Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

Tomorrow, the Washington Post switches from Typepad to Movable Type

So says Joel Achenbach.

posted at 10:37 pm
on Jan. 31, 2006


SFGate tries to answer the question: What’s Web 2.0

Like "What's Love?" the answer is mushy but nevertheless a fruitful one to explore.

posted at 2:47 pm
on Jan. 30, 2006


NYT: ‘The secret program violates the law as currently written. It’s that simple.’

About Bush's spying. One of the harshest editorials from the NYT I've read in a long time. It gave me a strange tingly feeling, like climbing the rope in gym class.

posted at 2:25 pm
on Jan. 30, 2006


Northern Voice Sold Out

The moose is no longer loose, it would seem.

posted at 1:20 pm
on Jan. 27, 2006


Another blogger stopped by U.S. customs

When will the persecution end?! Bloggers, throw off your chains!

posted at 4:27 pm
on Jan. 24, 2006


Medic! A blog by a new paramedic.

It's a great read -- I love the fly's eye view into this guy's daily life.

posted at 2:13 pm
on Jan. 24, 2006


January 24 is World Belly Laugh Day

Ha ha! No joke!

posted at 12:48 pm
on Jan. 24, 2006


On Feb. 4, Jeremy Zawodny will reveal how he lost 60 pounds and kept it off

Writing that made me feel so ... tabloidy.

posted at 4:05 am
on Jan. 24, 2006


Is the word of God subject to copyright? The new Pope says yes.

This is just plain silly. Pope, let people spread your word. Think of what wouldn't have happened if Jesus's preaching was locked up with DRM...

posted at 2:18 am
on Jan. 24, 2006


Dave Barry’s year in review

Laugh, laugh, laugh some more, gasp for air, repeat.

posted at 1:54 pm
on Jan. 22, 2006


I’ve been eating bananas this way for a year; Boing Boing finally clued in

Really. Ask Susie.

posted at 2:50 am
on Jan. 22, 2006


To buy lingerie as a gift is to navigate a hostile, silken wilderness

A great story about buying those silken things that men love and women fill.

posted at 10:57 pm
on Jan. 20, 2006


This is a great multimedia essay about Ron Kovic

Nice photos, great audio. Ron Kovic was the subject of "Born on the 4th of July". Did I mention Hop Studios built the photo essay?

posted at 2:56 am
on Jan. 20, 2006


I predict this relationship won’t end well

Hamster, Snake Best Friends at Tokyo Zoo - Yahoo! News

posted at 3:19 pm
on Jan. 19, 2006


For Sale: My sister’s Gold 1985 VW Golf. $600!

It's a bit of a beater, but fun to drive.

posted at 2:07 pm
on Jan. 18, 2006


This is the best online store I’ve ever used

It was so good, so easy to use and so pleasant, that I bought a CD just because it would have been rude not to, like when someone offers you a homemade cookie when you're already full. Go ahead and try it. ps. I bought an album by Jon Brion.

posted at 12:49 pm
on Jan. 18, 2006


Iraqi Invasion: An Infocom-style Text Misadventure

If you ever played Zork or Hitchhiker's text adventure games, you'll find this horribly depressing, even as you laugh through your tears.

posted at 5:23 pm
on Jan. 17, 2006


Pachabel’s Canon in the Key of ROCK

It's a video link. Prepare to rock out. (found here)

posted at 9:13 pm
on Jan. 16, 2006


marisol and clancy - a whimsical photoset

Storytelling in the digital age.

posted at 7:47 pm
on Jan. 16, 2006


Ferro-magnetic fluid - videos

Eerie, and cool.

posted at 6:13 pm
on Jan. 15, 2006


Web Developer’s Handbook: developing web-sites, exploring own imagination

A great list of CSS, dom, XHTML, JavaScript, Ajax and such type links

posted at 6:12 pm
on Jan. 15, 2006


New Weather Channel show’s first episode scrapped, because the ‘what if’ came true

Darn that Hurricane Katrina. Spoiling TV for us.

posted at 11:52 pm
on Jan. 14, 2006


Vancouver needs a Swap-o-rama-rama

Boom chackalacka. Clothing exchange.

posted at 5:12 pm
on Jan. 14, 2006


Raise Your Standards

Interesting food for thought

posted at 2:27 am
on Jan. 14, 2006


The “draw batgirl” meme

Some drawings are great. Because Batgirl is super great.

posted at 1:52 am
on Jan. 14, 2006


Hey, you! It’s delurking week, so comment on this entry, OR ELSE

Jen at World Wide Watercooler informs me it's delurking week. So come to this entry and add a comment. Or, like, bad things will happen. Update: "Lurking" is when you read my blog but never comment. "Delurking" is when you stop lurking and reveal yourself.

posted at 6:58 pm
on Jan. 12, 2006


SitePoint Forums - Adding to onload event methods programatically?

This is one, mostly complete, method for stacking onLoad events.

posted at 2:27 pm
on Jan. 12, 2006


CSS Balanced Columns V2.0

This solution uses Javascript. Sorry about al the work links. I'll try to have some fun for you by tonight.

posted at 2:24 pm
on Jan. 12, 2006


Image Upload Plugin for TinyMce

This is the WYSIWYG editor that Expression Engine uses. Too bad the upload doesn't mesh.

posted at 2:24 pm
on Jan. 12, 2006


Apple’s latest version of iTunes spies on your music playing habits

Every time you click on a song in the new iTunes (6.0.2), if you have the new MiniStore open (which is is by default in the new version) you send your title and artist info to iTunes. Adding spyware to a product, does that usually it bump up at least half a version point? But Apple went from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 without even bothering to mention this privacy hole in the release notes, and without mentioning anything in their privacy policy about what they do with this data. And they didn't give you the option to opt-in -- it's opt-out for Apple users. Apple, don't be rotten. You owe it to your supporters to fix this behavior. Update: Someone pointed out that they already could collect data on any CD you put in your drive when you lookup the track names -- and this is default behavior, and no one objected to this. Fair point.

posted at 4:18 am
on Jan. 12, 2006


A super fancy multiple select box with checkboxes, in javascript

It's automatic. And it gets around a safari multiple-select bug where you need to double click instead of single click. It's a real safari drag.

posted at 2:13 am
on Jan. 12, 2006


52 people were killed by guns in Toronto in 2005 (PDF link)

Which one of these people is not like the others? And which one do you think triggered the public outcry against gun violence that may sway this year's election? Her are two more clues.

posted at 12:46 am
on Jan. 12, 2006


This video game looks more like a movie

Click on the Footsteps trailer of this Official Shadow Of The Colossus site

posted at 1:36 pm
on Jan. 11, 2006


Charlize Theron steals Michelle Pfeiffer’s 80s hairdoo

"Hello? Charlize? It's the '80s on line 2. They want their gel back."

posted at 3:41 am
on Jan. 11, 2006


With timballo, any night is big - Los Angeles Times

Mmmm, delicious. Better with bacon.

posted at 3:37 am
on Jan. 11, 2006


File input (or ‘upload’) in HTML forms

We used this for a client.

posted at 11:29 pm
on Jan. 10, 2006


‘Naked Condo’ Blogger is quitting - sigh

I really ought to have commented. On the other hand, I'm sure there'll be a blog that simultaneously comes online to replace him.

posted at 9:06 pm
on Jan. 9, 2006


‘Where the Wild Things Are’ will become a film

As long as Peter Jackson doesn't direct, I'm fine with it. Go Spike Jones!

posted at 1:44 pm
on Jan. 9, 2006


Another Canadian Is Made: Blogging a Citizenship Ceremony

Congrats, fellow mettroblogger's wife!

posted at 9:21 pm
on Jan. 8, 2006


Does U.S. Congress normally allow ministers to consecrate hearing rooms?

Or is the Alito confirmation process just more likely to be unholy? (Thanks, Brian!)

posted at 4:41 pm
on Jan. 7, 2006


Hello, Google? I have a MAC.  Your Google Pack is NOT FOR MAC. Are you WHACK?

Why does Google never, never release things for Mac? (I'm only slightly exaggerating...)

posted at 4:38 pm
on Jan. 7, 2006


The bombing of United Air Lines Flight 629

Fascinating read: "It sort of ended the very short age of innocence in aviation." I'm also amazed by this: "Graham stood trial for murdering his mother, since no criminal statute against sabotaging a commercial plane existed until President Eisenhower signed one into law later that year."

posted at 12:36 am
on Jan. 6, 2006


Tales of Future Past

I want to live in the future! That would be so cool. Oh, well. Maybe tomorrow.

posted at 5:26 pm
on Jan. 5, 2006


Damn Interesting ? The “Wow!” Signal

One of those oddities that'll never be explained.

posted at 6:40 pm
on Jan. 4, 2006


Add your own favorite recipe to Extra Tasty (I added the Silverlake Slip)

It's dee-diddly-icious.

posted at 11:25 am
on Jan. 4, 2006


Can this Flash game make me want to buy more Gap clothes?

Surprisingly, the answer is yes. Supergood.

posted at 10:33 am
on Jan. 4, 2006


Susie and I are interviewed about blogging and journalism

“Blogging is the biggest single influence on newspapers today.”: Hyperbole always wins!

posted at 1:07 pm
on Jan. 3, 2006


Ah, the Local Kid Lemonade Stand, a great tradition

Ought to be able to publish that success in a community paper, it's so cute. Thanks, Lee.

posted at 3:39 pm
on Jan. 2, 2006


Super-duper funny Blonde Joke

Thanks Darren!

posted at 2:47 pm
on Jan. 2, 2006


Falling Sand Game - Start wasting the new year today!

No, there's no point; yes, it doesn't matter.

posted at 10:47 am
on Jan. 2, 2006


~stevenf: Aerophobe

About one man's battle with the fear of flying.

posted at 10:35 pm
on Jan. 1, 2006


Has Google Maps had satellite pictures of France for a long time?

It's news to me. Still no map, though.

posted at 9:43 pm
on Jan. 1, 2006



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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