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The Unofficial Trailer Park Boys Video Game Arcade

Damn straight.

posted at 2:06 pm
on Jul. 30, 2004


Sloganator: The best subversive Bush/Cheney posters of 2004

I enjoyed "Most Disliked President Ever!"

posted at 11:35 am
on Jul. 30, 2004


How Many Words-Per-Minute Do You Read?

I average 600-800, depending on the test apparently.

posted at 1:30 am
on Jul. 30, 2004


Improper use of a sun roof


posted at 1:13 pm
on Jul. 22, 2004


Star-Telegram’s sensational profile of Seymore Hersh

"For four decades he has burrowed into the ranks of midlevel bureaucrats in the government, intelligence community and military, carefully cultivating them over the years."

posted at 11:33 am
on Jul. 20, 2004


When you have kids, you get excited about Mr. Clean Magic Eraser

I suppose jewel thiefs might also like its fingerprint cleaning power

posted at 3:50 pm
on Jul. 19, 2004

Permalink has a great “This Land” parody

Hum along!

posted at 3:49 pm
on Jul. 19, 2004


This guy has visited, and taken a picture of, 92% of all Starbucks

It was slow at first, but after drinking coffee from the first 1,000 stores, he sprinted through the next 3,000

posted at 12:39 am
on Jul. 19, 2004


L.A. County Assesor’s Map—find out what your neighbour’s house is worth

Fun for the whole neighborhood!

posted at 3:19 pm
on Jul. 16, 2004


Are you an ecoblogger?

You'd better tell chandrasutra about it.

posted at 9:59 pm
on Jul. 15, 2004


A useful site for starting a small business

Even if you aren't in B.C.

posted at 3:02 pm
on Jul. 15, 2004


Flickr: Photos from the hail storm / flood / general water chaos in Edmonton

Canada is a lovely place to visit in summer, when it's not a blizzard

posted at 2:17 am
on Jul. 15, 2004


Home Prices Continue to Soar in L.A. County


posted at 1:56 am
on Jul. 15, 2004


Video: Wine, good food and sex aren’t bad for you

Ths ad explains what is bad.

posted at 1:54 am
on Jul. 15, 2004


A desktop pattern that will cause you to go insane

The almonds. THE ALMONDS!

posted at 4:15 pm
on Jul. 14, 2004


NaDa: The Software That Does Nothing, Well

And does, well, nothing. (Via Good Experience Live speaker David Greenberger.)

posted at 4:13 pm
on Jul. 14, 2004


When a Balance Ball abruptly ceases to exist

Especially dangerous when bouncing with a baby

posted at 4:10 pm
on Jul. 14, 2004


“” is a social bookmark sharing site with blogging APIs

Basically, you save your favorite sites, and see who else has saved that site as well. The cat item I just blogged is from that site, BTW

posted at 1:17 am
on Jul. 13, 2004


He gave his cat an enema

Don't worry, the story has a happy ending

posted at 1:15 am
on Jul. 13, 2004


Imagine using your cell phone’s camera to interactively control computers around you

The phone becomes a "magic wand"-like device in these videos.

posted at 7:37 pm
on Jul. 12, 2004


House, Barely, Leaves Patriot Act As Is

The effort to defy Bush and bridle the law's powers lost by 210-210, with a majority needed to prevail.

posted at 1:47 am
on Jul. 11, 2004


Has Your Blog Led to a Job?

Kind of the opposite, really.

posted at 1:37 am
on Jul. 11, 2004


Every U.S. presidential campaign commercial

The good, the bad, and the ugly

posted at 1:24 am
on Jul. 11, 2004


MicroAngela’s Electron Microscope Image Gallery

Bugs REALLY up close and personal

posted at 1:10 am
on Jul. 11, 2004


living jewels

Beautiful metallic beetles

posted at 1:09 am
on Jul. 11, 2004


The super definitive OS X menubar item list

Every icon links to site of the app that generates it

posted at 1:28 am
on Jul. 9, 2004


Google’s email service disproves many assumptions about applications

Like whether filing is the best way to handle data, whether local is the best place to do computing, and whether the Web browser can be the best application interface.

posted at 12:48 am
on Jul. 9, 2004


Wired News: Anil Dash’s Single Post Wins Google Contest

Hooray for the power of blogs!

posted at 12:40 am
on Jul. 9, 2004


A man writes an article about his plot to kill his childhood rapist

It's a powerful piece.

posted at 4:10 pm
on Jul. 8, 2004


Site suggests using sex to swing the vote

Warning: It's very racy. But funny.

posted at 1:22 pm
on Jul. 8, 2004


A painting of a pixel

Think of it as a 1x1 screen

posted at 2:05 pm
on Jul. 7, 2004


Browser Detect Javascript (

Quite useful.

posted at 6:08 pm
on Jul. 6, 2004


Keep Canada unique: Say NO to “deep integration”

Though I support free trade, I'd rather the U.S. and Canada didn't share a currency, ID card, water and energy policy, and health care system. How about you?

posted at 6:11 pm
on Jul. 5, 2004


FedEx Package Tracking in RSS, grace a Ben Hammersley

This is a great example of the Internet community doing what it does best.

posted at 2:35 pm
on Jul. 5, 2004


ORblogs | Oregon Weblogs Community

Communities of blogs are catching on.

posted at 2:14 pm
on Jul. 5, 2004


My Photo Album: July 4, 2004, Surfrider Beach, Malibu

I like the one where I take my own picture as I'm catching a frisbee.

posted at 12:21 pm
on Jul. 5, 2004


60% of “Farenheit 9/11” domestic B.O. profit will likely go to charities

How much of "The Passion of the Christ"'s box office did?

posted at 2:47 am
on Jul. 3, 2004


The Ditty Bops

Two girls and a guitar and a Web site.

posted at 5:41 pm
on Jul. 1, 2004


Renard Garr Wrestling photos

I understand a little better now what lies outside the glow of hype in this sport.

posted at 5:39 pm
on Jul. 1, 2004


Hot for teacher?

Teacher hot for student.

posted at 12:42 pm
on Jul. 1, 2004



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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