Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

The year, in 25 words

A great meme.

posted at 11:46 pm
on Dec. 31, 2004


Jumpline, our Web host, has no customer support until Jan. 2

How shabby.

posted at 9:23 pm
on Dec. 31, 2004


The Jar Project

Should be relaunched for the tsunami disaster

posted at 9:17 pm
on Dec. 31, 2004


Banned by Google? Here’s some steps to help

Useful advice.

posted at 2:04 pm
on Dec. 31, 2004


pixeltees has an RSS-enabled t-shirt

Click here, indeed

posted at 12:13 pm
on Dec. 31, 2004


“After” satellite picture of the tsunami’s effect in Kalutara, Sri Lanka

The before picture for comparison. It's striking how beautiful, yet how deadly, natural disasters can be. Think of the sunsets caused by volcanic eruptions, or the ice formations caused by an ice storm. The pictures are from DigitalGlobe 's QuickBird images of tsunami sites

posted at 2:03 am
on Dec. 31, 2004


Advice on Time Management: Breaking Things Down and Getting Them Done

Somehow, I always manage to fit in "surfing the Web."

posted at 9:01 pm
on Dec. 28, 2004


Radiophonatron, a tribute to the sounds of BBC’s Doctor Who


posted at 8:43 pm
on Dec. 28, 2004


Shizzy Pretends to be Starbuck’s CEO, and has fun with an HR lacky

At what point would you have caught on to this?

posted at 8:36 pm
on Dec. 28, 2004


Canada’s pledge to tsunami relief: $4 mil. U.S.: $15 mil.  EU: $4 mil.

I'll keep track and see if these numbers change as more detailed needs assessments are done. Update: Wikipedia has a page that does a better job than I could.

posted at 12:00 am
on Dec. 28, 2004


Murmur lets you listen to personal stories about Vancouver, via cell phone

Neat idea; needs more content. The mapping interface looks like a manual hassle.

posted at 2:17 pm
on Dec. 27, 2004


Internet Explorer: The Girlfriend from Hell

Sad but true.

posted at 11:19 am
on Dec. 27, 2004


MaKo 4 CSS - Netscape4 Issues - Styling of Forms

Just for me.

posted at 3:05 pm
on Dec. 22, 2004


Scared of Santa photo gallery

Great idea,!

posted at 12:36 pm
on Dec. 22, 2004


First ‘Bush refugees’ win approval

The good news: you can move to Canada. The bad news: Prepare for a wait... these applications were submitted more than a year ago.

posted at 11:47 am
on Dec. 22, 2004


Women’s-only gym faces human rights complaint

This guy is going to have a hard time getting a date in this city.

posted at 11:46 am
on Dec. 22, 2004


An Army chaplain describes the “mass casualty” scene of the Iraq mess haul attack

If Vietnam was seen through photojournalism, this war is now being brought to us best by blog.

posted at 11:36 am
on Dec. 22, 2004


Happy Holidays from BigMike Studios!

Merry Christmas!

posted at 7:49 pm
on Dec. 21, 2004


The Moire effect, demonstrated with DHTML

Yes, there's nothing else to this link but a pretty picture. if you want more, go here.

posted at 1:07 am
on Dec. 21, 2004


A dancing holiday marketing turkey

Come on, click it!

posted at 5:46 pm
on Dec. 20, 2004

Permalink’s [really detailed and well written] Bit Torrent FAQ

Since several tracker sites (including Suprnova) have recently shut down, you may want to look for other sites here.

posted at 4:01 pm
on Dec. 20, 2004


Caterina asks: What should I read over Christmas?

Godel, Escher, Bach, by Douglas Hofstadter. Without a doubt. Even reading one fifth of the book is better than most others in their entirety. Little known fact: Hofstadter was the first author purchased at

posted at 1:32 am
on Dec. 19, 2004


If you don’t want to waste 35 minutes, don’t try Reflex

The game of "Follow the bouncing ball."

posted at 12:35 am
on Dec. 18, 2004


The World According to the United States of America

A humorous map

posted at 12:16 pm
on Dec. 17, 2004


Reporter gets house arrest for 6 months—with NO Internet

Cruel and unusual for certain.

posted at 12:04 pm
on Dec. 17, 2004


Interesting Poll: Where and When Do You Get Your Best ideas?

Best: When happy, brainstorming with others. Worst: When sad, watching TV

posted at 3:55 pm
on Dec. 16, 2004


Rex USA: An interesting stock photo site

I got here searching for a Christmas tree made of beer bottles. Don't ask.

posted at 5:15 pm
on Dec. 14, 2004


The history of Tarmac

I'm a sucker for corporate histories.

posted at 1:28 pm
on Dec. 13, 2004


Read this guy’s funny Reviews

Good stuff.

posted at 11:24 am
on Dec. 10, 2004

Permalink finally launches RSS feeds

The categories are... General: Canadian, World, Business, Health and Science, Arts Sports: General News, Amateur Sports, Baseball, Basketball, Football, Hockey Regional: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Montreal, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, North (only Canada has an area they just call "North"), Nova Scotia, Ottawa, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, Toronto (they don't have Ontario?)

posted at 10:10 am
on Dec. 10, 2004


Use the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Calculator to figure out how many tonnes of emissions you produce each

I produce 2.55 tonnes (2553 kg), with my very short and efficient commute being offset by the large amount of beans and Oreos I eat.

posted at 9:35 pm
on Dec. 9, 2004


Photos of my Canadian Neighbors

I'm kidding. It's actually photos of a human-powered expedition from Vancouver to Moscow.

posted at 2:41 am
on Dec. 9, 2004


This iPod mini ad was produced by a fan. He says it took 160 hours.

Frankly, it's amazing.

posted at 8:05 pm
on Dec. 8, 2004


Are bloggers journalists? John Battelle is

John Battelle's Searchblog: News: Google Motion of Summary Judgment Denied in Geico Case

posted at 7:50 pm
on Dec. 8, 2004


Lacquer Time Lapse Trip from L.A. to New York

How did he manage not to pick his nose for four days?!

posted at 4:23 pm
on Dec. 8, 2004


Dungeon Siege Walkthrough & FAQ

Handy for me. I finished the game tonight.

posted at 1:42 am
on Dec. 8, 2004


librarians make good bloggers

a fun read.

posted at 3:05 am
on Dec. 7, 2004


Taking a closer look at the War Medals of George W. Bush

Very funny. I hope he's not "disappeared" because of it.

posted at 2:55 am
on Dec. 7, 2004


Simple Guide to the A-List Bloggers

I'm so glad I'm not on the list.

posted at 2:02 am
on Dec. 7, 2004


Watch “Christmas with the Trailer Park Boys” this Sunday at 9

Look out Charlie Brown, here comes a new holiday special!

posted at 12:29 am
on Dec. 7, 2004


Squalor Survivors - Moving out of the mess

Ironically, it's a very nicely designed site with lots of white space. Do squalor sufferers feel uncomfortable surfing it?

posted at 9:22 pm
on Dec. 6, 2004


Join This Web Contest: Letters to Penthouse Forum by Famous Writers

This could turn out some really great entries.

posted at 3:52 pm
on Dec. 6, 2004


Jay Allen’s MT-Blacklist becomes a black hole: Don’t delete any of your MT Weblogs

Too bad MT doesn't have a better integrated back up system.

posted at 2:43 pm
on Dec. 6, 2004


I have yet to find something unfunny on ze frank’s site

This is so simple, yet so novel.

posted at 4:20 am
on Dec. 6, 2004


Neil’s World - 9 steps to a quicker MT3.1x installation

It's good advice, and some of it applies generally to other blogging hosts.

posted at 1:11 am
on Dec. 6, 2004


Using Brita to filter bad vodka

I'm on a science kick, what can I say.

posted at 10:38 pm
on Dec. 5, 2004


Yum: European Food Shopping Tour of Vancouver from Urban Vancouver

Just reading it makes me crave bratwurst.

posted at 3:30 pm
on Dec. 5, 2004


Seth Godin’s eBook, Bootstrapper’s Bible, is available free at Chris Busch’s blog

It's an inspirational read.

posted at 9:04 pm
on Dec. 4, 2004


Flickr’s most interestng discussion forum: it’s all image, no words

People post pictures to "talk" about topics.

posted at 1:57 pm
on Dec. 4, 2004


Beer Pitcher Fullness Monitor

College students solve a college problem

posted at 1:25 am
on Dec. 4, 2004


The Week’s Briefing: All About Canada

A pollyanish, but sweet, overview of Canada and whether Americans should move here.

posted at 12:15 pm
on Dec. 3, 2004


25 irredemably bad sweaters

No single one of them is worth sheering a sheep for

posted at 1:13 am
on Dec. 3, 2004


Terra Nova’s Photo Gallery from upcoming World of Warcraft

Very lovely. I'll buy it.

posted at 12:17 am
on Dec. 3, 2004


MSN Money - 29 things that used to be free

A nice, but not exhaustive, list

posted at 12:01 am
on Dec. 3, 2004


Sony threatens Kottke over audio of Ken Jennings’ loss

The very best way to get traffic to your blog is to have a big corporation make you remove something from it. Sony now finds itself being nibbled by thousands and thousands of ducks.

posted at 11:13 pm
on Dec. 2, 2004


candygenius presents The Periodic Table of Candy

Tooth ache city!

posted at 3:13 pm
on Dec. 2, 2004


Equifax offers a fun bubble popping game that leads to a credit report discount

Who says privacy-invading mega financial corps can't have fun

posted at 6:41 pm
on Dec. 1, 2004


Moving To Canada, eh ? :: Main Page

Hastily put together, this could become a good resource.

posted at 3:37 pm
on Dec. 1, 2004


Anecdotage is a neat site full of random anecdotes

I found it when I looked up my Brad Pitt anecdote.

posted at 2:55 pm
on Dec. 1, 2004



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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