The Washington Post has the most wrenching photos I’ve seen of Katrina’s chaos
After looking through them all, I have just two things to say. First, I've never seen devastation, destruction and horror like this in the U.S. before. Second, I bet that 98% of the stranded, un-rescued, starving, dying, suffering people photographed here are black, and yet this fact isn't noted in a single photo caption, not is the issue of race any more that lightly touched on in a few media stories. Yes, you could say that it is simply "the poor" who are suffering, but I think that this hurricane story is going to turn into a race story within the next few days. Do you think aid would be as disorganized and slow if the area damaged was Connecticut? I'm not talking just about the immediate response, but also the funding and the planning and the training and the access to supplies. Why have Florida's disasters not had this level of chaos and despair?
posted at 5:44 am
on Sep. 2, 2005