Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page seems to offer affordable after-purchase warranties on tech gear

I'll try it on my next electronics purchase.

posted at 11:19 am
on Sep. 30, 2008


More than three websites and you’re crazy

Ha ha!

posted at 7:00 pm
on Sep. 28, 2008


William Gibson writes in Wired about eBay and his watch-collecting obsession

I also collect watches. Thanks, Darren.

posted at 6:49 pm
on Sep. 28, 2008


I’m the 16th most-visible-on-the-Web person in Vancouver

It's a wonderful honor. For example, I wonder why the #1 person on the list lives in ... Victoria? Hello?

posted at 12:32 am
on Sep. 27, 2008


11 Great Apple Technologies That Failed

When you look at the list of things Apple made before the iPod, it's amazing.

posted at 2:39 pm
on Sep. 24, 2008


Hop Studios just released a spam-fighting module for ExpressionEngine

We're using Defensio -- come try it out.

posted at 10:29 am
on Sep. 24, 2008


Mustag has a newer, badder logo

Click the link in the text to see an overlay comparison between the two. It's subtle but awesome.

posted at 3:31 pm
on Sep. 23, 2008


ATTN iPhone 3G Owners: Tiny tiny USB Power Adapter Recall

The prongs break off. (But don't catch fire.)

posted at 3:21 pm
on Sep. 23, 2008


You have never seen someone run a red light like this

This is a miracle no one was killed by this BC driver.

posted at 11:06 am
on Sep. 23, 2008


Raincity Grill Gets a Really Bad Review

I loved it when I went there -- just an off night? Or a reviewer having a bad day? Perhaps.

posted at 2:00 am
on Sep. 19, 2008


Our latest site: Coopstuff, The official Coop website and online shopping extravaganza!

If you like big breasted women and art, I've made you very happy today.

posted at 5:51 pm
on Sep. 18, 2008


WestJet has removed their fuel surcharge

They are the first, I think, to respond to dropping fuel prices.

posted at 3:25 pm
on Sep. 18, 2008


Large Survey of Economists Shows Preference for Obama

So, if you think economists are smart overall, this might be relevant.

posted at 5:19 pm
on Sep. 17, 2008


If GPS systems could really talk

tee hee

posted at 5:18 pm
on Sep. 17, 2008


Ninja Cat observed in the wild

The funniest video clip I've seen in, oh, say, 1.5 months.

posted at 5:11 pm
on Sep. 17, 2008


Can you really see Russia from Alaska?

Yep. But you're seeing dirt, not international political negotiations.

posted at 11:18 am
on Sep. 17, 2008


Turkish Hotel Fires Its Entire Male Staff for Promiscuity

All that's left are the promiscuous women now.

posted at 11:18 am
on Sep. 17, 2008


Borrell Analysis: What’s a local Web site worth these days?

Answer, more than your blog.

posted at 10:55 am
on Sep. 17, 2008


The Facebook user experience in real life

Heh heh true.

posted at 11:30 am
on Sep. 16, 2008


Guy in suit skateboarding insanely fast down a highway

Skip ahead to 3:30 for the actual amazing part.

posted at 11:27 am
on Sep. 16, 2008


Bedpost: A Web 2.0 tool for tracking how often you have sex

I was overcome by the number of witty comments I could make here, and actually couldn't pick just one.

posted at 11:21 am
on Sep. 16, 2008


How to Reveal a Shocking Truth to a Person Who’s Not Ready

Don't start out by saying: Are you sitting down?

posted at 11:45 am
on Sep. 15, 2008


Amazon temporarily deletes all Spore customer reviews

What a glitch!

posted at 5:46 pm
on Sep. 12, 2008


Fun With Sticky Notes

I dig.

posted at 3:41 pm
on Sep. 12, 2008


iPhone App rejected from being sold in ITunes because it duplicates iTunes functionality

Apple, this is the biggest app store blunder yet. I will bet we see a reversal within, oh, say, 36 hours. Definitely by Monday morning.

posted at 3:21 pm
on Sep. 12, 2008


Michigan GOP May Bar Voters Who Have Received Foreclosure Notices

This seems like a bad idea, at best, and a criminal idea, at worst.

posted at 4:46 pm
on Sep. 11, 2008


Looking back: The Big Picture remembers 9/11


posted at 12:15 pm
on Sep. 10, 2008


I love love love the new Flickr home page

And I super duper love the transition effect you get when you first request it -- go to flickr, click the link at the bottom now! That's the old Flickr magic I've been missing. Way to go, folks!

posted at 12:13 pm
on Sep. 10, 2008


ExpressionEngine 2.0 Delayed

Until slightly after I lose my mind.

posted at 12:00 pm
on Sep. 8, 2008


Socotra Island: The Most Alien-Looking Place on Earth

Truly bizarre flora and fauna; great photos.

posted at 9:38 am
on Sep. 8, 2008

Permalink has the coolest 2008 National Presidential General Election poll average chart

Don't get too worried about McCain's post-convention bump. Let's see if it's still there in 10 days.

posted at 9:14 am
on Sep. 8, 2008


Burger made of 100% Bacon, with a slice of cheese on top—and on the bottom

God save our souls -- and I hope He has a lot of paper towels to blot the grease out of us!

posted at 1:47 am
on Sep. 8, 2008


Truthdigger of the Week: Edwin O. Guthman

Ed Guthman was a favorite professor of mine, and the sweetest professor I ever had. Sharp and ethical and hard to disappoint. He died Aug. 31, 2008.

posted at 12:12 am
on Sep. 8, 2008


My first Twitter: Nov 2006: Getting into trouble.

Just for the record.

posted at 11:59 pm
on Sep. 7, 2008


Did you know you can order crabs (the sex lice kind) over the Internet?

I wish I didn't know that. Damn you, StumbleUpon!

posted at 9:34 pm
on Sep. 5, 2008


Oh wise Google, what is the best revenge?

A hot bod? Democarcy? A smile? Oh for shame. The best revenge is a private jet, a pilot's license and one parachute.

posted at 9:28 pm
on Sep. 5, 2008


This woman has a nipple on her foot

But she had it removed.

posted at 11:07 pm
on Sep. 3, 2008


Try this on Google: “what Republican should I pick for my VP Running Mate?”

Then choose "I Feel Lucky"...

posted at 3:37 pm
on Sep. 3, 2008


Cartoon: As Google Takes Over Your Life…

I love the running mate one...

posted at 3:36 pm
on Sep. 3, 2008


All the Mad Men characters are on Twitter (but there’s drama around it)

Seems that it was a fan effort, and AMC first started to shut them down, before deciding to let it happen...

posted at 3:05 pm
on Sep. 3, 2008


The Largest Glacier Collapse Ever Recorded on Video

Click on Evidence / Videos / either of the first two. It shows how quickly glaciers are receding. I saw this on a TV in the Denver airport. Woah.

posted at 2:15 pm
on Sep. 3, 2008


USC athletes earned 21 medals in the Beijing Olympics, including 9 gold

That would have put USC 13th on the list of countries. Athletes from my alma mater have won gold in every olympics since 1912. Go Trojans!

posted at 11:48 am
on Sep. 3, 2008


We Do Creative: A Site Design I Like

This is a reminder for myself, move along.

posted at 5:45 pm
on Sep. 2, 2008


A short piece on citizen journalism and a Brooklyn man’s death

I don't know that I can draw any conclusions from the piece, but it's an interesting look at how citizen journalism (doesn't) work sometimes.

posted at 9:34 am
on Sep. 2, 2008


37signals (Basecamp) tries to phase out support for IE 6, but had to extend the deadline

Let's see if they can do it by Oct. 1...

posted at 9:08 am
on Sep. 2, 2008


Killer Kowalski, Wrestler, Dies at 81

As with many things in the New York Times, it's fairly well written.

posted at 8:48 am
on Sep. 2, 2008


T Shirt for a friend

Says: It's not that I'm Bi -- It's just that I'm Horny

posted at 8:46 am
on Sep. 2, 2008



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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