Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

Odd interface, odd comics. I couldn’t stop reading them.

Written by The Perry Bible Fellowship, aka Nicholas Gurewitch.

posted at 4:06 pm
on Mar. 31, 2005


I’m going to be living next to a retired artist’s commmunity

Here in Coal Habour.

posted at 11:38 am
on Mar. 31, 2005


**Ten New Rules For House Guests**

Some swearing, but that's OK because it's really f*cking funny!

posted at 5:41 am
on Mar. 30, 2005


I can’t get enough of “Ostrich Ink.” This month’s great story is about a ride along in a mortician’s

Tangible writing, if you know what I mean. (Ed note: I'm going to try to go one week without using the word "Great" to describe any site -- please bust my ass if I slip up.)

posted at 11:44 am
on Mar. 28, 2005


Why environmentalists should be promoting Viagra

"Quick: what do sea turtles, black bears, and Philippine fruit bats have in common?"

posted at 10:56 am
on Mar. 28, 2005


Guardian has a gonzo-esque story about a journalist’s meeting with Bobby Fischer

It's no "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas," but then agai, it's about chess, so what did you expect?

posted at 10:50 am
on Mar. 28, 2005


Court order may end RadioShack’s presence in Canada by June 30

What a shame.

posted at 2:05 am
on Mar. 26, 2005


Man invests $18 million in drug research company; his daughter has diabetes

Heartwarming, and the guy made out like a bandit, too.

posted at 2:03 am
on Mar. 26, 2005


Clip of the Log Driver’s Waltz, by Albert Wade Hemsworth

Most Canadians will recognize this song and cartoon instantly.

posted at 9:50 pm
on Mar. 24, 2005


The Strangest Town in Alaska - published by Kokogiak Media

"Picture Whittier... A city barely 50 years old that had no road access for its first 50 years. A city where 90% of the population lives in a single building...."

posted at 5:30 pm
on Mar. 24, 2005


flickReplacr: A useless but entertaining bookmark that replaces any word on a page with a random Fli

Help! I'm out of control! Stop me before I refer to Flickr again!

posted at 5:24 pm
on Mar. 24, 2005


What is a Conlang?

It's a constructed language. Klingon, Elfish, Esperanto and others have been created, and this is an FAQ about them all.

posted at 2:09 am
on Mar. 24, 2005


Did you ever have a question about alphabets? It is surely answered here. Beautiful samples.

A wonderful resource, and includes some really fun fonts.

posted at 1:56 am
on Mar. 24, 2005


How are America’s two-career familes coping? In a word: barely (Great AP article)

I couldn't stop reading this article about a UCLA study that has spent 4 years analysing 32 Los Angeles families. The conclusions are absolutely amazing. Things like: * A man walks into the bedroom after work as his wife folds laundry. There is no kiss, or even a hello. Instead, they resume their breakfast argument virtually in midsentence about who left food on the counter to spoil. * Ochs laments how few people have any unstructured time. In just one of the 32 families did the father ? a freelance film animator ? make a habit of taking an evening stroll with his son and daughter. * How much stuff do people own? So much that only two families have room to park their cars in the garage. The world has never seen consumption on this scale, Arnold says. "And every week we see more stuff arriving. People can't stop." * Ochs says families gathered in the same room just 16 percent of the time. In five homes, the entire family was never in the same room while scientists were observing. Not once.

posted at 12:13 am
on Mar. 24, 2005


David Berkowitz writes a great, funny ‘what-if’ piece about search engine listings, for MediaPost

Made me laugh AND think - which ain't easy.

posted at 12:29 am
on Mar. 23, 2005


Spore: The most complete Sims video game ever—from single spore to galactic domination

That is, if this post is still up by the time you click on it.

posted at 11:18 pm
on Mar. 20, 2005


Can you copyright a Yoga class? Bikram’s is trying…

LATimes requires registration...

posted at 7:48 pm
on Mar. 20, 2005


A photo tour of the Pixar Studio

When I visited in person in 1993, the place was a lot smaller. Amazing the difference $1,500,000,000 in domestic box office can make.

posted at 6:44 pm
on Mar. 18, 2005


Yoga Journal tells you how to sit

i.e. up

posted at 11:50 am
on Mar. 18, 2005


Sky: An animated poem

It's set to Norah Jones -- how can it be bad? Answer; It can't, and it isn't.

posted at 10:11 pm
on Mar. 17, 2005


The Ultimate Guide to Destroying the Earth

Tremendously funny. Of course, I won't be laughing if it WORKS.

posted at 12:52 pm
on Mar. 17, 2005


The Seattle Times gives a great travelogue description of Coal Harbour

That's where I live. Always interesting to read someone's travel story of your own neighbourhood.

posted at 2:43 am
on Mar. 17, 2005


Sasha Rionda was the mutant child in 1990’s Total Recall movie

She turned out a lot better than I thought she would.

posted at 2:33 am
on Mar. 17, 2005


Skeletal systems of cartoon characters

via 990000

posted at 2:17 am
on Mar. 17, 2005


Susie just agreed to write another book: BitTorrent for Dummies

Now, let's hope the technology doesn't get sued into oblivion before the book comes out!

posted at 1:54 am
on Mar. 17, 2005


Darren Barefoot’s Doing the 30-Hour Famine—Help Him Out

I did the famine when I was in high school. My friend Roxanne teased me with a freshly made Oreo milkshake, but I didn't give in. They never found her body...

posted at 10:30 pm
on Mar. 16, 2005


A gas station in West Covina, CA, has marble counters and gold-plated faucets

Warning: This L.A. Times story is filled with awful double entendres.

posted at 9:12 pm
on Mar. 15, 2005


An interesting CSS way to display link titles


posted at 10:52 pm
on Mar. 14, 2005


Spaminatrix: An entertaining Flash video that actually has an interesting, real method to eradicate

Brought to you by the same people who to geobytes, an IP-based location detection system.

posted at 6:48 pm
on Mar. 14, 2005


A dancing flash animation of a chalk outline, rotoscoped

Yes, I know that didn't make the greatest description, but you really have to see this to understand it. Via Good Experience.

posted at 1:20 am
on Mar. 12, 2005


Which language is the hardest language to learn?


posted at 8:32 pm
on Mar. 11, 2005


Peerflix, a P2P real world DVD exchange—with Vancouver offices

Has anyone real tried this? Does it work?

posted at 8:18 pm
on Mar. 11, 2005


Planters Mixed Nuts: It’s actually MORE than 50% peanuts!  Scandal!

Go, bloggers, go! Let's see if you can take down the big guy this time -- Mr. Peanut!

posted at 10:43 am
on Mar. 10, 2005


Track your Amazon sales rank with Books & Writers: Internet Services For Author & Publishers

Susie's book is #5,120 at this moment. That's f-in' awesome!

posted at 1:13 am
on Mar. 10, 2005


If you do not donate money by June 30, 2005, this man will kill his cute pet bunny and EAT him.  Sav

It disturbs me that the Google ads on the site are for girlfriends. Like, because rabbit ransomers make good boyfriends? Or because if you like eating bunnies, you might like to have a girlfriend? I don't understand.

posted at 3:15 pm
on Mar. 9, 2005


The Official BitTorrent 4.0.0 is now available

The site looks a little less like a student project now.

posted at 1:12 pm
on Mar. 9, 2005


Romenesko finally has an RSS feed

Welcome, sir!

posted at 12:05 pm
on Mar. 9, 2005

Permalink - Food poisoning kills 29 children

Can you believe that tapioca, one of the world's most innocuous substances, is made from a potentially poisonous root?

posted at 11:58 am
on Mar. 9, 2005


Rog::Ran::Dom: writes about “Groundhog Day in Brazil”—you hang a dog from a rope and spin him (co

It looks horribly cruel, and triggered a rather large debate in Flickr-land about whether one should photograph such things. Update: This is apparently a wire service photograph from Bulgaria, not Brazil, and even with that correction, the poster notes that this story has not been fully verified. I hope it turns out to be a hoax.

posted at 12:28 am
on Mar. 9, 2005


A large mushroom cloud of steam and smoke appears over Mt. Saint Helens after a “geological incident

This is a live Web cam link; it may be dark when you click it.

posted at 5:01 pm
on Mar. 8, 2005

Permalink opines on why making lists is such an irresistible activity

Just like this list I add to every day.

posted at 1:36 pm
on Mar. 8, 2005


If you use a RAID array, you won’t be able to activate Acrobat 7.0

So you can have your data secure, or Adobe can have its activation system -- and guess who wins? They should put this on the box and on the requirements page (they don't currently), that you are required to have at least one non-RAID drive to use the product.

posted at 1:27 pm
on Mar. 8, 2005


Are You a Scary Boss? - Computerworld

No, I'm a sleepy boss.

posted at 11:13 am
on Mar. 8, 2005


Paul Ford writes about his cat, this month named Abraham Lincoln

He changes his cats name every month. And why not? He might eventually find the name that makes the cat come when it's called.

posted at 11:11 am
on Mar. 8, 2005


Interesting business model of the day: Give away a 6-minute short online, but sell a DVD full of ext

It works because it's a kickass short animated movie, called "More" that will, I guarantee, make you sigh wistfully.

posted at 3:01 pm
on Mar. 7, 2005


I’m crazy for recommending that you read this, but here’s the funniest email newsletter ad I’ve ever

Read to the bottom; the movie they're hawking is pretty good, too. Actually, I'm going to post about that as well.

posted at 2:59 pm
on Mar. 7, 2005


(Real) Live Textile Formatting

Handy for allowing folks to see how their comments will look.

posted at 1:52 pm
on Mar. 6, 2005


Video travelogues using someone’s fingers, water color cutouts and a sense of humor

Sensationally funny stuff.

posted at 5:12 pm
on Mar. 5, 2005


Conspiracy Schoolhouse Rock! (mpg file)

From an old Saturday Night Live (though it's apparently been pulled out of that show's reruns -- ah ha!)

posted at 1:04 pm
on Mar. 4, 2005


Are you tired of Outlook launching IE even though Firefox is your preferred brower? Me too

"Us, a monopoly? What makes you say that?"

posted at 11:58 am
on Mar. 4, 2005


Remember the Rubik’s Cube? Here’s a working calendar built from one

The site's fascinating. Here's another cool cube: Fun ? Rubik's Professor Cube ? Pretty Patterns

posted at 10:31 pm
on Mar. 2, 2005



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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