Many Are Cold But Few Are Frozen: A Physician Considers Cryonics
"Why else do coffins have padding? Of course, to be fair, there are also potential gains from involvement in cryonics which are also independent of whether the technique works or not. Chiefest of these is that cryonics provides a certain amount of comfort for the non-believer. Some of the sting of death can be removed if there remains a chance, however small, that death is not permanent. Of course, the cynic will comment that freezing a corpse is much like putting leftover food in the refrigerator because one cannot immediately tolerate the waste implied in throwing it away. Even if the food is never re-warmed, it is easier to discard if done in two separate steps. So it is, perhaps, with a dead loved-one. Yet comfort is comfort."
posted at 2:37 pm
on Apr. 29, 2006