Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

A Kick-Ass Venn Diagram

Disclosure: I also refer to friends by saying "Yo, G." I'm so sorry.

posted at 2:30 pm
on Jan. 26, 2005

Permalink suspends business after asking only its worst customers to buy more stuff

I'm late to link this, but I'm still amazed. I really liked Eziba's stuff (I didn't get a catalog).

posted at 7:36 pm
on Jan. 25, 2005


What you can do with shared photos: A Fibonacci circle

This one takes a little explaining. Basically, there's a group on Flickr (a photo sharing service) called Squared Circle (all the pictures are square, and they're of circular objects). This person took the first 2704 images (a Fibonacci sequence number) and made a great big circle out of the images, sorted by luminescence and hue. The result: Amazing.

posted at 10:58 pm
on Jan. 22, 2005


Jason Calacanis shows how tough it can be to disclose properly when you’re a blogger

But props to him for the effort.

posted at 7:10 pm
on Jan. 22, 2005


Communication Arts writes about successful co-operation between graphic designers and the U.S. gover

Without any illustrations online, it seems. Harumph.

posted at 3:07 pm
on Jan. 22, 2005


CameraHobby has a good page of Vancouver Photography Stores and Labs

I need to get my Canon G2 fixed. It rattles. That's rarely a standard feature of an electronic device.

posted at 2:56 pm
on Jan. 20, 2005


Lore Brand Comics has a very off-color comic strip about iPods. You have been warned.

Question of the day: Is there any Mac product that *isn't* fetishized?

posted at 2:46 pm
on Jan. 20, 2005


A very fancy menu with CSS and JS fade effects

From slayeroffice. [via The JavaScript Weblog]

posted at 1:10 am
on Jan. 20, 2005


A great What If… chart

It seems so clear in retrospect

posted at 11:53 pm
on Jan. 19, 2005


Importation of vehicles into Canada from countries other than the United States

This is why I haven't been allowed to drive my own car since I got to Vancouver

posted at 3:28 pm
on Jan. 19, 2005


Is Bittorrent dead? A monkey methods research group analysis

To save you time: No, it isn't. [via Jeremy Zawodny's linkblog]

posted at 10:30 pm
on Jan. 18, 2005


Two headed fantasy squirrel

I also like the scotch decanter. [via MetaFilter]

posted at 7:59 pm
on Jan. 18, 2005


The Rasterbator (got your attention!) allows you to print a single photo really large on multiple sh

It's a free servce provided by The Sect of Homokaasu. See my experimental PDF result here.

posted at 7:19 pm
on Jan. 17, 2005


Is BTEFNet the latest bittorrent site to be unplugged? *

The site says it's just been registered. Hmmm. 3 a.m. UPDATE: I guess it was a temporary disruption.

posted at 6:36 pm
on Jan. 17, 2005


It’s going to be very wet for the next few days in Vancouver with up to 300 millimetres of rain fore

By comparison, L.A. has had 226 mm so far in January.

posted at 6:23 pm
on Jan. 17, 2005


never: the name of a good, winnepeg alternative music band

The video for "Dream of Me" is pretty good, too.

posted at 3:40 pm
on Jan. 17, 2005


pMachine Pro has been discontinued and will now be free

I wholeheartedly support software companies doing this -- giving away the old versions of their products. I also think that their EE product is great.

posted at 4:18 pm
on Jan. 16, 2005


Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, turned 4 years old yesterday.

It currently has 1.3 million articles, of which 450,000 are in English.

posted at 4:17 am
on Jan. 16, 2005


Joel Achenbach’s Achenblog is on the way

Washington Post staff writer Joel Achenbach will launch his blog on Tuesday, Jan. 18. I believe it's the Post's first blog.

posted at 2:54 am
on Jan. 16, 2005


Live flight tracking of the Los Angeles International Airport powered by PASSUR

It's amazing how many planes there are in such a tiny area.

posted at 6:40 pm
on Jan. 15, 2005


Fancy-pants flash-based map of Vancouver, BC

More than just a map, it also has hotels and restaurants galore with really well-written descriptions.

posted at 2:38 am
on Jan. 13, 2005


GlennLog compares the Mac mini to the G4 Cube

Among other amazing improvements... Price: $500 vs $1800. Weight: 3 lbs. vs. 14 lbs.

posted at 5:07 pm
on Jan. 11, 2005


President Bush uses an iPod (photo on the far right)

More impressive: He can ride a bike!

posted at 11:36 am
on Jan. 11, 2005


breebop tells me it’s De-lurking Day, so please comment on this entry!

Actually, it was January 5th. But it's never too late; in fact, I'm still accepting Christmas presents, too.

posted at 7:18 pm
on Jan. 8, 2005


New photo album: Martin and Tracy’s Cabin

Of course, there's always my photos on Flickr...

posted at 4:55 am
on Jan. 8, 2005


CSS Bugs in IE5 for Mac

I was looking for details about the float/clear bug, in which clear is incorrectly inherited even when the child element has clear:none specified. Consider this a little glimpse of my Friday night.

posted at 9:27 pm
on Jan. 7, 2005


Browser Statistics, from a site used primarily by Web designers (so likely more experimental and sav

It says Firefox is at 18-20%. That's amazing.

posted at 12:16 pm
on Jan. 7, 2005


Billy Harvey’s site design is even better than his music

But both are pretty rockin'.

posted at 8:44 pm
on Jan. 6, 2005


An amazing music video for a song called “Sexxxy” gives the message that sexy is in your mind.

Unfortunately for him, his mind and reality are several kilometers apart.

posted at 7:44 pm
on Jan. 6, 2005


Cookie Fortunes - a photoset on Flickr

Someone found a use for them. Great pictures.

posted at 3:07 pm
on Jan. 6, 2005


List of Stock Photography Agencies from The Design Weblog

This will come in handy, I know it.

posted at 9:42 pm
on Jan. 1, 2005


Photo gallery of imitation Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants

From Kentucky to Kennedy to Lincoln to KyFC to Kantacky, it's a long strange journey. Update: Satan's Laundromat: Imitation chicken: states, too

posted at 9:31 pm
on Jan. 1, 2005


Why there are 100s of mustards but only one true ketchup

Heinz, of course.

posted at 2:55 am
on Jan. 1, 2005


20 Amazing and Controversial Facts about Voting in the USA

Interesting: The mere presence of links gives a higher degree of authenticity to this list. Something traditional media ought to consider when they think about their linking policies.

posted at 12:24 am
on Jan. 1, 2005


The Canadian government will match your tsunami relief donation

I donated.

posted at 12:13 am
on Jan. 1, 2005



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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