Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

List of fictional curse words, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's a smurfing great list!

posted at 3:50 pm
on May. 31, 2005


Sven Porst takes a few minutes out of his day to EXHAUSTIVELY point of Apple’s Source List inconsist

Good for him, though I have to say that sometimes you want to try several different strategies at once to see which one users like best.

posted at 2:49 am
on May. 31, 2005


Hop Studios has been Boing Boing-ed: Clean your keyboard in the dishwasher

Thanks for dropping by, all!

posted at 3:46 pm
on May. 30, 2005


Vancouver as a brand, and as the city of the future

The Tyee's one of my favorite online-only pubs.

posted at 3:37 pm
on May. 30, 2005


Three movies have been named after words invented by Variety

"Grind House," "Striptease" and "Punchline."

posted at 11:08 am
on May. 30, 2005


The Week Magazine gives a primer on private contractors and the Iraq War

Quick number jolt: 240 dead contractors, 900+ wounded. They perform 30% of the military's Iraq functions. One agent can make up to $250,000 per year. Private military firms in 50 countries now rake in $100 billion a year.

posted at 3:25 am
on May. 30, 2005


Rands Vegas System—PREPARATION

Part of a wonderful series.

posted at 2:10 pm
on May. 29, 2005


N.A.D.D.: Nerd Attention Deficit Disorder.  Do I have it?

Oh yeah, baby.

posted at 1:58 pm
on May. 29, 2005


Great photo face mash-up

Well done.

posted at 12:03 pm
on May. 28, 2005


Mysterious Beeping in House - Help!

This guy's house has been beeping for a year. Theories abound.

posted at 8:36 pm
on May. 27, 2005


Can you remain a U.S. citizen if you vote in Canada?

The answers to this and other questions, like is a child born outside the US to American parents legally eligible to become President, are found here.

posted at 6:29 pm
on May. 22, 2005


Apple’s Home Page Through the Years - a photoset on Flickr

They've had some interesting ones, that's for sure.

posted at 6:09 pm
on May. 19, 2005


Howstuffworks “How Lightsabers Work”

via good experience

posted at 7:00 pm
on May. 18, 2005


Mac Zealots Put Their Money Where Their Mouth Is

Now, if y'all would like to prove to me that Audis are the better automobile, donations are being accepted here.

posted at 2:14 am
on May. 17, 2005


Clay Shirky says ontology is overrated and Tagging is ‘Da Bomb,’ so to speak

It's long, but great reading.

posted at 11:40 pm
on May. 16, 2005


“We treated him on the scene for minor breathing difficulties but he was fine and then we scooted ou

You've got to love a sarcastic paramedic.

posted at 12:06 pm
on May. 16, 2005


Hammerica: Top 10 Things I Learned in Europe

"People speak English just about everywhere - expect at the train station in Krakow." 😊

posted at 11:37 am
on May. 16, 2005


David Greenberg paraphrases the Simpsons’ Stacy doll in as many words: “Blogging ... is ... Hard!”

BTW, Has anyone else noticed the New York Times has changed their page titles? It's a welcome improvement.

posted at 6:26 pm
on May. 14, 2005


Where To Find Great Free Photographs (Free Stock Photos) And Visuals For Your Own Online Articles

I can assure you I'll be back to this page. Thanks, Social Design Notes.

posted at 2:14 pm
on May. 14, 2005


Jeremy Wright says, “This is Blogging’s Inflection Point - Don’t Be Afraid”

It 's well thought and well written -- but premature. I think that blogging has not even begun to inflect. This is more like the stutters and pops you get when you're starting a motor.

posted at 1:38 pm
on May. 14, 2005


Indisputable Photo Proof the Prairies Are Flat


posted at 11:01 am
on May. 13, 2005


The Savannah pussy, an offspring of a wildcat - the African serval - and the domestic house cat

It's becoming popular as an apartment pet, according to the New York Times. In the whole article, though, there's no mention anywhere about the number of these animals in New York, America, the world, etc. make me wonder (Thanks J.D.!)

posted at 4:00 am
on May. 13, 2005


TIME Magazine tells us that it’s “flight, flight or freeze,” and that our own instincts might in fac

I really wonder how I'd react. Pretty well, I think -- not 'cause I have better instincts, but just because I've had a damn lot of training and experience in dangerous situations. Like polar bear attacks and earthquakes.

posted at 3:18 am
on May. 13, 2005


Geek Squad helps you with a Star Wars-themed absentee note

I actually have pictures of the line forming at Ziegfeld's on May 10, which I will eventually post to Flickr just after it's too late and nobody cares anymore.

posted at 3:03 am
on May. 13, 2005


Think we know everything about the universe? Read about The Oh-My-God Particle

Picture a single proton with as much energy as the equvalent mass of an average-sized bacterium at rest. (Thanks,

posted at 1:40 am
on May. 13, 2005

Permalink’s Model Selector

It's everythign a flash app should be: smooth, useful, with a good URL and does something that can't be done easily in straight HTML. Kudos, Toyota!

posted at 12:46 am
on May. 13, 2005


Brand New: The Google Content Blocker

It's a spoof -- for now.

posted at 11:42 pm
on May. 12, 2005


Tired of e-cards with dancing kittens and bad puns? Try Hipster Cards

Go ahead, send me one -- it'll make you hip!

posted at 2:32 pm
on May. 12, 2005


Toast Titanium 6.1 update disables iTunes burning

"We decided to remove useful functionality from a working product because these days, frankly, Apple scares us." Or so they ought to have said. (Thanks, The Tao of Mac

posted at 5:53 pm
on May. 11, 2005


I gotta say this for Republicans: They are KINGS of sneaking rules through Congress

Does anyone actually READ these damn laws? I mean, it's not like it's THEIR JOB or anything. Sheesh.

posted at 5:20 pm
on May. 11, 2005

Permalink acquired by Google

Another social software service merges -- this is how the Borg got its start, no?

posted at 3:05 pm
on May. 11, 2005


The Justice League—Live and Unsuper!

Second from the left looks like she just happened to be walking by. Is just a red cape even a costume?

posted at 12:51 pm
on May. 11, 2005


This “Travis Smith” is not me

I'm twice as buff. No, really, I could take him.

posted at 11:12 am
on May. 11, 2005


Allow EE Code—a powerful, and potentially foolish,  ExpressionEngine plugin

I will be using this for a client.

posted at 12:09 am
on May. 11, 2005


An article about Super-Dooper Secret Top frequent flier programs

Sometimes, you don't even KNOW you're in the program, that's how secret it is

posted at 6:38 pm
on May. 10, 2005


How a software company would design a tree swing

I like what a friend added: How an environmentalist wants it: (tree with nothing fun about it)

posted at 6:02 pm
on May. 10, 2005


Wendy’s (U.S.) is giving away free Frostys this weekend

I bet "QSR Online" will be seeing a rather huge traffic spike for this story. BTW, sorry, Canadians...

posted at 3:54 pm
on May. 10, 2005


The L.A. Times says traffic in L.A. in 2003 was better than 2002, 2001 or 2000

From my perspective it got clearly worse from 2000 to 2004, with 2001 being slightly better, to the point where the daily drive was a crushing burden to some of my commuting friends.

posted at 2:08 am
on May. 10, 2005


In any nice-looking house you drive by, there could be living .. a Crazy eBay Mom

You have to laugh, because it's otherwise so disturbing -- and perilously close to reality for any clutter-collecting person.

posted at 12:08 am
on May. 10, 2005


Fascinating set of articles about Dick Dasen, a well-respected man who also fueled the meth trade in

From the articles: "Dick Dasen was a successful entrepreneur and investor, an observant Christian, and a generous supporter of local charities. The story of his secret life seemed too extreme to be true."

posted at 4:49 pm
on May. 9, 2005


NAID (The National Association for Information Destruction) has some interesting facts to share

They're not so interesting, I just like the name of the association.

posted at 5:58 pm
on May. 8, 2005


Did you know Master Yoda had a blog?

George Lucas Inc is going to death star this guy's ass, but it's a good read until it's gone.

posted at 5:58 pm
on May. 8, 2005


Want to eject your external hard drive? Ardiem makes it easy

Yeah, ignore that last link -- this is the better way to do it.

posted at 1:27 pm
on May. 7, 2005


Here’s how you open a second cd drive from a mac keyboard

Why doesn't the eject key do this already? sigh.

posted at 1:23 pm
on May. 7, 2005


How Heavy is a Cloud?

A small one -- about 550 tons, according to one random Web page.

posted at 12:11 am
on May. 6, 2005


No Pants Day is May 6th

Hey, that's today! And I'm blogging, ergo, I must ALREADY have no pants on.

posted at 12:03 am
on May. 6, 2005


How to merge two iPhoto libraries

And pray to God you never need to.

posted at 11:59 pm
on May. 5, 2005


A Very Smart Librarian(tm) can’t get her DRM movie to play

And studios wonder why people "steal" MP3s

posted at 11:42 pm
on May. 5, 2005


I’m the third google listing for “Happy Cinco de Mayo”

That's my way of wishing it to you.

posted at 12:20 pm
on May. 5, 2005


tony pierce was fired Tuesday.  Hire this writer now.

I was always bummed I couldn't properly entice him to write for Variety.

posted at 9:22 am
on May. 5, 2005


Jacqueline Mackie Paisley Passey: The handwriting recognition Feature on the Tablet PC needs work

Or perhaps she's a spastic, dyslexic and perhaps moderately insane typer.

posted at 2:02 pm
on May. 4, 2005


rosenworld: ask your doctor about these great new drugs

Laurie Rosenwald spoke at GEL and showed this art she did -- I like it.

posted at 11:59 pm
on May. 3, 2005


Tiger Woods’ caddie crashes again—but not on a golf course

Still, it's funny.

posted at 6:24 pm
on May. 3, 2005


Office Stealth Disco

Site probably has tons of popups, but the video's worth it -- who came up with this idea?

posted at 6:16 pm
on May. 3, 2005


Obfuscate your email address and stop spam, using javascript

I'm using this for a client.

posted at 11:41 am
on May. 3, 2005


This will change the way you apartment hunt

Amazing, and free. Freely amazing.

posted at 10:09 pm
on May. 2, 2005


Computing with Bifocals - A (Near)-Complete List of Mac Keyboard Shortcuts || The Mac Observer

I knew a bunch of these, but was surprised by a few.

posted at 9:52 pm
on May. 2, 2005



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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