Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

Order organic mushroom growing kits from FungusAmongUs

That's right, I am a fun guy! (get it? get it?)

posted at 12:46 am
on Aug. 30, 2004


The U.S. “Justice” Department blacks out a Supreme Court quote with no justification

Whoever did this should be identified and ridiculed publicly.

posted at 9:10 pm
on Aug. 29, 2004


Satan’s Laundromat blogs about his being arrested in New York

Civil disobedience: not just for fomenters any more

posted at 9:06 pm
on Aug. 29, 2004


The New York Times writes about fonts from neophytes

I [heart] fonts.

posted at 2:16 am
on Aug. 29, 2004


Presidential Money: Pictures of U.S. money from 0.01 to 100,000

Except for the $10 and the $100 -- 'cause those ain't presidents.

posted at 2:27 pm
on Aug. 28, 2004


Simulation of a day at McDonalds

It's not so fun

posted at 2:41 pm
on Aug. 23, 2004


presidential haiku blog

I'm only 4 years late linking to it.

posted at 12:42 pm
on Aug. 22, 2004


Macs are not more expensive—they are simply usually compared to lower quality PCs that also cost

"Perhaps what Apple really needs is a $99 Mac that does nothing except explain all the reasons why their next computer should be a $799 eMac."

posted at 12:25 am
on Aug. 22, 2004


The Time Travel Fund may take me away

But, I don't know: $10 for eternal youth and a chance to visit the future seems a little steep. I'd pay maybe $6, tops.

posted at 3:22 pm
on Aug. 20, 2004


dodgeit - free, no-set-up, receive-only email.

Basically, you can use "[email protected]" and then go read what gets sent there (but so can anyone else). Great way to "dodge" spam.

posted at 2:24 pm
on Aug. 20, 2004


Where is Osama Bin Laden?

He reminds me of D.B. Cooper or perhaps the Easter Bunny.

posted at 12:53 pm
on Aug. 20, 2004


USPS: How to Pack a Hippo for a Move

My way's easier: Trade hippo for two giraffes. Now you don't have a hippo to move!

posted at 6:01 pm
on Aug. 19, 2004


What is the difference between heterospory and dioecy?

A quick plant bio quiz.

posted at 3:18 pm
on Aug. 19, 2004


If you love to parallel park, you’ll love this game

That's a small target audience, I admit

posted at 12:01 pm
on Aug. 19, 2004


Shelley Jackson wants to tattoo her short story on YOU

As long as my word's not "but"; kids can be so cruel

posted at 11:44 am
on Aug. 19, 2004


monkey glam photos

Thanks, Darren Barefoot, Miscellanist

posted at 11:41 am
on Aug. 19, 2004


The New York Times: In the Classroom, Web Logs Are the New Bulletin Boards

"While such a question could have just as easily been posed during a classroom conversation, teachers who use blogs say that students put a lot more thought and effort into their blog writing." Um, MORE thought into blog writing? That's an interesting counter trend...

posted at 11:13 am
on Aug. 19, 2004


An unpatched Windows PC connected directly to the Internet will last about 20 minutes before it beco

Unfortunately, that means the average "survival time" is less than the time it takes to download fresh patches after a basic system installation

posted at 3:01 am
on Aug. 19, 2004


Sex Scandal Rocks Montana Town (

Over the past decade, Dasen alleged to have spent more than $5,000,000 for sex with young women, single-handedly fueling the meth trade in the area.

posted at 1:34 am
on Aug. 19, 2004


Pasadena mother shoves her stroller out of car’s path, but is fatally struck herself

Her last action saved her daughter's life

posted at 1:32 am
on Aug. 19, 2004


Apple has handy calendars that put each Olympic sport on your calendar automatically

Never miss another synchronized swimming event again.

posted at 11:48 pm
on Aug. 18, 2004


Too bust to sit around the office tossing crumpled papers?

Now you can do it virtually.

posted at 1:43 pm
on Aug. 18, 2004


Slate tells you How To Renounce Your Citizenship

Keep in your wallet until November.

posted at 1:27 pm
on Aug. 18, 2004


Maktaaq writes poignantly about the sad, slow death of her hamster

Earlier posts explain the how and the why

posted at 12:06 pm
on Aug. 18, 2004


The Athens Olypic site hyperlink policy requires you to send a snail mail letter asking for permissi

It's part of their 2000-year-old Web policy (and yes, I am ignoring it).

posted at 12:42 pm
on Aug. 17, 2004


Sloyd^3 took me 203 moves

It's like Rubic's Cube meets chinese checkers

posted at 11:48 am
on Aug. 17, 2004


Kevin Kelly: The Hive Mind Plays Good Pong

About flocking and group think

posted at 2:14 pm
on Aug. 16, 2004


J.D. Lasica’s Darknet outline

It's a book pre-published on a wiki

posted at 1:34 pm
on Aug. 16, 2004


OhmyNews (Korean, citizen-generated newspaper) writes about Victoria

Great photos

posted at 12:53 pm
on Aug. 16, 2004


Chess Freak Bobby Fischer Seeks Help Renouncing Citizenship

He's also attempting to marry a Japanese woman. (He's currently in jail in that country.)

posted at 12:15 pm
on Aug. 16, 2004

Permalink lets you borrow stuff from friends VIA THE INTERNET

All praise the Web

posted at 12:00 pm
on Aug. 16, 2004


Free Enneagram Test

I'm a 7, 9, 2 and/or 5. But my answers were fairly evenly distrubuted.

posted at 11:31 am
on Aug. 16, 2004


Canadians politely protest their prime minister

PM Paul Martin turns, says "Thank you" to crowd of strikers

posted at 3:41 am
on Aug. 16, 2004


Gilbert Paul Jordan, a wealthy 72-year-old former barber,  has been linked to the deaths of 10 women

He has been convicted of manslaughter just once.

posted at 12:05 am
on Aug. 16, 2004


Seattle’s Houses, Apartments, and Businesses that Provoke Fond Sex Memories and Mortifying Regrets

Not pornographic, simply an interesting read.

posted at 6:08 pm
on Aug. 14, 2004

Permalink - NetFlix for Canada

But that barren land still has no TiVo. :(

posted at 12:28 am
on Aug. 13, 2004


17 killed in L.A. County this weekend

Compare the total homicides in the city of Vancouver through July: 16. (Apples-to-apples comparison, Vancouver's murder rate is 2.1/100,000 compared to L.A. county's 11.7/100,000 (in 2002).) "[Los Angeles] county averages about 25 homicides a week, with about a dozen occurring within the Los Angeles city limits ? roughly half on weekends."

posted at 7:10 pm
on Aug. 12, 2004


Los Angeles County history: 1980 to Present

A great reference.

posted at 7:05 pm
on Aug. 12, 2004


mc.clintock’s entire house, catalogued and photographed

I'm guessing he spent time unemployed

posted at 3:26 pm
on Aug. 12, 2004


It drove me MAD!

A swirling infinity of bearded oddballs.

posted at 3:18 pm
on Aug. 12, 2004


Al Goldstein, former publisher of Screw, now seeks work, shelter, spotlight

The New York Times obligingly provides the spotlight

posted at 10:35 am
on Aug. 12, 2004


Killing a Bear

A non-knee-jerk, thoughtful reaction to a shocking public bear killing.

posted at 2:56 pm
on Aug. 11, 2004


Happiness and Propserity: Is the Link Real?

The Tyee writes about money, happiness and our "improving" society.

posted at 2:45 pm
on Aug. 11, 2004


Daring Fireball writes a great piece about why Apple didn’t “miss out” when it chose not to license

He says: "We might have ended up with something merely 'new and improved,' which isn?t nearly as exciting as 'insanely great.' "

posted at 11:50 pm
on Aug. 8, 2004


Ping-o-Matic: MetaPinging

I hope that a number of metapinging sites don't arise, leading to a need for metametapinging sites.

posted at 5:52 pm
on Aug. 6, 2004

Permalink More iSight Video Tricks

The iSight's biggest drawback is the lack of software it doesn't come with. If you know what I mean.

posted at 11:52 am
on Aug. 6, 2004


Eight secrets of a successful corporate blog

9. But first, be part of a corporation.

posted at 3:05 pm
on Aug. 5, 2004


I watched this ball spin for 4.5 minutes

It was worth it.

posted at 5:15 pm
on Aug. 3, 2004


Cunning Fox is not only a great CPU monitor…

It also has one of the best main pages for a quirky shareware program I've seen. Basically, a video plays that shows you EXACTLY how to use the program and why it's useful.

posted at 1:38 am
on Aug. 1, 2004



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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