Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

Yahoo will be closing Geocities soon

Goodbye, 1990s. You and your animated mailbox icons shall be missed.

posted at 3:59 pm
on Apr. 30, 2009


100 days of Barack Obama’s Facebook news feed

Well done, Slate.

posted at 4:37 pm
on Apr. 29, 2009


Stupid clothing for more than one person to wear at once

IT's gotta be a joke site.

posted at 4:33 pm
on Apr. 29, 2009


Take Me Fishing: A beautiful ExpressionEngine site

Really well integrated mashups and nice code, too.

posted at 4:11 pm
on Apr. 28, 2009


Pakistani Brothers Who Make $1 million in Leather Fetish Gear Secretly

Fascinating video story from the New York Times

posted at 11:00 am
on Apr. 28, 2009


Chewing gum helps raise students’ math scores: LATimes

So sorry, Singapore.

posted at 2:34 pm
on Apr. 27, 2009


B.C. Society information

For later, so I can look for forms necessary for non-profits in British Columbia.

posted at 9:08 pm
on Apr. 26, 2009


Friends make life longer

and better.

posted at 2:05 am
on Apr. 25, 2009


Final Journey: A Dead Soldier’s Trip Home from Iraq

This Esquire piece is worth the 30 minutes it takes to read.

posted at 9:59 am
on Apr. 23, 2009


The biggest windmill ever

Well, ever linked to on my blog. I didn't actually look any facts up, because that's how we roll here on the Internets.

posted at 9:09 am
on Apr. 23, 2009


Calling all Bacon Tattoos!

Good enough to eat!

posted at 11:09 pm
on Apr. 22, 2009


A List Apart: Articles: In Defense of Eye Candy

"We want those things we find pleasing to succeed. We're more tolerant of problems with things that we find attractive."

posted at 1:23 pm
on Apr. 22, 2009


What makes you happy? A video

Sun, chocolate and sex. Can't go wrong.

posted at 12:45 pm
on Apr. 21, 2009


An entire site devoted to the backhand in tennis

A good answer to the question: Is the Web too specialized?

posted at 11:55 am
on Apr. 20, 2009


Baconopolis by Tom Douglas - April 24

It's in Seattle. Poo.

posted at 8:50 pm
on Apr. 19, 2009


Mental Health Camp is April 25, 2009, at Workspace, Vancouver

This whole day grew from a panel at Northern Voice, and admission is free by donation. I'm super impressed at what these folks are doing.

posted at 7:26 pm
on Apr. 19, 2009


Which bands’ drummers use click track technology

And which don't? Cool blog about tech and music tells all.

posted at 1:38 pm
on Apr. 16, 2009


How the 100 Poll was hacked

Pretty subtle, and awesome, tech hack of a useless but influential poll

posted at 1:31 pm
on Apr. 16, 2009


‘wichcraft: Cool-looking sandwich cook book

I think I'll go have one right now.

posted at 9:35 am
on Apr. 16, 2009


4-years-old calls the police for math problem help

They taser him. Naw, just kidding.

posted at 6:47 pm
on Apr. 15, 2009


Woman killed by laptop in car crash

Blue Screen of death?

posted at 6:22 pm
on Apr. 15, 2009


Susan Boyle, the amazing UK singing sensation, is 47, and inspires me

Inspires me to take more chances.

posted at 12:02 pm
on Apr. 15, 2009


Darren showed me this musical tone and rhythm generator flash game

He is trying to ruin my productivity. Touchee, Darren, Touchee.

posted at 11:27 am
on Apr. 15, 2009


A forklift that can go in any direction. Omni directional, you might say

I used to drive a forklift. I never crashed it, that's all I can say.

posted at 11:27 am
on Apr. 15, 2009


Wikipedia voting on changing license to CC BY-SA

I wish I knew enough to say if this was a good idea. I think it is, though.

posted at 4:36 pm
on Apr. 13, 2009


Phil Spector convicted of second degree murder

Woah. The picture kinda says it all.

posted at 4:01 pm
on Apr. 13, 2009


raincoaster’s encounter with Willie Pickton

That serial killer is smart, evil, and apparently a bad photographer.

posted at 2:48 pm
on Apr. 13, 2009


Teach the Controversy t-shirts

I like the queen as an alien lizard.

posted at 1:07 pm
on Apr. 13, 2009


What to Do When You Lose Your Job

One tip is useless (i.e. keep your job), the rest are OK

posted at 12:05 pm
on Apr. 13, 2009


Some of the oddest and scariest fish you’ll ever see

Blob fish are the awesomest.

posted at 11:42 am
on Apr. 13, 2009


YouTube Video: Star Trek actors as The A-Team

Happy Friday. Now go home.

posted at 4:28 pm
on Apr. 10, 2009


How true is it that there was a significant cyberspace attack on the U.S. power grid recently?

Pretty true, and even if it wasn't, there could be. And it would be BAD.

posted at 4:02 pm
on Apr. 10, 2009


Great wines for $15 and under

The L.A. Times has advice for discerning skin-flints.

posted at 12:01 am
on Apr. 10, 2009


Google reveals the way it builds its own servers and data centers

Their quest for efficiency is simple awesome.

posted at 2:08 am
on Apr. 9, 2009


A new prescription medicine that gives you longer eyelashes: Latisse

That is so bizarre.

posted at 5:42 pm
on Apr. 8, 2009


Le Grand Sommeil - cowboy, indian and horse take long naps

Good stuff. 5 min long.

posted at 10:06 am
on Apr. 7, 2009


Email client popularity - which clients and email services are the most popular in 2009?

Outlook: 40%. Yahoo: 16%. Hotmail 16%. Apple mail: 8%

posted at 9:38 am
on Apr. 7, 2009


U.S. Army Recruiters have 3x the suicide rate of regular army folks

This is a long profile piece on a really interesting topic.

posted at 12:49 pm
on Apr. 6, 2009


Are there common medical treatments in use today that we know don’t work? Yes.

Beta-blockers, cough syrup, and more in this post.

posted at 12:39 pm
on Apr. 6, 2009


Why do we itch? Scientists are, just now, figuring it out a bit

Consider -- we've only understood how to block pain for, oh, 50 years or so. Figuring out itching came second.

posted at 12:35 pm
on Apr. 6, 2009


Associated Press Trying to Halt Use of Its Articles on Unlicensed Web Sites

This just in: Google may, in fact, be making money on the content that other people produce! OMG WTF BBQ!

posted at 12:28 pm
on Apr. 6, 2009


Every different kinds of people that there are

A complete list, with no exceptions.

posted at 5:24 pm
on Apr. 3, 2009


Someone made your sneakers: END does it with less waste

Check out the video. It's really interesting.

posted at 5:24 pm
on Apr. 3, 2009


Finally, Cecil Adams weighs in on the viability of online and offline journalism

He says, basically, there's a lot of people who write for free, so look out.

posted at 10:00 am
on Apr. 3, 2009


Faces Of The Recession: Blogger as Investigative Journalist

Author Andy Cook is a freelance photographer based in Baltimore, MD

posted at 9:53 am
on Apr. 3, 2009


Undersea restaurant at Conrad Maldives Rangali Island

Eat fish while watching fish. Looks absolutely spectacular.

posted at 10:26 am
on Apr. 2, 2009


lululemon launches their online store

This is truly an awesome April Fools joke. Kudos^2.

posted at 12:52 pm
on Apr. 1, 2009


Electric Sheep: Crazy shepherds make fun patterns out of sheep with lights

It also happens to be a viral ad from Samsung, kind of.

posted at 11:18 am
on Apr. 1, 2009


BCIT’s new home page was a great April Fools’ stunt

Just like Google!

posted at 10:16 am
on Apr. 1, 2009


Francouver is now

Le Ribbit.

posted at 12:59 am
on Apr. 1, 2009



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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