Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

Beer bottle brand with music notes on the side; drink to the line to make a particular tone

Tuned Pale Ale also makes you more likely to sing the more you drink.

posted at 4:57 pm
on Aug. 31, 2010


What do you get when you take 15,000 fireworks and set them all off at the same time?

Old answer: Many loud bangs. New answer: A popular YouTube video.

posted at 4:53 pm
on Aug. 31, 2010


Video of the two cars that caught fire last night behind my house, by Dragon Ball Tea, Vancouver

It was a pretty impressive blaze.

posted at 3:54 pm
on Aug. 31, 2010


Does Your Language Shape How You Think? (

Yes, it does -- not by what it stops you from thinking, but wy what it compels you to think about, like gender, time, ownership, etc.

posted at 1:43 pm
on Aug. 31, 2010


14 possible (and 1 impossible) new ways to tie your shoelaces

I think I'll use the ladder one, actually.

posted at 2:23 pm
on Aug. 30, 2010


1-in-4 British Men Traveling on Business Bring a Stuffed Animal Along

And if you include women, the number rises to 35%, though the source of the data is a little "fuzzy" (sorry, I couldn't help it).

posted at 9:52 am
on Aug. 30, 2010


Support the Arts by Supporting an Artist: Rachael Ashe

'Nuff said.

posted at 6:43 pm
on Aug. 28, 2010


Jealousy / Confidence

posted at 1:36 am
on Aug. 28, 2010


The Un-Divorced: Separated(ish?) for many years, they remain married for a handful of reasons

Interesting look at complicated situations; my friend's grandfather was un-divorced until his death.

posted at 1:18 am
on Aug. 28, 2010


It’s 2010 and Canadians pay the highest cell phone bills in the world

Specifically, *I* pay the highest cell phone bill in the universe, or so it feels to me.

posted at 5:03 pm
on Aug. 27, 2010


List of drugs affected by grapefruit, according to Wikipedia

There's a lot of them. So kids, don't snort crack and then eat a grapefruit.

posted at 5:51 pm
on Aug. 25, 2010


The origin of The Paradoxical Commandments of leadership (scroll down to the list of 10) from 1968

I'm always interested in paths to leadership.

posted at 1:21 pm
on Aug. 25, 2010


Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet bunny rabbit video

Awwwwwwwww. (Thanks @xalk)

posted at 6:32 pm
on Aug. 24, 2010


How to Forgive (don’t miss the 9-steps sidebar)

Disclaimer: link is to a client's site.

posted at 4:22 pm
on Aug. 23, 2010


Foodtree: A user-generated site for organizing and understanding the sources of your life’s food

I had dinner with one of the founders recently and YUM and by the way YUM YUM. Wow.

posted at 12:10 pm
on Aug. 23, 2010


Photos: A Growing Cute Collection of Photo Booth Marriage Proposals

Cue the sigh: *awwww*

posted at 3:04 pm
on Aug. 21, 2010


Sign up now, for free, for one of the “World’s Longest Alphabetical Email Address"es

This is not, by far, the stupidest thing on the Internet. Which is saying something. (

posted at 4:22 pm
on Aug. 19, 2010


Why Rolf Potts is traveling around the world for 6 weeks with no luggage - not even a fanny pack

But then where will he store his mittens?

posted at 3:37 pm
on Aug. 19, 2010


(Fun) Video: Lots of Money Doesn’t Motivate Smart People - Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose do

It's quite a presentation. Worth a watch.

posted at 11:51 am
on Aug. 18, 2010


14 Min Video: A Convenience Store Goes Crazy When a Man Wins the Lottery (NSFW)

Really tight acting, editing, everything. Amazing short film.

posted at 10:56 pm
on Aug. 17, 2010


Gang member gave his 7-yr-old son a tattoo, and faced life imprisonment (but got 5 years in prison)

"In closing arguments, William Lacy, the prosecutor, argued that the defendants' actions fit the legal definition of aggravated mayhem -- a disfigurement that reflected extreme indifference to the physical well-being of the child."

posted at 1:56 pm
on Aug. 17, 2010


The story behind Twifficiency: How a teenager in the U.K. built the latest viral Twitter trend

And why it's important to you.

posted at 10:47 am
on Aug. 17, 2010


Video: Thank you, hula hooping Toddler, for making me smile briefly before I go to bed

Some days, I feel just like this. 😉

posted at 1:10 am
on Aug. 17, 2010


Travis Smith is the type of person you’ll never forget

Travis Smith is the type of person you'll never forget

posted at 7:29 pm
on Aug. 13, 2010


Some estimate the world has 10 years left of antibiotic effectiveness, after which… who knows?

So if you're going to get infected, do it SOON.

posted at 12:30 pm
on Aug. 13, 2010


Consumers, as they prune back and find ways to spend less, are finding Happiness

This is, perversely, bad for the economy.

posted at 1:47 pm
on Aug. 11, 2010


Why Google Became Gave Up Its (Correct)Position on Net Neutrality when it comes to Wireless Networks

Alas, Google -- Evil's just another word for something to lose.

posted at 1:42 pm
on Aug. 11, 2010


The Tiger Oil Memos from Mike Davis; A Son-uv-a-Bitch Boss If Ever There Was One

Next time I worry about being a boss, I'll think of Mr. Davis and say, I'm not so bad.

posted at 4:18 pm
on Aug. 9, 2010


Gowalla Offers New Tools & Support for Republican Politicians; but not for any Democrats (yet)

Wouldn't it have been a little fairer to start this off with an even number of Democrats and Republicans? Hmmm. I'm getting more and more disappointed in Gowalla.

posted at 12:55 pm
on Aug. 5, 2010


Woman Says She Found Husband’s Other Wife on Facebook…

...when Facebook changed its default privacy policy on "Show wives to other wives?" to "Yes"

posted at 10:39 am
on Aug. 5, 2010


Video: It’s Jesus Meets MST3K

So, does this count as "spreading the word"? I can use any advantage I can get here...

posted at 3:02 pm
on Aug. 4, 2010


Wave goodbye to Google Wave

I like Google's search, and Maps, and I live in Gmail. Beyond that...

posted at 2:38 pm
on Aug. 4, 2010


25 Things you should know about Other People

by Sovereign Syre (originally published on back in 2009) 1. Most people hide their suffering better than you think, you pass dozens of people a day on the street without any idea how well they're wearing their tragedies. 2. People's names are the sweetest sounds they hear. You should make a point of being good at learning and using them. 3. People love to spread their misery around, but not as much as they enjoy being lifted out of it. 4. Being young is not in and of itself an achievement. Neither is being beautiful. But people often treat you as if they are. and 21 other jewels.

posted at 3:34 pm
on Aug. 3, 2010


Artist Sergey Larenkov merges images from WWII into present day (thanks @sarahsim)

We are all the product of war.

posted at 3:26 pm
on Aug. 3, 2010


Great t-shirt: “I just unlocked the Stalker Badge.”


posted at 10:32 am
on Aug. 3, 2010


Should Kids Conceived After a Father’s Death Receive Benefits? (WSJ)

That's a mind-bending legal question, isn't it?

posted at 10:16 am
on Aug. 3, 2010


Newsweek magazine sold for $1 to Harman of harman/kardon, husband of congresswoman Jane Harman

Damn -- *I* had $1 just sitting here in my desk drawer! I totally could have bought that!

posted at 3:56 pm
on Aug. 2, 2010


Video: Jane Austen’s Fight Club


posted at 3:54 pm
on Aug. 2, 2010


Use the JailbreakMe Web site to One-Click Jailbreak Your iOS 4.x Device

Remember to tell your phone not to go to sleep while you do it...

posted at 2:57 pm
on Aug. 2, 2010


5 Widely Believed Dating Myths that Science Says Aren’t True

From the experts at ... wait for it ...

posted at 2:56 pm
on Aug. 2, 2010



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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