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How Long Could You Survive Chained to a Bunk Bed with a Velociraptor?

1 minute, 6 seconds. Though I think I might try to escape a little bit before the final chaining occurred.

posted at 7:52 pm
on Jun. 29, 2009


The LATimes’ top story is currently about Vancouver’s huge gang problem

"Vengeance runs rampant among Vancouver's young outlaws" -- that's the kind of advertising money can't buy, eh?

posted at 5:46 pm
on Jun. 29, 2009


Did you know: BlinkSale was sold to Doublewide Labs?

I'm a BlinkSale user, and I didn't find out until today.

posted at 4:06 pm
on Jun. 29, 2009


20 bizarre and unusual destinations around the world

Interestingly: Most of them are ocean-adjacent.

posted at 3:48 pm
on Jun. 29, 2009


Best iPhone Home screen.

How did this guy get pictures of himself for every icon on the iPhone?

posted at 1:58 pm
on Jun. 28, 2009


BMW’s Kinetic Sculpture of silver balls

Spectacular video of a remarkable art installation

posted at 1:57 pm
on Jun. 28, 2009


Before the Internet, you needed to go to the library for smut

Anecdote about Ultimate Porno, the Making of Caligula

posted at 1:58 pm
on Jun. 27, 2009


Get a virtual hamster

posted at 12:15 pm
on Jun. 27, 2009


2 ducks 1 cup


posted at 12:05 pm
on Jun. 27, 2009


Landslide (by Fleetwood Mac) sung by an elementary school class amazingly well

If ever my heart cockles were warmed, this did it.

posted at 12:05 pm
on Jun. 27, 2009


Awful Man Offers Witty, Acerbic Take On Everything He Sees

lame article. the onion used to be so much better. 😉

posted at 4:22 pm
on Jun. 25, 2009


Apple Customer Support Is Alive and Well

I also have a fabulous story about Apple customer support, but in fact, I can't blog it, because I really don't want the support person to get in trouble. Suffice to say: The support people at the Apple store in Vancouver are INCREDIBLY forgiving and generous with their assistance. And they're smart and sexy, too.

posted at 4:09 pm
on Jun. 25, 2009


Girl, homeless for all her life, gets accepted to Harvard

Nice story. Worth a read.

posted at 3:05 pm
on Jun. 25, 2009


Beautiful, creepy trailer for “Food, Inc.” which just opened in theaters this month

"In the American supermarket, there are no seasons."

posted at 4:19 pm
on Jun. 24, 2009


Online Journalism Design, then vs now

It's kind of making me sad, but it's true.

posted at 3:35 pm
on Jun. 24, 2009


Artifacts From the Future: Birth control delivered by cigarette

This winning contest idea was submitted by my employee Justin Crawford.

posted at 10:29 am
on Jun. 23, 2009


Ed McMahon died this morning


posted at 10:18 am
on Jun. 23, 2009


Unemployed? More like funemployed

This does not describe my unemployed friends.

posted at 1:41 am
on Jun. 23, 2009


Lily Allen’s new video has an unprintable title, but fun PhotoBooth effects

It's a catchy, light tune that's perfect for summer.

posted at 1:34 am
on Jun. 23, 2009


Vivid storytelling photos by Christoph Martin Schmid in Cape Town

A little NSFW -- be careful, kids.

posted at 5:31 pm
on Jun. 22, 2009


A break-your-heart father’s day essay about flying, and when to land

Happy Father's Day, Dad.

posted at 3:50 pm
on Jun. 22, 2009


Unicorns bake Rainbow Cakes

Beautiful idea.

posted at 2:59 pm
on Jun. 22, 2009


Vancouver is #1! (In lawsuits against click fraud)

Well, that's because it's such a nice place to live, so, um, well...

posted at 7:49 pm
on Jun. 21, 2009


Give us your presentation pitches for the ExpressionEngine Roadshow

Seattle - Oct. 2 - fun!

posted at 4:04 pm
on Jun. 20, 2009


WSJ Reports that Steve Jobs Had a Liver Transplant 2 Months Ago

In Tennessee.

posted at 1:44 pm
on Jun. 20, 2009


Vapid interview about PopCap’s Peggle App Store pricing experiment

"We love apple and everything they do and we couldn't be happier at the fact that we had to lower our game's price to $0.99 in order to get people to notice it."

posted at 1:19 pm
on Jun. 19, 2009


International Sushi Day… (according to Facebook) ... today. I had a chicken sandwich before I found out.

posted at 3:53 pm
on Jun. 18, 2009


Shazam, an iPhone app that ships with NO content, is rated 17+ in the AppStore

I seriously don't understand this.

posted at 1:05 pm
on Jun. 17, 2009


Video: The Vendor Client relationship in restaurants, video stores, hair salons

Keep it in mind next time you submit a proposal.

posted at 11:26 am
on Jun. 17, 2009


90% Of Waking Hours Spent Staring At Glowing Rectangles

In fact, you're doing it RIGHT NOW!

posted at 11:16 am
on Jun. 17, 2009


Chainsaw for chicks

It's so cute the way it'll cut your arm off.

posted at 11:23 am
on Jun. 16, 2009


Student Debt - Opinion and Short Anecdotes in the New York Times

Is student debt worth it? It's a matter of degree.

posted at 12:29 am
on Jun. 16, 2009


Emily is going to allow 52 people to run her life completely, each for a week

It's a cool art project and a lot of responsibility.

posted at 3:37 am
on Jun. 15, 2009


Animation of post-it notes on a wall

Super senior project at Savannah College of Art and Design, directed by Bang-yao Liu.

posted at 10:05 am
on Jun. 11, 2009


20 Ways To Hold Your Camera

A wonderful, funny field guide

posted at 6:51 pm
on Jun. 9, 2009


The Mosuo Matriarchy: ‘Men Live Better Where Women Are In Charge’

Very interesting alternative societal structure.

posted at 11:34 pm
on Jun. 8, 2009


YooouuuTuuube - Surreal repetition of any YouTube video.

Great effect.

posted at 10:53 pm
on Jun. 8, 2009


Does Rogers have information about the new iPhone 3GS?

Does a bear do ballet in the woods? No, no it does not.

posted at 2:48 pm
on Jun. 8, 2009


Pi Cubed: Visual math application for the iPhone

I'm not a math buy, but if I was, this would be the app that made me feel like a superhero.

posted at 11:25 am
on Jun. 8, 2009


Video: Star Trek Meets Monty Python

It's actually *better* than I could have imagined. Like, those Star Trek guys are WACKY!

posted at 11:25 am
on Jun. 8, 2009


Vancouver man Daniel Hughes has gone missing since Friday

Go, Internet, go!

posted at 11:11 am
on Jun. 8, 2009



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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