Because of writers like this. (Not that I haven't ever had my copy totally screwed over by a bad editing job, but come on.)
posted at 11:13 am on Jul. 31, 2008
It's by Phillip Toledano, and it's also amazingly well put together.
posted at 9:47 am on Jul. 31, 2008
Go, Lee!
posted at 11:38 am on Jul. 30, 2008
Jimmyjane's FORM 6 Vibrating Massager, to be exact.
posted at 9:20 am on Jul. 30, 2008
Amazing and sad story.
posted at 3:21 pm on Jul. 28, 2008
My friend Dennis just started this up.
posted at 7:35 pm on Jul. 27, 2008
Scroll down. It's worth it.
posted at 11:45 am on Jul. 25, 2008
It's ridiculously hard to tell.
posted at 12:18 pm on Jul. 24, 2008
State workers in Utah may be a good test case.
posted at 11:44 am on Jul. 24, 2008
6,472 so far this year. Ouch.
posted at 3:15 am on Jul. 24, 2008
To be fair, I've misspelled worse things -- though I don't have a personal copy editing department.
posted at 3:15 am on Jul. 24, 2008
The product placement is lame, the fact that it's FAKE coffee is even worse.
posted at 5:00 pm on Jul. 23, 2008
In 2000: 4,800. In 2005: 300. In 2008: 33,000. Uh oh.
posted at 4:25 pm on Jul. 23, 2008
Approximately 780,000 marriages won't be counted (but presumably the people in them still will be). 😊
posted at 11:35 am on Jul. 22, 2008
Well, according to this BBC article, there are. Few facts back up the assertion.
posted at 11:29 am on Jul. 22, 2008
In Calgary. See, exciting things happen in Calgary...
posted at 2:21 pm on Jul. 21, 2008
By my friend, CC Holland.
posted at 3:14 am on Jul. 15, 2008
There's nothing on the Peer 1 home page, blog, news page, or in the forum announcements section. It's only talked about in the forums "Network Status" section.
posted at 8:30 pm on Jul. 14, 2008
Color me impressed.
posted at 5:22 pm on Jul. 14, 2008
Use SFTP instead.
posted at 5:22 pm on Jul. 14, 2008
An amazing piece of art, and today's featured article on Wikipedia. I hope I get to see it some day.
posted at 4:43 pm on Jul. 14, 2008
Very long, very interesting article.
posted at 1:57 pm on Jul. 13, 2008
It's public art, people!
posted at 1:54 pm on Jul. 13, 2008
Thanks, Kottke.
posted at 1:29 am on Jul. 11, 2008
Not scary, 30 seconds long.
posted at 1:27 am on Jul. 11, 2008
I love the Post-it note butter and the elastic band spaghetti. The Rubik's cube garlic is fun, too.
posted at 1:19 am on Jul. 11, 2008
Then you'll be depressed because of work AND because of this animated video.
posted at 11:35 am on Jul. 10, 2008
"Facebook will soon be removing Network Pages from the site. While you will still be in your current networks, you will not be able to access Network Pages." ORLY?
posted at 3:58 pm on Jul. 9, 2008
Some recent studies are showing that childless adults may be more satisfied with their lives.
posted at 1:05 pm on Jul. 9, 2008
Previously: $30/300MB or $100/6GB. As of today, a new plan offers $30 for 6GB. Completely arbitrary, and proof that the rates are not tied to anything more than "how much can we get away with charging".
posted at 11:08 am on Jul. 9, 2008
The paintings in this story are excellent, too.
posted at 9:44 am on Jul. 9, 2008
... make friends! They're not here to make friends! They're here to be famous winners!
posted at 9:39 am on Jul. 9, 2008
It's pretty interesting.
posted at 6:10 pm on Jul. 8, 2008
It's a contest from PutPlace. I entered.
posted at 3:54 pm on Jul. 8, 2008
Is this: a) Apple punishing Rogers, b) part of some deal with Rogers, c) an unsubstantiated rumor?
posted at 10:49 am on Jul. 8, 2008
Funny writing. Worst job ever.
posted at 10:47 am on Jul. 8, 2008
By my college musician friend, Chris Blake.
posted at 12:15 pm on Jul. 7, 2008
Tony Pierce Tells You Why You Should
posted at 9:49 am on Jul. 7, 2008
Let's see how they react to rumors of shipments being diverted away from Canada.
posted at 9:42 am on Jul. 7, 2008
.travis, for example, or .nep. Hmmmmmmm. The details / costs haven't been worked out yet, but...
posted at 12:14 am on Jul. 7, 2008
Watch the video, then click the link.
posted at 2:08 pm on Jul. 6, 2008
Blackjack Fireworks is awesome.
posted at 2:16 am on Jul. 5, 2008
Truly hilarious.
posted at 2:45 pm on Jul. 3, 2008
Lord knows I'm not perfect, but if someone asks you to take down an image -- do it!
posted at 5:35 pm on Jul. 2, 2008
Yeah, it's a funny video.
posted at 12:01 pm on Jul. 2, 2008
Respect for other cultures is easy. It just involves hard work and honesty.
posted at 10:10 am on Jul. 2, 2008
The image fulgerator. Truly a prankster's dream.
posted at 12:49 pm on Jul. 1, 2008
“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”
...who said it?
“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”
...who said it?
“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”
...who said it?
“I play with variables constantly.”
...who said it?
“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”
...who said it?
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