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This 103.08 TiAlN Urwerk looks like a nice watch

I wonder how many iPhones I could buy for the same price.

posted at 11:15 pm
on Nov. 29, 2008


An interesting charity angle: Menu for Hope

I'd be interested in this.

posted at 5:48 pm
on Nov. 29, 2008


3 Cool Tricks You Can Only Do In Photoshop CS4

The 3D stuff seems like overkill, but the other two things are really powerfully easy to use.

posted at 4:53 pm
on Nov. 27, 2008


Retired B.C. woman’s travel dream dashed by being on the U.S. no-fly list

And she can't get her name removed. Awful story.

posted at 4:29 pm
on Nov. 27, 2008


Graph: 7 wonders of the modern world.

Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Ha!

posted at 6:10 pm
on Nov. 26, 2008


Twitter is no longer delivering outbound SMS over their Canadian shortcode

This probably has something to do with Rogers. Them being the devil, I mean..

posted at 2:33 pm
on Nov. 26, 2008


Susanne Klatten: the billionairess and her blackmailing gigalo

It reads like the plot to an airplane novel. But it happened

posted at 10:26 am
on Nov. 25, 2008


Why Are Christians Having Better Sex Than the Rest of Us?

Because God has a sense of humor.

posted at 10:20 am
on Nov. 25, 2008


A javascript that makes an ASCII heart out of whatever word you pick

Pretty .... cheesy, actually.

posted at 11:47 pm
on Nov. 24, 2008


cool video about the exponential age of information we live in. 5 min long

Worth watching.

posted at 10:17 pm
on Nov. 24, 2008


Beautiful writing, about the anniversary of a friend’s murder

So sad and touching.

posted at 12:32 am
on Nov. 24, 2008


Simple Features Can Be Very Hard to Code: Why Estimates aren’t Promises

An example, using favicons.

posted at 12:29 am
on Nov. 24, 2008


Video: Base jumpers sneak in and jump off the world’s highest building, Dubai

Pretty amazing. It's not even done yet - they jumped off it at 650 m, it will be 800 m at completion. They walked up 160 floors in 40 degree heat, to avoid security in the elevator.

posted at 2:14 pm
on Nov. 23, 2008


Comprehensive guide to iPhone 2.2 upgrade

I'm weakening. I sense I will install it soon.

posted at 12:02 am
on Nov. 22, 2008


A great collection of “The End” screens from movies

Totally cool.

posted at 12:01 am
on Nov. 22, 2008


pervious: There ought to be a law about rare words too much like real words

Pervious is the perfect example. Make a type spelling "previous," and you expect your spell checker to catch it, but it can't because there's this useless little-used but real word, "pervious," that stops you from being informed you made a typo. Damn!

posted at 7:40 pm
on Nov. 21, 2008


Video capture of a large meteor burning up over Edmonton, Canada

Truly neat. Great capture.

posted at 4:16 pm
on Nov. 21, 2008


Travis Smith runs a red light, crashes into two police cruisers

I claim the 5th.

posted at 12:32 pm
on Nov. 21, 2008


Une douche ?cossaise - interesting French expression

You have to read French to understand it, but it's basically the idea of having a shower that's both hot and cold, heightening the effects of both, and it's used in a dramatic or metaphorical sense, like a horror scene that has some black humor in it to make it seem even more horrible, or a love relationship that has strife in it, or in cooking when you encounter two flavors that oppose but bring out each other.

posted at 12:01 pm
on Nov. 19, 2008


Italian Leather computer sleeves made to look like interoffice mail envelopes

This won't help the Mac stereotype, folks.

posted at 11:21 am
on Nov. 19, 2008


Unsold Foreign Cars Hogging Space at a California Port

The photo is interesting, but the story is worth at least 1,000 words.

posted at 10:23 pm
on Nov. 18, 2008


Cat Riding a Roomba

I'm ... speechless. But not linkless.

posted at 5:50 pm
on Nov. 18, 2008


Canadian housing slump deepens as prices drop most in 26 years

That is for October, over last October, Canada-wide. Vancouver's drop is not as large.

posted at 12:03 pm
on Nov. 17, 2008


A Superstar Chef Closes His Michelin Three-Star Restaurant

Cross it off my list.

posted at 9:00 am
on Nov. 17, 2008


Vancouver’s Plan for 2010 Winter Games Hits Financial Snag (

Snag being: Olympics cost a CRAPload of money.

posted at 3:11 pm
on Nov. 15, 2008


Word of the Day: renoviction

Evicting people so you can renovate and charge much higher rents.

posted at 12:55 pm
on Nov. 14, 2008


Apple’s Time Machine doesn’t back up MacOS X Server properly

It leaves out, for example, all your email accounts and log files. D'oh!

posted at 6:06 pm
on Nov. 13, 2008


List of the top 20 ‘Twitterers’ in Vancouver unveiled

Attention media: Despite what his "About" page says, Darren Barefoot does not live in Vancouver! Geez!

posted at 2:59 pm
on Nov. 13, 2008


He Threw a Facebook Friends Party, and No One Came

I'm not surprised.

posted at 3:50 am
on Nov. 13, 2008


How to Tell if Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You

Basically: it is.

posted at 1:25 am
on Nov. 13, 2008


Mammalian diving reflex

Neat human tricks.

posted at 9:34 pm
on Nov. 12, 2008


Six Apart Fires 8% of Its Staff, Disables Comments for That Blog Entry

I'm sad to see any company go through cuts. But leave the comments on, guys -- isn't that the whole point of blogging?

posted at 7:13 pm
on Nov. 12, 2008


The best picture of a cookie I’ve ever seen

Oh yum.

posted at 4:03 pm
on Nov. 12, 2008


Patriot Act deja vu: Tax legislation snuck through during market crisis will cost $140 billion

That's $140 billion missing tax dollars that has to come from tax payers like me.

posted at 1:32 pm
on Nov. 12, 2008


Sprint has a really cool page: The Now page

Fun to goggle at.

posted at 1:28 pm
on Nov. 12, 2008


American military cemeteries in Europe honor heroes in both world wars

For Remembrance Day.

posted at 4:14 am
on Nov. 11, 2008


Packs of robots will hunt down uncooperative humans

But don't worry, it's being built by the best minds the mililtary has to ... agg oockk get away zzzaapp! Ahhhh!!

posted at 4:05 pm
on Nov. 10, 2008


Mediasaurus: Crichton’s 1993 article about the impeding extinction of mass media

Money quote: "The media are an industry, and their product is information. And along with many other American industries, the American media produce a product of very poor quality. Its information is not reliable, it has too much chrome and glitz, its doors rattle, it breaks down almost immediately, and it's sold without warranty. It's flashy but it's basically junk. So people have begun to stop buying it."

posted at 4:02 pm
on Nov. 10, 2008


That huge voter turnout? Didn’t happen

Basically, some more voters because the population has grown, but about the same percentage of the "eligible voter" pool, came to the polls. Many Republicans stayed home.

posted at 6:11 pm
on Nov. 9, 2008


How he bought a foreclosed house

Interesting, if anecdotal, account of an L.A. Times reporter.

posted at 6:11 pm
on Nov. 9, 2008


Amazing search for smileys: Twitter search

What makes it amazing? If you search for a smiley like : ) it finds OTHER smileys, like : D and : - ) -- it's that sort of necessary attention to detail that makes competing in search so hard.

posted at 7:19 pm
on Nov. 8, 2008


A profile of Seymour Hersh, the most-feared investigative reporter in Washington

Rachel Cooke meets a prototype.

posted at 10:44 am
on Nov. 8, 2008


MUST READ: Black butler from the White House: A story of years of change

READ THIS WHOLE ARTICLE. It's fairly short, and has among the most amazing endings of any newspaper article I've ever read. (Talk about burying the lead.)

posted at 6:43 pm
on Nov. 7, 2008


More Friday fun: Build a quick Tower from Bloxx

Just click, and you're a slum lord. Tah dah!

posted at 2:26 am
on Nov. 7, 2008


Fun game for Friday: Open Doors, a brain teaser


posted at 2:18 am
on Nov. 7, 2008


Write or Die: A Web app that forces you to write

If one could wire it to one's gonads -- then he'd have a sale-able product!

posted at 1:09 pm
on Nov. 6, 2008


Obama: Graphic Change

A lot of white presidents in that chain.

posted at 3:55 pm
on Nov. 5, 2008


What One Word Describes Your Election State of Mind? - Interactive NYTimes Feature

Really, really neat. Like Twitter, but easier. 😊

posted at 1:37 pm
on Nov. 4, 2008


This. Fucking. Election. in one tall image tower of words

Tomorrow, it will all be worth it.

posted at 12:37 pm
on Nov. 3, 2008


101 Celebrity Photos by The Los Angeles Times

Fun way to spend a few moments. Great shots.

posted at 3:09 pm
on Nov. 2, 2008


Americans increasingly go abroad for affordable medical treatment

A knee here, a heart there, it adds up.

posted at 2:58 pm
on Nov. 2, 2008


music video with smiling music knobs and dials

It's bomb the bass -- and super cool.

posted at 1:13 pm
on Nov. 2, 2008


Why People Participate on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk

They forgot white slavery as a category.

posted at 1:08 pm
on Nov. 2, 2008



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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