Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

The dumbest dog you’ll ever see - Google Video

Crazy-stupid! (Thanks, Doc!)

posted at 11:51 pm
on Dec. 30, 2005


USNews Exclusive: Nuclear Monitoring of Muslims Done Without Search Warrants

Exclusive? Hell, is there anyone who IS surprised by this news?

posted at 11:38 pm
on Dec. 30, 2005


sIFR 2.0: Rich Accessible Typography for the Masses

I haven't tried this yet. Does anyone know if it works?

posted at 10:04 am
on Dec. 29, 2005


Top 50 Music Videos Of 2005 - watchable via one click

They're free. Or you can also pay to watch some of them in iTunes -- how does that business model work, I wonder?

posted at 12:53 am
on Dec. 29, 2005


1/4 ton of silly putty—fun!!!

Wish I could play. They should have dropped it from the roof.

posted at 4:25 pm
on Dec. 28, 2005


Megablog’s owner, fired for ‘blogging’

Bloggers love this stuff.

posted at 4:00 am
on Dec. 28, 2005


A HUGE sinkhole appeared next to our old building

As they say on the Simpsons... haaa haaa.

posted at 2:02 pm
on Dec. 27, 2005


Shelter chided for extending sick dog’s life

She took her dog to be put down, and the shelter took it but put it up for adoption. Oh, the humanity!

posted at 11:22 pm
on Dec. 26, 2005


Peanuts used to treat peanut allergies

It should be nicknamed the Nietzsche Treatment.

posted at 11:20 pm
on Dec. 26, 2005

Permalink’s Year in pictures is the best I’ve seen in years.

Really moving.

posted at 10:52 pm
on Dec. 26, 2005


Mac Users Can’t Report Crimes to the Vancouver Police

The online crime reporting tool of the Vancouver is Win IE only -- a crime in and of itself, I'd say...

posted at 5:17 pm
on Dec. 26, 2005


First U.S. Lesbian Civil Union Ends in Violence

Cat fight!

posted at 3:33 pm
on Dec. 26, 2005


Closeup Flickr photoset of the Buncefield Oil Fire

Buncefield Oil Fire

posted at 1:26 pm
on Dec. 26, 2005


Kathleen Gilroy :: Ice Porsche

Makes me glad I have a garage.

posted at 6:36 pm
on Dec. 25, 2005


Longitudinal cohort study of the displacement of teaspoons (Where have they bloody gone?)

"Our data might also be contemplated through the prism of counterphenomenological resistentialism, which holds that les choses sont contre nous (things are against us)."

posted at 5:20 pm
on Dec. 25, 2005


Boing Boing: HOAX: ‘Little Red Book prompts DHS visit’ was Big Fat Lie

Sorry I passed it along, folks.

posted at 4:59 pm
on Dec. 25, 2005


My favorite Christmas album (2nd on the page)

beep beep boop

posted at 6:48 pm
on Dec. 23, 2005


Blog about a woman fighting with breast cancer

It's a lovely blog.

posted at 3:09 pm
on Dec. 22, 2005


Newton Museum’s entire collection is for sale on eBay

For those of you with 'only' one Newton, this is a chance to give it a LOT of friends.

posted at 12:49 am
on Dec. 22, 2005


Scared of Santa! (A photo gallery on Flickr)

Needs more photos!

posted at 4:13 pm
on Dec. 20, 2005


‘Alien Loves Predator’ Loves Christmas

A funny cartoon celebrates the holidays.

posted at 2:25 am
on Dec. 20, 2005


CBC British Columbia: More stoned drivers, say police

I think it's "There are more stoned drivers" not "We want more stoned drivers."

posted at 2:16 am
on Dec. 20, 2005


The Synonym Finder: The best thesaurus ever

I have one of these books, and it's the only print reference text I still use regularly (other than programming manuals). It's better than anything online, that's for sure.

posted at 2:14 am
on Dec. 20, 2005


The truth about shutdown.

"About a month later, after had been taken offline, there was a door bell at 6:30 in the morning, saying it's the police. Actually I was not expecting anything anymore, since had been taken offline long before that. They showed me a court order to search my place and they did so. They took as far as I remember, two of my computers and lots of documents...."

posted at 2:04 am
on Dec. 20, 2005


Why did Scott Adams delete a recent post about caffeine?

Who knows? Who cares? No one, really, except for his ravenous fans.

posted at 1:56 am
on Dec. 20, 2005


My annual favorite holiday greeting card

It's so excellent! Snowman blowing bubbles, how can that be anything but great?

posted at 5:38 pm
on Dec. 19, 2005


Uni student orders ‘Little Red Book,’ gets visit from Homeland Security

When will more people start protesting this sort of oppressive monitoring?

posted at 10:57 pm
on Dec. 18, 2005


The Vancouver Blogger December Meetup is on the 21st, 7:30 p.m. at Subeez

I plan on being there... will you make it?

posted at 10:53 pm
on Dec. 18, 2005


JibJab presents Bush’s Year in Review

Goodbye, 2-0-5!

posted at 11:33 pm
on Dec. 17, 2005


ExpressionEngine 1.4 is out, and there’s a FREE version

Download it now. Look out Wordpress! Run away, Movable Type!

posted at 11:46 pm
on Dec. 16, 2005


The Christmas Truce of World War I


posted at 3:59 pm
on Dec. 16, 2005


Elisha Cuthbert has a hockey blog

You can take the girl out of Canada, but you can't take hockey out of the Canadian girl.

posted at 2:25 am
on Dec. 16, 2005


easo andrews has a nice artists’ flash site

I found it because of his photographs of ballerina's feet, I kid you not.

posted at 2:01 am
on Dec. 16, 2005


Newspapers need more customers like this one

Actually, they need more customers, period.

posted at 1:31 pm
on Dec. 15, 2005


Did you ever used to get funny faxes at the office?

Well, now you can get them even grainer on the InterWebs! (Thanks, Darren.)

posted at 1:22 pm
on Dec. 15, 2005


The Baculum, or Penis Bone, Can Be Used to Stir Coffee

Don't even ask me how I found this page.

posted at 5:34 pm
on Dec. 14, 2005


SlideShowPro - The complete photo gallery solution for Flash

Looks fairly cool, for just $20. Integrates with Flickr and OS X (iPhoto). Wanna buy it and tell me if it works as good as it looks?

posted at 9:20 am
on Dec. 14, 2005


Gallery of ‘Scary Santa’ photos

It's a South Florida tradition.

posted at 12:22 am
on Dec. 14, 2005


New phrase alert: sex rage

It's an odd one, too.

posted at 12:13 am
on Dec. 14, 2005


Are Media Using the FOIA Enough to Get Military Info?

From the looks of it, not really. The leader, the AP (meaning all AP branches) files 72 out of a total of 10,000 FOIA requests the Pentagon received. That ain't much, and like I say, they were the leader.

posted at 12:04 am
on Dec. 14, 2005


Mars Rover ‘Opportunity’ Celebrates One Mars Year

Actually, it was yesterday. For a robot that was expected to last 90 days, 670 days ain't nothing to shake a stick at!

posted at 10:20 pm
on Dec. 13, 2005


Ostrich Ink: I Could’ve Fucked A Clown

If you've read the headline, you've already read the NSFW part.

posted at 1:42 pm
on Dec. 13, 2005


How to Save the World: The Aphid Philosophy

It's a good read.

posted at 4:31 pm
on Dec. 12, 2005


Andy’s Jacket has been having fun

andyjacket is the tag.

posted at 12:58 pm
on Dec. 12, 2005


A blog of insufferable cuteness

Mostly baby chipmunks, but the occasional baby seal, too.

posted at 10:03 am
on Dec. 12, 2005


My Friends Lee and Sachi Are Leaving Today to Travel for a Year

They're going from Seattle to New York, then to Australia -- I guess they want to get a running start before they leap across the ocean?

posted at 7:59 pm
on Dec. 11, 2005


Video: Sarah Silverman sings ‘Give the Jew Girl Toys’

Hey, Santa! You've got as much to do with Jesus as you do with Scooby Doo!

posted at 2:34 pm
on Dec. 10, 2005


Make your votes for the Best of Vancouver 2005

If there are categories you don't have answers for, skip 'em.

posted at 3:16 am
on Dec. 10, 2005


The History of Aeon Flux, in comic form

How did this Charlize Theron movie get its start? On MTV!

posted at 4:46 pm
on Dec. 6, 2005


Asses now too fat for standard injections

It's not an Onion article, it's REAL! 23 out of 25 women studied recently didn't get injected properly because they had too much fat between the needle and their butt muscle (forgive me if I'm being too technical). I presume guys would be just as bad.

posted at 12:42 pm
on Dec. 1, 2005



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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