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Cute Puppy Picture

Need a 30 second pick-me-up on a Monday? Can't beat this picture.

posted at 10:30 am
on Feb. 27, 2006


Susie’s blogging book is getting reprinted

This is a good sign, like being asked back on stage for an encore!

posted at 3:08 pm
on Feb. 26, 2006


I just saw a PSA on TV that warned me to have these with me while snowmobiling

"Every year, people die because they don't have ice safety picks with them while snowmobiling and they go through the ice into frigid water. Don't become another statistic." I can't believe that there are enough of these to merit "statistics" but I promise never to go snowmobiling without them.

posted at 8:09 pm
on Feb. 24, 2006


Heartsongs: A CD of music based on people’s actual heartbeats

It sounds great until your CD skips and you DIE.

posted at 3:58 pm
on Feb. 23, 2006


Did You Know: Skype sometimes takes away all your credit for no good reason?

Read Article 6.5: If you go 180 days without using any of your credits, Skype reclaims them all, without even a warning email. Didja know that? I've got a customer support request to get my credits back, and I'll let you know how it goes, but basically, I'm out $$$ for no reason.

posted at 10:28 am
on Feb. 23, 2006


Truthdig Report: Secret Service Agents Say Cheney Was Drunk While Hunting

I know folks who'd kinda LIKE this to be true, but is it really?

posted at 12:46 am
on Feb. 23, 2006


My new home page, build with Google’s Web-based app

When will Google come out with a calendar tool? When? When?

posted at 11:46 pm
on Feb. 22, 2006


TV’s Aryan Sisterhood - The blondeing of America’s television reporters

It's a pretty cool slide show.

posted at 12:42 pm
on Feb. 22, 2006


Will Pate is looking for a job

He thinks Google Juice will help him land a better gig, and who am I to disagree?

posted at 9:42 pm
on Feb. 21, 2006


Mathew Ingram is proposing a Toronto blogging conference, sort of Mayish

Would it be called Northern Voice East? Or NorthEastern Voice? Or Eastern Voice (Also Northern)? So many issues, so little time.

posted at 8:22 pm
on Feb. 21, 2006


Guinness’s new blog forgets Canada

You need to say what country you're from, but they left Canada off the list.

posted at 12:24 pm
on Feb. 16, 2006


Instapundit Glenn Reynolds finally noticed Susie’s book

What he doesn't recall is that he's featured on page 44, 126 and 282, with a screen shot each time.

posted at 5:59 pm
on Feb. 15, 2006


So far, ‘Eight Below’ has a perfect review rating

I'm totally going to go see it.

posted at 11:16 pm
on Feb. 14, 2006


Cinemorgue: A listing of who dies in every movie

Damn, people are weird.

posted at 8:02 pm
on Feb. 14, 2006


If you use Mac OS X, you owe it to yourself to try the Camino browser

I've been using it since version 0.6 -- it's my favorite, and I recommend it to everyone.

posted at 7:16 pm
on Feb. 14, 2006


Music band Great Big Sea almost dies in a bus crash, blogs it

Absolutely amazing account of the event. I got chills reading it.

posted at 1:36 pm
on Feb. 13, 2006


Hot Dog People - A Flickr Photoset

Can anything make hot dogs even better? The answer, my friends, is yes.

posted at 1:22 am
on Feb. 13, 2006


500kV Switch Opening - Video

It's short and sweet.

posted at 7:06 pm
on Feb. 12, 2006


Does B.C. Business magazine have a new editor yet?

Just wonderin'.

posted at 6:04 pm
on Feb. 12, 2006


VP Dick Cheney Shoots, Injures Man While Hunting

Taking terrorist hunting to the streets.

posted at 1:35 pm
on Feb. 12, 2006


Doomsday seed vault to avert world famine

Mmmmm, seeds.

posted at 3:34 am
on Feb. 11, 2006


Stellarly funny video of a sad dog wearing a coat

Ella is a poor, poor puppy.

posted at 12:36 am
on Feb. 11, 2006


Calgary’s was just sold to Getty - $30 mil

Why read a news story? Blog feeds tell all.

posted at 11:50 pm
on Feb. 10, 2006


Graffiti made of yarn

It's a form of art called "Knittaplease" or something, I don't know, my attention span is not so good these days hey look shiny!

posted at 10:06 am
on Feb. 10, 2006


Emerald Nuts site is really entertaining

I didn't say "it's nuts!" Am I getting old? Play the game in the 1978 year of history.

posted at 12:05 am
on Feb. 10, 2006


Why is this bloghosting software becoming popular?

At this link, it's theorized it's because the forum admin is "HOT"

posted at 11:08 pm
on Feb. 9, 2006


Look: Already Movable Type’s copying EE’s style contest!

Boy, those MT people can move fast when they see a good idea! Way to go, EE team!

posted at 10:37 pm
on Feb. 9, 2006


Apple’s iCal Library is dead

Did you notice that the movies, DVDs and Film Festival iCals all stopped updated at the end of 2005? Me neither.

posted at 4:04 pm
on Feb. 9, 2006


A Montana culinary experience: 7 Chefs in 7 Days for only $10,800

Shouldn't they have made it cost $7,700?

posted at 12:45 pm
on Feb. 9, 2006


Would you believe, another Travis Smith launched a horizontal web site?

Copy cat, copy cat.

posted at 1:58 am
on Feb. 9, 2006


Best unicorn picture ever

Or at least best photo this week.

posted at 7:15 pm
on Feb. 8, 2006


This is what journalists stand up for

I'm pleased at this development, but sad that so many other egregious "big media" actions resulted in less activism from rank-and-file journalists.

posted at 2:18 pm
on Feb. 8, 2006


How to MAKE Enhanced Podcasts (with images, links and bookmarks)

Handy! Thanks, Make magazine!

posted at 2:10 pm
on Feb. 8, 2006


A mathenmatical solution to the toilet seat problem

Up in the morning, down at night: it's fair for everyone.

posted at 1:32 pm
on Feb. 8, 2006


Liar, liar, climate’s on fire…

Would you hire a 24 year old college dropout to work at public affairs at NASA? I guess if he helped you get elected....

posted at 1:12 pm
on Feb. 8, 2006


Mutiny at the Blenz Cafe

I won't be surprised if this becomes a Web hit. Four wage slave workers quit en masse to protest "Scott" -- "Treat your staff better" indeed.

posted at 1:15 am
on Feb. 6, 2006

Permalink Apple’s new “itpc” podcast URL prefix

Thanks, Derek K. Miller!

posted at 1:14 am
on Feb. 6, 2006


NASA launches an empty space suit containing a ham radio

I knew shrinking budgets were an issue, but this seems a little too Goodwill-y.

posted at 8:48 pm
on Feb. 3, 2006


The ExpressionEngine $15,000 Shootout!—enter your blog

If you use EE, that is. Top prize: $1000.

posted at 12:52 pm
on Feb. 3, 2006


U.S. shoots up Canadian ambassador’s car in Iraq

"We just so weren't expecting the convoy to open up on us," said one Canadian in the car. I would have said "Holy crap, what a bunch of assholes! We almost died!" which is why I'm not a diplomat.

posted at 3:04 am
on Feb. 3, 2006


Vancouver’s first homicide of 2006

Meanwhile, Los Angeles has had more than one homicide a day this year. But that's good news, that's 25% less than last year.

posted at 2:44 am
on Feb. 3, 2006


-81.4F: One man’s recollection of N.A.‘s coldest day ever


posted at 2:17 am
on Feb. 3, 2006


JavaScript’s History: How Did We Get Here?

A great read.

posted at 3:20 pm
on Feb. 2, 2006


My first profession photo credit in quite some time can be seen here Knitty! Mandy looks s-h-a-r-p.

posted at 1:13 am
on Feb. 2, 2006


Cool friendly Los Angeles monster video

Parse that sentence however you'd like.

posted at 11:44 am
on Feb. 1, 2006



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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