Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

Cruft: How to prepare for SxSW

Very useful guide -- and I look forward to meeting Mr. Cruft himself.

posted at 8:10 am
on Feb. 28, 2008


Blog-ster vs Art-ster: A definitive study

It's so true. Especially the MacBook Air. I gotta get me one of those.

posted at 6:17 am
on Feb. 28, 2008



Matt is the main Matt.

posted at 7:44 pm
on Feb. 26, 2008


The Dog Game


posted at 7:16 pm
on Feb. 26, 2008


YouTube - Advanced LeapFrog Techniques

Thanks, Norlinda!

posted at 6:48 pm
on Feb. 26, 2008


Unscrew America: Learn about CFLs and LED lightbulbs while listening to electronic music

It's a fun site. Spend at least 10 minutes.

posted at 8:54 am
on Feb. 26, 2008


Variety’ parent company, Reed, plans to sell off it and other magazines

This will have approximately, oh, zero impact on Variety.

posted at 4:24 pm
on Feb. 21, 2008


A new Poll module for ExpressionEngine released by

PIE charts. But no Bar charts. Ah well.

posted at 12:26 am
on Feb. 21, 2008


Leaked Video of the New iPhone

Ha! Made you look!

posted at 1:50 pm
on Feb. 20, 2008


Adventures of a Tree

A short funny comic

posted at 1:33 pm
on Feb. 20, 2008


Mathematical Analysis of the Candyland kids game

Learn exactly how long, on average, it takes for an insane man to create a Web page on an obscure topic

posted at 1:25 pm
on Feb. 20, 2008


Cake Camp 2008

No, not CaseCamp, Cake Camp

posted at 1:20 pm
on Feb. 20, 2008


The Fun Game Banks Make You Play: Trivial Security Questions

Hilarious column by Lore

posted at 1:18 pm
on Feb. 20, 2008


Barack Obama folded you an origami crane

Awww, what a sweet fellow. I think I'll vote for him.

posted at 2:18 pm
on Feb. 19, 2008


Quintessential Russ Meyer: Vixen Erica Gavin goes down on a dead fish

It's research for a client. Really. Actually, I'm not even kidding.

posted at 11:51 pm
on Feb. 18, 2008


The Web site for Susie’s book, Blogging for Dummies, is launched

I hadn't mentioned it yet. It's a nice design, and has good tips and info about blogging already.

posted at 10:47 am
on Feb. 16, 2008


101 People on Flickr named “Anna Kravcova”

It's spam.

posted at 8:14 pm
on Feb. 14, 2008


Hey, when did the Vancouver Public Library site redesign?

Nice and clean, if mostly the same functionality.

posted at 1:30 pm
on Feb. 14, 2008


In Vancouver on Tuesday, and want to learn about Search Marketing?

Monique Trottier and Alex Brabant are teaching. They're awesome.

posted at 1:25 pm
on Feb. 14, 2008


Risqu? Valentine’s Day ad for M&Ms


posted at 12:22 pm
on Feb. 14, 2008


Openads rebrands as “OpenX”

Too bad: Openads made more sense.

posted at 12:06 pm
on Feb. 14, 2008


Barack Obama talks in a church about the role of religion in American politics

It's definitely, definitely worth listening to; it's 40 minutes long, but it flies by.

posted at 11:07 pm
on Feb. 9, 2008


Video of scientology new year’s speech, with corporate tie-ins and anti-psychiatry claptrap

Seriously. It's for real, these guys.

posted at 8:51 pm
on Feb. 8, 2008


BC has a new (and huge) green directory called Happyfrog (.ca—not .com)

My main empty bottle source, Dave Olsen, is working on it.

posted at 3:34 pm
on Feb. 7, 2008


Ricky Gervais talks about The Bible - Genesis

It's pretty good stuff.

posted at 1:04 am
on Feb. 7, 2008


Hillary or Barack: An exchange of letters between a mother and a son

I'm inclined to agree that Clinton would continue the political rancor, and Obama would replace it with an entirely different rancor. 😊

posted at 5:44 pm
on Feb. 5, 2008


Woolworths stop selling ‘Lolita’ bed for girls

About as tasteful as "Sweeny Sausages" or "Columbine Rifles"

posted at 5:34 pm
on Feb. 5, 2008


Proposed Mississippi law would bar restaurants from serving fat people

What's next: banning obese marriages?

posted at 5:29 pm
on Feb. 5, 2008


Flickr’s new Microsoft-ian Home Page

Ha ha. Ha. (Ha?)

posted at 4:54 pm
on Feb. 4, 2008


Prank: 200 People freeze in place at Grand Central Station

Thanks, Virginia!

posted at 2:42 pm
on Feb. 4, 2008


Yes, We Can: The Obama speech remix by Will.I.Am

I'm ready for a president who inspires me.

posted at 1:36 am
on Feb. 3, 2008



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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