Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

The Kids and Hobos Halloween Candy Chalk Mark Code

I will go for Reese Peanut Butter Cups

posted at 6:08 pm
on Oct. 30, 2008


Apple Won’t Let Competing Browser Maker Opera Release an iPhone App

Imagine if Microsoft didn't let Firefox run on Windows machines. Oh wait... I do remember.

posted at 11:27 pm
on Oct. 29, 2008


The Simpsons Spoof of Mad Men

This is the best thing I've seen in October. Well, best Web video I've seen. I've seen other cool things. I have a life. No, really. Stop giggling.

posted at 1:55 pm
on Oct. 29, 2008


Christian Science Monitor newspaper goes online-only

Biggest newspaper to do so ... so far. 😊

posted at 12:41 pm
on Oct. 29, 2008


What a new manager learned about giving raises

Pretty good summary from a fresh perspective.

posted at 9:01 am
on Oct. 29, 2008


Johnny Canuck, Canada’s equivalent to Uncle Sam

He actually started in 1869 as Uncle Sam's little cousin, I kid you not. Isn't that the opposite of awesome, to have a national personification that's the young relative of some other country?

posted at 6:21 pm
on Oct. 28, 2008


MillerCoors Quietly Kills the clear drink Zima

I have good memories of avoiding drinking Zima.

posted at 10:49 am
on Oct. 28, 2008


$6 million home sold on Swan Lake, Montana, this September

I wonder where it was located

posted at 12:21 pm
on Oct. 27, 2008


Best Carved Pumpkin Contest Winners 2008

Baby one is awesome.

posted at 3:27 pm
on Oct. 26, 2008


$667: How much the average Canadian spent on alcohol in 2007

50% of that during hockey games, I bet.

posted at 6:53 pm
on Oct. 24, 2008


Wassup 2008 :: The Boys Revisit a Classic Bud Ad

Warning: Pro Obama content

posted at 5:20 pm
on Oct. 24, 2008


Falling loonie has Canadian NHL teams worried

They mean the Canadian dollar, not a plummeting crazy person.

posted at 2:55 pm
on Oct. 24, 2008


B.C.‘s murders last year: 88, a 40-year low

Sometimes, boring is better.

posted at 2:53 pm
on Oct. 24, 2008


10 Reasons Canadian Elections are better than U.S. Elections

Ha, fooled you -- they're not numbered! Or in fact good reasons. But still.

posted at 6:49 pm
on Oct. 23, 2008


The “Someone Once Told Me” project is a lot of fun

It's like PostSecret, but less heartbreaking, more affirming.

posted at 6:42 pm
on Oct. 23, 2008


B.C. house prices to drop 18% before 2011

18%, eh? Is that all? Let's check back in an year.

posted at 2:58 pm
on Oct. 23, 2008


CanWest stock dips 88% from 52 week high; where are the stories about this?

Oh wait -- they OWN the business press in Canada. Interesting.

posted at 2:56 pm
on Oct. 23, 2008


Sign of the Times: Atheist Bus Campaign gets huge donations

Target: 5,500 British Pounds. So far: 81,500 British Pounds.

posted at 8:24 am
on Oct. 23, 2008


World’s First Whisky Tasting via Twitter

It'll probably be gone by the time you check this link.

posted at 12:42 am
on Oct. 23, 2008


Obama photos - click the “show more” link as well

Some really great photos.

posted at 2:59 pm
on Oct. 22, 2008


Bad URL of the Day: The Black Hat SEO eBook

Yes, it's: -- the worst URL I've seen in 2008.

posted at 2:22 pm
on Oct. 22, 2008


Subliminal Broccoli Advertising

I will now never eat broccoli again without imagining I am crunching their brains.

posted at 2:15 pm
on Oct. 22, 2008


Hey Sarah Palin parody song

Truly funny!

posted at 12:53 am
on Oct. 22, 2008


50 things learned in 50 years, a partial list in no particular order

"In crisis or conflict, always think and act strategically. Take time to figure out what the "winning" outcome is for you, then work toward it."

posted at 5:01 pm
on Oct. 20, 2008


Why corporate incentive programs ALWAYS backfire

I don't think i agree. But still.

posted at 9:58 pm
on Oct. 17, 2008


Couple paints pictures of what they want, sell them, get what they want

It's a fascinating idea.

posted at 12:43 pm
on Oct. 17, 2008


Boy arrested for clogging toilet at U.S. customs

This was at the Alberta/Montana port of Sweet Grass, and I bet I know which customs officer it was, too: Officer JerkHead McDumbAss, who I've dealt with before.

posted at 12:39 pm
on Oct. 16, 2008


Dave Barry should be president

Here's why.

posted at 12:36 pm
on Oct. 16, 2008


word of the day: pizza parliament

A parliament consisting of many parties, each with only a relatively small number of seats and where no party has a majority of seats.

posted at 10:22 am
on Oct. 16, 2008


Oh no, oh no: New York Times To Shutter Site

I have always used the site as an example of how a newspaper Website could innovate. Not that the is crappy, but still - shutter it? Why? Damn.

posted at 12:47 pm
on Oct. 14, 2008


Huge spam-sender arrest made

Great, I'm now going to get 0.05% less spam. Go police go!

posted at 10:32 am
on Oct. 14, 2008


Haptic communication - the communication in touch

Interesting, covering everything from love relationships to power and professional status.

posted at 8:13 am
on Oct. 14, 2008


Tired of a boring stat display on your site? Try a flag counter.

Then, spend hours figuring out which flag is which country.

posted at 12:13 am
on Oct. 14, 2008


My friend Jenn writes about the Pain of being separated

It's the most sadly beautiful blog post I've read in months.

posted at 10:52 pm
on Oct. 13, 2008


Let’s form a Vancouver Plaquers Society

Based on this group that does the same in California.

posted at 6:35 pm
on Oct. 13, 2008


Mac & Cheese Pancakes

I MUST HAVE THESE. They're not very Atkins, though.

posted at 6:27 pm
on Oct. 13, 2008


A comic explaining Interbank Lending

SO true these days.

posted at 3:22 pm
on Oct. 13, 2008


The top 15 songs about being broke

How about the top 15 songs about being stuffed full?

posted at 3:13 pm
on Oct. 13, 2008


US 15-year-old girl arrested for sending nude phone pics of herself

She's a damn dirty child pornographer now, in the eyes of the law.

posted at 2:22 pm
on Oct. 13, 2008


33 things for your cocktail party tonight

They left off candles.

posted at 3:37 pm
on Oct. 12, 2008


Williams-Sonoma sells a VERY expensive piece of meat

It better also give me a massage.

posted at 3:31 pm
on Oct. 12, 2008


Canada Immigration Infomercial: Liberal, Secular, Not as Cold as You Think!

Join the elite migration.

posted at 12:27 pm
on Oct. 9, 2008


A girlfriend’s iPod delivery contract


posted at 11:03 am
on Oct. 9, 2008


Are we all lucky, or is effort a myth?

Seth Godin's answer: Yes, but no.

posted at 10:45 am
on Oct. 9, 2008


The Price of Sex: Different folks track ‘sex’ related spending for a month

Amazing how expensive it is for something that is free.

posted at 3:17 am
on Oct. 9, 2008


Basic Instructions: How to Advertise Windows Vista

Microsoft's new slogan: In case you hadn't noticed, we've already won.

posted at 12:33 am
on Oct. 9, 2008


Google acquired FeedBurner 15 months ago

What have they done with it? Not much...

posted at 1:20 pm
on Oct. 8, 2008


How to negotiate for higher salary

Not bad advice.

posted at 10:39 am
on Oct. 8, 2008


Fabulous, fabulous LP album cover photos

Did I mention these are FABULOUS? (This link's for you, Mike)

posted at 10:35 am
on Oct. 8, 2008


Images from How To Photograph an Atomic Bomb

So eerie.

posted at 12:24 am
on Oct. 8, 2008


Juxtaposer: It’s like the first Photoshop for iPhone

Well, minus about 2000 features... but it's pretty cool. My friend Hendrik wrote the app.

posted at 4:13 pm
on Oct. 7, 2008


The New Yorker’s editorial in support of Obama

Well said sirs, well said.

posted at 4:33 pm
on Oct. 6, 2008


Do food bloggers get better service? A poll.


posted at 12:10 pm
on Oct. 6, 2008


Canadian stock market is down 8.8% today

U.S. is down "only" 7%. When the U.S. sneezes, Canada catches a cold. Ouch.

posted at 11:44 am
on Oct. 6, 2008


Guitar Pedal Manufacturer Goes All Web 2.0

EHX is our client.

posted at 11:43 am
on Oct. 6, 2008


Google Docs has a new spreadsheets editor

It's much nicer looking.

posted at 2:50 am
on Oct. 6, 2008


Vancouver Reminder: Find out how to apply for $5MM in funding for local news projects

Facebook | NewsChallenge Meet Up Vancouver, hosted by Susan Mernit. I'm going fer sure.

posted at 12:08 am
on Oct. 6, 2008


Now *that’s* a big Schnitzel!


posted at 8:42 pm
on Oct. 3, 2008


Stuff White People Like: Ultimate

This is so not true, there were one black people on my team this summer! And this fall we have an entire Asian person! Geez.

posted at 1:20 pm
on Oct. 2, 2008


Many more people would ride bikes, if bikes were more like this

Seriously -- more storage, ability to haul a passenger, it's a great idea.

posted at 7:23 pm
on Oct. 1, 2008


Upcoming iPhone features (comic)

I like the choosing the safari crash color.

posted at 5:08 pm
on Oct. 1, 2008


Pigs in the Bahamas - a set on Flickr

Surreal, but sure real.

posted at 5:06 pm
on Oct. 1, 2008



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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