Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

There is no t-shirt listed here that, on receiving it, I would not wet myself for

I really tried not to end that sentence on a preposition, but ultimately up I gave.

posted at 12:40 pm
on Apr. 30, 2008

Permalink launched today

They sent me a waterbottle to mark the occasion. Nice of them, but I don't really see anything useful on the site yet. I'll keep it in mind...

posted at 12:08 pm
on Apr. 30, 2008


Rogers announces that they will announce the plan to bring the iPhone to Canada

Finally, today's the day when we hear that there will be a day when they announce the day we've all been waiting for, except that we all already went to Seattle and bought one. ENOUGH QUESTIONS! THE MIGHTY WIZARD ROGERS HAS SPOKEN!

posted at 4:32 pm
on Apr. 29, 2008


The anatomy of a server sided redirect: 301, 302 and 307 illuminated SEO wise

I found this really useful today , but it's a long, detailed read.

posted at 12:53 pm
on Apr. 29, 2008


Duckling Web Cam: Watch Duck Eggs Hatch in Real Time

(You may have to wait a week or two)

posted at 10:05 am
on Apr. 29, 2008


Opinion Piece: The Media Isn’t Properly Covering This (or Any) Presidential Campaign

Really well written, and true.

posted at 7:30 pm
on Apr. 27, 2008


Why Barefoot is the Best Shoe of All

Go barefoot, says this article. I live in Canada, says this reader.

posted at 12:55 pm
on Apr. 25, 2008


Here’s a good example of what a Flickr video is

Flickr videos should be "long photos"

posted at 11:46 pm
on Apr. 24, 2008


ןɯʇɥ uı ʇxǝʇ puɐ sɹǝʇʇǝן

A cool Flash app that conversts your text upside down, backwards and inverted.

posted at 2:21 pm
on Apr. 22, 2008


Pictures of People in the Same Poses as When They Were Kids

I should definitely do this.

posted at 10:56 am
on Apr. 22, 2008


Animated Animal Alphabet -

All 'Types' of Creatures -- Get it?! Get it?!

posted at 10:53 am
on Apr. 22, 2008


Song About What To Do With Leftover Matzah Bread After Passover

It's like a Jewish Christmas carol, sung by a young Tracy Chapman during a Saturday Night Live skit. Really. Just go watch it.

posted at 2:48 am
on Apr. 22, 2008


Top 10 Most Illegible Captchas Ever

To prove I'm a human, I often get distracted and forget was I was doing and never get around to leaving a comment. Computers would never do that.

posted at 11:32 pm
on Apr. 20, 2008


Dungeons and Dragons life flow chart

It's not a very good flow chart. But it's a great graphic.

posted at 10:26 pm
on Apr. 16, 2008


A blog about literary tattoos (long quotes)

There's a flickr group for word tattoos, too, but these are much longer and more wonderful.

posted at 5:54 pm
on Apr. 16, 2008


Video: Stairway to Winnipeg , a love-forlorn grade school poem gone awry

Truly one of the funniest clips I've seen in ages.

posted at 4:57 am
on Apr. 16, 2008


YouTube - Lemon Demon - Geeks in Love

Yep. That's what cheezy flash animation can do.

posted at 2:55 pm
on Apr. 15, 2008


Video: Assembly line at a U.S. sex toy factory

The site's NSFW, but this page is totally safe, and fascinating if you're into industrial processes.

posted at 9:51 pm
on Apr. 14, 2008


The Rather Difficult Font Game

I did rather poorly. I'm better at elements, are you?

posted at 10:24 am
on Apr. 14, 2008


Camouflaged soldier hiding on a couch—he’s really hidden!

Waste 5 minutes looking at these funny photos.

posted at 11:48 pm
on Apr. 10, 2008


BookCoverPro: Book Cover Design for people who can’t design book covers

It's a paradox in a box!

posted at 4:05 am
on Apr. 10, 2008


Hot or Not, but for nicely designed web sites

I'm going to put a few of our designs in.

posted at 5:13 pm
on Apr. 9, 2008


Overwhelmed by Twitter? Give dawdlr a try: It’s postcard-based.

And free, and hilarious!

posted at 1:08 pm
on Apr. 9, 2008


The Economics of Social Media: A conference in L.A. at the end of April

At $1000 / ticket, I know one thing about the economics of social media 😊

posted at 8:39 pm
on Apr. 8, 2008


Birth of Newspapers, part 1: The very first newspaper

Interesting to some. What will be the very last newspaper?

posted at 4:13 pm
on Apr. 8, 2008


Mind: Why Multitaskers Fail: The role of energy in decision making

I should go get a snack.

posted at 12:34 pm
on Apr. 8, 2008


Tony Pierce, and why Journalists SHOULD Have Opinions

All about MLK's legacy

posted at 4:45 pm
on Apr. 6, 2008


The Dirty Little Secret of Inkjet Printers (video)

They waste ink -- and eventually drown in it.

posted at 4:43 pm
on Apr. 6, 2008


How many horns does a unicorn have? Ask Google.

Google knows.

posted at 1:16 pm
on Apr. 6, 2008


Ducklings on road delay traffic

I love local news. Even if it's not my area.

posted at 1:11 pm
on Apr. 6, 2008


A Fun Science Test - Which Pizza is Faster?

Try it at your next party.

posted at 1:09 pm
on Apr. 6, 2008


Julie writes a Figure Skating Blog

And you should totally send her to the Olympics.

posted at 1:01 pm
on Apr. 6, 2008


Boulder: A smaller, richer, more eco-friendly, snootier, more educated Vancouver?

Seems hard to imagine, but check it out.

posted at 11:10 pm
on Apr. 5, 2008


Get me this digital watch.

Please. Pretty please.

posted at 1:34 am
on Apr. 5, 2008


In Vancouver? Take a Search Engine Marketing Class on April 11

My friends / colleagues Monique Trottier and Alex Brabant are teaching it.

posted at 4:55 pm
on Apr. 4, 2008


iStockphoto: Made $72 million, paid out $21 million last year

So what did they do with the other $51 million?

posted at 4:08 pm
on Apr. 3, 2008


Blog Designer Gets Interviewed by FBI Because Client Doesn’t Like Her Design

I know Lisa -- she does good work.

posted at 3:09 pm
on Apr. 3, 2008


New British coins: awesome. new American bills: teh suk.

Come on, U.S. guys, let grown-ups design your new dollars!

posted at 1:09 pm
on Apr. 3, 2008


Scientists links laptops to detect earthquakes

Based on the same technology as the SETI @ HOME project.

posted at 12:07 pm
on Apr. 3, 2008


Can you remember the names of all the Elements of the Periodic Table?

Super cool game. I got 32. Beat me!

posted at 1:59 pm
on Apr. 2, 2008


This blog has no archives, on purpose

Interesting idea -- I'm a fan of using personal blogs to break convention.

posted at 2:41 pm
on Apr. 1, 2008


The Grim Fascination of a Toddler: A great restaurant review

thanks, darren.

posted at 2:37 pm
on Apr. 1, 2008


100,000s of Bats Perish in Eastern U.S. , and No One Knows Why

They came for the bees, and I said nothing, because I was not a bee. Then they came for the bats...

posted at 11:37 am
on Apr. 1, 2008



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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