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So You Want to Be a Consultant - Computerworld

This guy has lots of advice, even though he only did it for 9 months

posted at 9:53 pm
on Nov. 30, 2004


Mom’s Cancer: A comic strip about hope

And they say comics aren't a serious art form. This should win a Pulitzer.

posted at 11:46 pm
on Nov. 20, 2004


Bloodletters - Hack Yourself

An excellent meme, with an excellent design.

posted at 3:40 pm
on Nov. 20, 2004


Tourist’s Guide To Driving Around Washington D.C. ||

That's where I'm spending Thanksgiving.

posted at 12:36 pm
on Nov. 19, 2004


A Visual Guide to How Not to Pull a Car Out of the Ocean

I was hoping the third vehicle would go in, too. (from

posted at 12:12 pm
on Nov. 19, 2004


Journalism student from BYU says he was unfairly arrested :: The Daily Herald, Provo Utah

Everyone's got problems with the man.

posted at 10:20 am
on Nov. 19, 2004


A Photo Gallery of Love Graffiti

From dailywebthing linkport

posted at 9:46 am
on Nov. 19, 2004


The ad Mentos probably wouldn’t want you to see

Funny parody.

posted at 3:46 am
on Nov. 19, 2004


kevin pang has the worst case of ear worm EVER

At least it wasn't Herman's Hermits. "I'm Henry the 8th, I am," indeed.

posted at 3:07 am
on Nov. 19, 2004


Student create a lego robot that plays the first level of Mario

Or so they say. Well, at least they're not hanging out at the local liquor store.

posted at 3:07 pm
on Nov. 18, 2004


Press this red button to be instantly cheered up

Then spend the next few minutes going "WTF" to yourself.

posted at 3:01 pm
on Nov. 18, 2004


In this game, I counted 160 stars. How Many can you do?

It's skills like these they don't teach in school.

posted at 2:48 pm
on Nov. 18, 2004


City of Heroes Held a Costume Contest (photos)

Amazing work.

posted at 12:54 am
on Nov. 18, 2004


These Commercials Are Hilarious

AND, they actually get what news Web sites are all about. Kudos, CNN.

posted at 12:34 am
on Nov. 18, 2004


A music video about Bugs on Bush

And I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.

posted at 10:38 pm
on Nov. 12, 2004


A wonderful piece of MP3 history: The True Story of Audion

I bought Audion, once upon a time. It's nice now to know what I was supporting.

posted at 1:18 am
on Nov. 12, 2004


Flickr has an iPhoto Exporter

And this is the discussion about it

posted at 2:40 pm
on Nov. 11, 2004


TV show “Scrubs” features a real telephone number—answered by the show’s star

I can't believe this isn't done more often. But I guess the problem is, that number is now pretty much shot for anyone else ever.

posted at 11:56 pm
on Nov. 10, 2004


Vancouver photo slideshow on Flickr

It's a pretty amazing site, Flickr is.

posted at 8:03 pm
on Nov. 10, 2004


U.S. Druggists refuse to give out birth control pills on moral grounds

They will, however, give you a false eye if you bring in a used one in or even tooth for a tooth.

posted at 5:21 pm
on Nov. 10, 2004


The NY Times took crappy photos of Kerry

The argument and evidence is fairly convincing. The reasons behind it are unexplained, though.

posted at 5:11 pm
on Nov. 10, 2004


I’m selling some stuff on eBay

Money clips and storage cards and cell phones: Are these a few of your favorite things? (eBay's URLs suck)

posted at 4:41 pm
on Nov. 10, 2004


A Single Random Scrabble Tile

There's probably a reason no one else did this first...

posted at 5:15 pm
on Nov. 9, 2004


From cells to bells, 10 things the Chinese do far better than N. America

A comparative list compiled by Jan Wong @

posted at 2:14 am
on Nov. 9, 2004


Comic Strip Sums Up America

Well, "life in these united soviet states" made _me_ laugh

posted at 10:53 pm
on Nov. 8, 2004


Scientists calculate how high heels can go

"Come on honey, just put these on ... it's for science

posted at 10:48 pm
on Nov. 8, 2004


who took my frog / who found my frog / ps. i’ll find my frog

It's the next "All Your Base Are Belong to Us"

posted at 2:19 am
on Nov. 8, 2004


The wait at the Vancouver Library for “Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell” is 228 people long

On the plus side, they just bought another copy.

posted at 7:36 am
on Nov. 7, 2004


Factland - a cheapo inference engine

It didn't seem to think much of me.

posted at 1:05 am
on Nov. 7, 2004


O.M.G…. Christian Conservatives Must Not Compromise

A revolting piece of partisan Republican screed

posted at 12:55 am
on Nov. 6, 2004


Making web pages printable using CSS

Link for geeks and me.

posted at 2:11 pm
on Nov. 5, 2004


Salt Lake City Weekly details the lives of the asexual

It's pretty fascinating.

posted at 12:46 pm
on Nov. 5, 2004


MarryAnAmerican - Homepage - No good American will be left behind!

It's a spoof, folks.

posted at 4:41 pm
on Nov. 3, 2004


Password protect your blog :: Adam Kalsey

Only works for some blogs and some hosts (where you control the templates, and can add and execute PHP). But still useful.

posted at 10:31 am
on Nov. 3, 2004


The New York Times: Drought Unearths a Buried Treasure

Glen Canyon's wonders are exposed for the first time since the dam was built 30 years ago.

posted at 5:22 pm
on Nov. 2, 2004


Media Networks Calls of Key States for Bush or Kerry

This is a meta chart of great importance. Better watch it.

posted at 4:56 pm
on Nov. 2, 2004


kevin pang and his prayer for intelligent democracy


posted at 2:14 pm
on Nov. 2, 2004



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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