's not Abercromby and Fitch. I've never linked to something this raunchy before, so be warned. That said, this appears to be a "legitimate" clothing manufacturer using an interactive Quicktime movie as their Summer 2006 catalog to advertise clothing that the models only wear for the first third of the film, if you get my meaning. Prices, sizes and colors appear when you mouse over the movie. As is often the case, it appears that pornography and entrepreneurship are the first to use cutting edge technology.

posted at 5:45 am
on Mar. 25, 2006


Here’s How to Do Word Count in Excel

This saved my bacon. Mmmm, saved bacon.

posted at 4:56 am
on Mar. 25, 2006


BBC Pictures: Fantasy coffins

My brother-in-law wants to be buried in an organ, non-specific. I'm thinking a spleen.

posted at 1:04 am
on Mar. 25, 2006


Brad Pitt gets kidnapped, on Google Video

Yes, that's me. Yes, I'm a dork.

posted at 12:54 am
on Mar. 25, 2006


Pro Golfer goes from first place to disqualified

"Davis Love III thought he had a chance to make history at The Players Championship. [But this] wasn't [the record] anyone imagined - a two-time champion losing [enough] share of the lead Friday until there was nowhere to go but home."

posted at 11:31 pm
on Mar. 24, 2006


Woman tells details of 10 years in captivity

This middle school security guard held a girl captive from age 14 to 24.

posted at 11:28 pm
on Mar. 24, 2006


Photo essay: Funeral for an American Indian warrior

An amazing photo documentation of the burial of a Native American who was killed January 7, 2006, in Fallujah, Iraq. Posted on American Indians have the highest per-capita participation in the armed services of any ethnic group.

posted at 11:25 pm
on Mar. 24, 2006



All the buckles you can imagine, and some you can't!

posted at 3:00 pm
on Mar. 24, 2006


Version History for UltraSolve Online Assistant

Written by Lore Sjöberg, the creator of brunching shuttlecocks and the book of ratings.

posted at 4:34 am
on Mar. 23, 2006


Microsoft redesigns the iPod box (video)

Funny stuff. But sad, too.

posted at 4:37 pm
on Mar. 22, 2006


Wish I could go: UC Berkeley Journalism New Media Lecture Series

But I can't. sigh. I want Dan GIllmor's job.

posted at 12:43 pm
on Mar. 22, 2006


Bush White House changes rules for gays seeking security clearance

They're "making it more consistent" with their intolerance.

posted at 12:24 pm
on Mar. 16, 2006


Worst picture of me at SXSW ever

Do I ever make that face any other time? Ever? If so, please shoot me.

posted at 11:23 pm
on Mar. 12, 2006


Torn Up Credit Card Applications Are Still Accepted

A fellow did an experiment: He tore up a credit card application, taped it back together, filled it out and sent it in. Two weeks later, he had a brand new credit card in his hand!

posted at 9:57 am
on Mar. 12, 2006


CNNMoney calls it The Next Net

But they really mean Web 2.0.

posted at 2:16 am
on Mar. 5, 2006


John Dean, Nixon’s lawyer, speaks out against Bush’s spying program

This guy KNOWS spying.

posted at 12:03 am
on Mar. 1, 2006



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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